Faculty Members Publication
Ashrafi, D.M., Mone, F. H., Zabeen, M., Sarker, M. A. R., & Shahid, T. (2024). What Drives Users to Recommend Mobile Fitness Apps? A Three-Stage Analysis Using PLS-SEM, Machine Learning, and fsQCA. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-31. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 3.4)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Akhter, M. (2024). The green Fintech paradox: understanding the dynamics of green brand positioning and user decision-making in the digital financial landscape. Journal of Modelling in Management. Ahead of Print (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 2.2)
Chanda, R. C., Vafaei-Zadeh, A., Hanifah, H., Ashrafi, D. M., & Ahmed, T. (2024). Achieving a Sustainable Future by Analyzing Electric Vehicle Adoption in Developing Nations through an Extended Technology Acceptance Model. Sustainable Futures, 100386. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus, Impact factor: 3.3)
Ahmed, S., Chowdhury, U. Y., Ashrafi, D. M., Choudhury, M. M., Ahmed, R., & Ahmed, R. (2024). Speak, search, and stay: determining customers' intentions to use voice-controlled artificial intelligence (AI) for finding suitable hotels and resorts. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 4.80)
Ahmed, S., Ashrafi, D. M., Ahmed, R., Ahmed, E., & Azim, M. (2024). How employee engagement mediates the training and development and work–life balance towards job performance of the private banks?. The TQM Journal. Ahead of Print. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact factor: 3.80)
Ashrafi, D. M. (2024). Technology Takes the Wheel: Unveiling the Drivers of Car Dashcam Adoption. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2450024. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.8)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Maoua, J. (2024). Harvest to basket: understanding drivers of organic food purchase behaviour through interpretive structural modelling and MICMAC approach. Journal of Modelling in Management. Ahead of Print. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.5)
Ashrafi, D. M., Ahmed, S., & Shahid, T. S. (2024). Privacy or trust: understanding the privacy paradox in users intentions towards e-pharmacy adoption through the lens of privacy-calculus model. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. Ahead of Print. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 3.0)
Ahmed, S., Ahmed, R., Ashrafi, D. M., Ahmed, E., & Annamalah, S. (2024). Building Trust in Cybernetic Payment Network: Insights from an Emerging Economy. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 100331. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Chowdhury, S. M., Habiba, W., Chowdhury, S. H., Alam, M. S., Zabeen, M., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2024). Rigidity or fluidity? Does variety-seeking vary based on perceived threat during the COVID-19 pandemic? Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 46(2), 197-211 (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Easmin, R., & Anwar, T. (2023). Funding Dreams, Fueling Causes: Individuals' Behavioral Intentions Toward Donation-Based Crowdfunding. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 20(4). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Easmin, R. (2023). Okay Google, Good to Talk to You… Examining the Determinants Affecting Users’ Behavioral Intention for Adopting Voice Assistants: Does Technology Self-Efficacy Matter?. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 20(02), 2350004. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.8)
Ahmed, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., Choudhury, M. M., Rahman, M. K., & Mohiuddin, M. (2023). Determining the intention to use app-based medicine service in an emerging economy. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-15. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Ahmed, S., Hawarna, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., & Rahman, M. K. (2023). Mediating role of lean management on the effects of workforce management and value-added time in private hospitals. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 5.76)
Ashrafi, D. M., Alam, I., & Anzum, M. (2021). An empirical investigation of consumers’ intention for using ride-sharing applications: Does perceived risk matter?. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 18(08), 2150040. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 1.8)
Ahmed, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., Choudhury, M. M., Rahman, M. K., & Mohiuddin, M. (2023). Determining the intention to use app-based medicine service in an emerging economy. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-15. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Alam, I., Ashrafi, D. M., & Kabir, M. R. (2023). Buy or Die: An Investigation of Consumers’ Intention to Engage in Unusual Purchasing Behavior Through the Lens of Stimulus-Organism-Response Approach. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 31(1), 324-463. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ahmed, S., Hawarna, S., Alqasmi, I., Mohiuddin, M., Rahman, M. K., & Ashrafi, D. M. (2022). Role of Lean Six Sigma approach for enhancing the patient safety and quality improvement in the hospitals. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-11. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Easmin, R. (2023). The Role of Innovation Resistance and Technology Readiness in the Adoption of QR Code Payments Among Digital Natives: A Serial Moderated Mediation Model. International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management, 18(1). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ahmed, S., Islam, R., Ashrafi, D. M., Alqasmi, I., Choudhury, M. M., Rahman, M., & Dhar, B. K. (2023). Effects of lean and six sigma initiatives on continuous quality improvement of the accredited hospitals. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-13. (Indexed by Web of Science and Scopus; Impact Factor: 2.1)
Ashrafi, D. M., & Kabir, M. R. (2023). Human or AI? Understanding they key drivers of customers' adoption of financial robo-advisory service: The role of innovation resilience. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 19(1), 19. (Indexed by Scopus)
Hawarna, S., Ahmed, S., Alqasmi, I., Ashrafi, D. M., Rahman, M. K., & Paraman, P. (2023). The Intricate Relationship of Employee Engagement and Lean Approach toward Quality Improvement of the Public Hospitals. Hospital topics, 1-15. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M. (2023). Managing Consumers’ Adoption of Artificial Intelligence-Based Financial Robo-Advisory Services: A Moderated Mediation Model. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 38(3), 270-301. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Al Karim, R., & Barua, A. (2023). Employer branding, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour: A moderated-mediation approach. Organizational Psychology, 13(4), 83–101. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Zannat, N. E., Easmin, R., & Dovash, R. H. (2022). Understanding the drivers of passengers’ intention to engage in digital multi-sided ridesharing platforms: Moderating impact of openness to experience and perceived risk. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 29(2), 305-351. (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Dovash, R. H., & Kabir, M. R. (2022). Determinants of fintech service continuance behavior: Moderating role of transaction security and trust. Journal of Global Business & Technology, 18(2). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ashrafi, D. M., Habiba, W., & Alam, I. (2020). An assessment of the behavioural intention for using ride-sharing services: Empirical evidence from a developing country. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 24(1), 36-62. (Indexed by Scopus)
Sarker, M. A. R., & Ashrafi, D. M. (2018). The relationship between internal marketing and employee job satisfaction: A study from retail shops in Bangladesh. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 12(3). (Indexed by Scopus)
Ahmed, E., Ahmed, R., Ahmed, S., Choudhury, M. M., Ashrafi, D. M., & Ahmed, R. (2024). Behavioural Intention to Use Voice-Based Artificial Intelligence to Find Hotels and Resorts. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Ashrafi, M. D; Mone, F. H and Sarker, A.R. (2019). An Analysis on work life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh. Presented at International Conference on Business Management arranged by International Islamic University Malaysia, Department of Business Administration, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, Malaysia.
Sarker, A. R. and Ashrafi, M. (2018). Engaging Graduates to be Social Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects. Presented at 24th EBES Conference-Bangkok jointly organized by The Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University,
Sarker, A.R. & Ashrafi, M. (2016). Does Internal Marketing Influence Employee’s Job Satisfaction? A Study From Retail Shops In Bangladesh. Emerging Trends in Marketing. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Business Research-2016 organized by East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Journal Publication
- Das, U., Moutushi, R.H. and Tofa, N.N. (2020). Factors influencing the Bank’s performance: Comparative study between fourth generation and top banks of Bangladesh. European Journal of Applied Business and Management, [online] 6(4).
Available at: https://nidisag.isag.pt/index.php/IJAM/article/view/513
Journal Publication
Fahim, M.M.U., Amin, S, 2024. "An Empirical Investigation of Herd Behaviour in COVID-19 Perspective: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)", Global Business and Economics Review, Inderscience Publishers (SCOPUS, Q4); Status: Accepted.
Khan, M.S. and Fahim, M.M.U., 2021. "The four-factor model and stock returns in Bangladesh." International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 6(2), pp.133-149. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijafr.v6i2.1122.
1. Sattar, M., & Jalal, R. (2024). Impact of Covid-19 on Firm Performance: A Systematic Literature Review Using PRISMA Framework. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 14(4). https://doi.org/10.54560/jracr.v14i4.561 (SCOPUS Indexed)
Uddin, M. K., Al Sayed, A., & Khan, S. I. (2024). Unveiling the Drivers of Social Entrepreneurship Intentions: Insights from Business Graduates in Bangladesh. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2024.2400914. Taylor and Francis. Scopus. (Q1)
Impact of Talent Management Practices on Sustainable Organizational Performance: A Study on the Telecommunication Industry of Bangladesh
- "Subsidies and Inefficiency; a Stochastic Frontier Approach," Contemporary Economic Policy, vol. XV, July, 1997 (with Sakano and Obeng).
- "Type of management and subsidy Induced Allocative Distortions in Urban Transit Firms --- A Time
Series Approach", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Spring 1996. (with Kofi Obeng) - "Allocative Distortions From Transit Subsidies", International Journal of Transport Economics, February 1995. (with Kofi Obeng)
- "The Intended Relationship Between Federal Operating Subsidy and Cost," Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 23, No.1, January, 1995.
- "Sources of Change in U.S. Manufactured Exports during the Eighties", Journal of Economics and
Finance, Vol. 18, Number 1, Spring 1994 (with Farida Azam). - "Revisiting Relationship Between Growth and Poverty", Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 22, No. 1, Summer 1993 (with Alonzo Redmon).
- "US Export Performance: 1978-1987" Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on International
Economic competitiveness, Institute of International Economic Competitiveness, Radford University, March 23-25, 1990 (with Farida Azam). - Modeling Economic Inefficiency from Transit Subsidies, Praeger 1997 (with Kofi Obeng and Ryoichi
Sakano). This is an advanced level book. - Government Subsidies and Economic Inefficiency in Public Transit (with Kofi Obeng). This research was done for the US Department of Transportation. The project was funded by the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1994.
- Terms of Trade for Jute: A Note" Bangladesh and UNCTAD V, ed. By K.M. Matin (Dhaka, Bangladesh: B.I.D.S., 1982) with S.R. Osmani, and Q.K. Ahmad.
- World Trade in Primary Commodities, the Case of Jute, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1979. The project was funded by the Third World Forum.
- “Which Way is Liberal Democracy Headed”, The Independent, September 27, 2012.
- “The Making of Iraq War”, Daily Sun, January, 2012.
- "From Plassey to PRSP: The anatomy of poverty creation", The Daily Star, Vol. 5, Aug 2006.
- A Doctrinal History of US Foreign Policy: The Missing Link, Greensboro News & Record, January 2002.
- “Koran Foretells Inevitable Conflict – A Reply,” Greensboro News & Record, December 2001.
Conference Presentations/Participations/Other Professional Activities
- Keynote Speaker at the Golden Jubilee if the Victory Day of Bangladesh and China as the Development Partner of Bangladesh, December 18, 2023.
- Member, International Best of Regions Award Committee, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 2022 and 2023.
- Evaluator, International Teaching Excellence Award, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, 2022.
- Marketing Evolution in the Post Covit Scenario, presented at the Valedictory session, 4th International Marketing Conference, SIES College of Management Studies, February 13, 2021.
- Challenges in Higher Education, Annual Meeting of the Higher Education Forum held on December 7, 2019, in Mumbai, India. (Distinguished Speaker)
- ACBSP Annual Conference on the Art of Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders, held on June 21-24, 2019, in Houston, Texas, USA, USA.
- ACBSP Annual Conference on Transforming Student Success through Recruitment, Retention, and Re-entry, June 8-11, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
- ACBSP Annual Conference on Preparing Students for Career Success, held on June 23-26, 2017, in Anaheim, California, USA.
- "Rise of the West: Evidence from the Early Modern Period", East-West University, Dhaka Bangladesh, August 2005.
- "Subsidies and Inefficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Approach," with Sakano R. and K. Obeng. Presented at the Western Economic Association meeting held in San Francisco, June 29-July 2, 1996.
- "Transit subsidies, Allocative Distortion and Input Demand", with K. Obeng. Presented at the Western Economic Association meeting held in San Francisco, June 29-July 2, 1996.
- "The Intended Relationship between Federal Operating Subsidy and Cost," with K. Obeng. Presented at the Southern Economic Association Meeting held in San Francisco, July 9-13, 1992.
- "Government Debt and U.S. German Interest Rate Differential," with Faik Koray. Presented at the Western Economic Association Meeting held in San Francisco, July 9-13, 1992
- "Twin Deficit Linkages, Some Empirical Results." Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 29-April 1, 1990.
- "Real Factors in Exchange Rate Determination,” with Farida Azam. Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meeting, Boston, Mass, March 10-12, 1988.
- Discussant, Third Annual Symposium of the Institute for International Economic Competitiveness, College of Business and Economics, Radford University, Radford, Virginia, March 23-25, 1990.
- Participant, Negotiated International Economic Change, Assessing Progress after UNCTAD V, Institute of Developing Studies, Sussex University, Brighton, U.K., June 2-29, 1979.
Community Participation
- Guilford College Anti-Racism Team: 2003 - 2005.
- Greensboro Civic Entrepreneur Initiative: This project aimed to foster community participation in decision-making through leadership development. A three-year project, it was funded by the Pew Charitable Trust and hosted by the Community Foundation of Greensboro. Twenty Cities across the nation participated in it. I was a member of the steering committee.
- ARC of Greensboro: For more than a decade I have been a member of ARC of Greensboro, an advocacy group for the mentally challenged, and have served as the Treasurer for several years.
- Project title: Government Subsidy and Economic Efficiency
- Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation. Grant amount: $80,802.00