Message from the Chairperson, Board of Trustees
Professor Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin
Chairperson, Board of Trustees and Founder Vice Chancellor
East West University
Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank
East West University (EWU), since its inception in 1996, has constantly strived to innovate in teaching, learning and research with a view to providing quality education at an affordable cost. Productive and gainful self-employment for its graduates is also a prime objective of the university.
To promote self-employment and start-ups, East West University has recently established the Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC). It gives me immense pleasure to announce the launching of the Post Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (PGDED) program run by EDC. The PGDED program also reflects the societal need to promote entrepreneurship for accelerating the pace of growth with equity in Bangladesh.
The PGDED is a modular program, and the graduates can also use this program to pursue a Masters degree in the future. PGDED is designed to instil knowledge and develop practical skills among students to turn them into impact generating entrepreneurs. The program is delivered in a blended mode: students can attend courses remotely while the assessments will remain in person. From the second semester, an incubator program will help the students transform their business ideas into reality. In addition, as a part of promoting the national call for employment generation, EDC has also arranged seed funds on a competitive basis for best business ideas for an initial start-up of their business.
I do applaud this initiative taken by East West University, the EDC and hope that the PGDED program can successfully train, empower and nurture the budding entrepreneurs to turn their business ideas into reality.