Faculty Members Publication
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
"The Threshold Effect of Institutional Quality on Sovereign Debt and Economic Stability", 2024, Journal of Policy Modelling (Elsevier, Q1), Vol. 46 (1): 39-59. Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016189382300131X
"Crop Diversification and Its Impact on Income Diversification and Crop Income in Bangladesh", 2024, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (Taylor and Francis, Q1), Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/figure/10.1080/21683565.2024.2416010?scroll=top&needAccess=true
"An Investigation into the Spatial Rice Market Integration in Bangladesh: Application of Vector Error Correction Approach", 2023, Asian Development Perspectives (Journal of the Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development, Yonsei University, South Korea), Vol.14(1):1-15
"An Analysis of the Impacts of Inflation, Trade Openness and Exchange Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh and Some Selected Emerging Countries" (with Dr. Sayera Younus), 2017, Thoughts on Banking and Finance (Journal of the Bangladesh Bank Training Academy), Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 9- 45.
"Inclusive Growth: Dimensions of Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh" (with Md. Omor Faruq), Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy (Journal of the Bangladesh Economic Association), 2015, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 151-172.
"An Analysis of the Impacts of Temperature on Diarrheal Disease in Bangladesh", International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,2017, Vol.2.No.11. pp- 5040-5049.
"What Factors Affect the Household's Decision to Send Children to Formal School? The Case of Bangladesh", Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2017, Vol. 31(2).
"An Analysis of the Demand for Money in Bangladesh: Partial Adjustment and Vector Error Correction Approach", Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2017, Vol. 5(10).
Conference Papers:
"Inclusive Growth: Dimensions of Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh",19th Biennial Conference of the Bangladesh Economic Association, 08-10 January, 2015.
"An Analysis of the Impacts of Inflation, Trade Openness and Exchange Rate on FDI in Bangladesh and Selected Six Emerging Countries", International Conference for Bankers and Academics 2016 (in association with the Journal of Developing Areas, Tennessee State University, USA), 25-26 September, 2016.
Newspaper Article:
"Gig Economy: The Rise of Self Employed Workers". The Independent Bangladesh, 2021.
Research Contributions:
Toufique, K.A. (2015). Some Thoughts on Hilsha Exports and Management in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Development Studies. Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). XXXVIII(2).
Centre for Policy Dialogue. (2016). An Analysis of the National Budget for FY 2016-17.
Journal Publication
- Khan, S. I., Afroze, R., & Zaman, L. (2022). “Inclusive climate and the performance of employees from Muslim diaspora in the Western organizations", Asian Academy of Management Journal.
- Zaman, L., Sarkar, A. R. and Akther, N. 2018, “Study on Practice of Soft Skills among the Workforce: A Case from Ready Made Garment (RMG) Industry of Bangladesh”, International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(10), 808-818.
- Zaman, L. and Rahman, L. B. 2018, “Status of Private University Students in the Eye of Employers”, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(4), 373-377.
- Zaman, L. 2015, “Competencies Needed for 2015: Employers Preference in Business Graduate Selection”, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 4(3), 22-32.
- Samina, Q. S. and Zaman, L. 2015, “Cash Compensation of CEO or All Employees? Which Affect the Profitability of Private Commercial Banks’ Of Bangladesh”, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 4(3), 89-98.
- Nowshin, S. and Zaman, L. 2013, “An Analysis of Organization Development Process in Telecom Industry in Bangladesh”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(12), 43-58.
- Moumita, N. and Zaman, L. 2013, “An Analysis of Global Training and Experience Sharing in Multinational Companies”, American Journal of Business and Management, 2(1), 75-83.
- Zaman, L., Yasmeen, F. and Al-Mamun, M. 2013, “An Assessment of Fashionable Management Concepts’ Awareness Level amongst Bangladeshi Managers Move towards Knowledge Economy”, International Journal of Applied Research in Business Administration and Economics, 2(1), 40–50.
- Zaman, L. and Hossain, M. S. 2012, “A Comparative Analysis of Human Resource Management Practices between a Local and Foreign Bank of Bangladesh”, Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, 9(1), 58-73.
- Sarker, M. A. R., Hossan, C. G. and Zaman, L., 2012 “Sustainability and Growth of Low Cost Airlines: An Industry Analysis in Global Perspective”, American Journal of Business and Management, 1(3), 162-171.
- Zaman, L., 2012, “The Recruitment and Selection Process of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh: A Case on GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Limited”, American Journal of Business and Management, 1(2), 70-75.
- Zaman, L. 2011, “Human Resource Management (HRM) in Hospitals: A Research on the Recruitment Process of a Bangladeshi Hospital”, Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management, 2(9), 93-98.
- Zaman, L. 2011, “Performance Appraisal Process of Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh: A Case Study on GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Limited”, Journal of Management and Sustainability, 1(1), 141-146.
- Zaman, L., Samina, Q. S. and Sarker, M. A. R. 2013, “Benefits of Training Need Analysis: A Case on Local Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh”, The Jahangirnagar Journal of Finance & Banking, vol.1, 27-35.
Conference Proceedings
- Zaman, L., & Saifuddin, S. M. (2024). Gender differences in social media networking behavior and its impact on career outcomes. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), EDI Conference 2024, Seville, Spain.
- Saifuddin, S. M., Zaman, L., & Hossain, M. S. (2023). Understanding mentoring in the context of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, MA.
- Zaman, L., & Saifuddin, S. M. (2023). Informal networking and career development in the context of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Management (IAAM), Clearwater, FL.
- Saifuddin, S., & Zaman, L. (2021). Conceptualizing mentoring – A Bangladesh perspective. In Proceedings of the 27th International Association for Applied Management (IAAM) Virtual Conference, USA.
- Sarker, A. R., & Zaman, L. (2018). An assessment of soft skill awareness level amongst Bangladeshi managers: A study from ready-made garments (RMG) sector. In Proceedings of the 24th EBES Conference, Bangkok.
- Zaman, L., & Rahman, L. B. (2017). An analysis of employers' attitudes toward private university students in graduate hiring: A case of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Research and Practice, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Khan, S., Zaman, L. & Afroze, R. (2016). Muslim diaspora in the West: A multi-dimensional strategic opportunity for global expansion and diversity management. In Proceedings of the International Business and Social Science Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Samina, Q. S., & Zaman, L. (2015). Scrutinizing the relationship between CEO’s compensation and banks’ profitability: An analysis on private commercial banks of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Zaman, L., & Shil, N. C. (2015). Employers preferred competencies for business graduate selection. In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Al-Mamun, M., & Zaman, L. (2012). Towards knowledge economy: A study of fashionable management concepts awareness among Bangladeshi managers. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Workshops and Training
- International symposium webinar on “Student Satisfaction and Quality of Higher Education” Organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University (EWU). June 19, 2021.
- Webinar workshop on “Outcome-based Curriculum” Organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University (EWU). May 22, 2021.
- Online symposium ‘Transition from Traditional to Outcome Based Education: Call of the Hour’. Organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University (EWU). November 13-14, 2020.
- Workshop on “Teaching Learning Methods and Practices” Organized by IQAC, East West University. September 13-14, 2019.
- Workshop on “Toward a Better Education and Future” and “Reflections on Teaching”. Organized by IQAC, East West University. November 12, 2016.
- Training on Capacity Building for Higher Degree Research (M. Phil, PhD) and PhD Scholarship Placement Assistance. Organized by East West University. March 24-25, 2016.
- Course on Human Resource Management Competencies (HRMC) by Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. April 24 - May 30, 2015.
- Training program on Education Psychology. Organized by East West University. May 9, 14 and 16, 2015.
- Participated in ‘World Marketing Summit’, held at Dhaka, Bangladesh supported by the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. March 1, 2 & 3, 2012.
- Training program on ‘Applied Research Methodology in Business’. Organized by Bureau of Business Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. January 12 - February 24, 2012.
- Training course on “SPSS and Applied Statistics” conducted by the Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka. November 27 - December 13, 2012
- Faculty Development Program on ‘Research Methods and E-views’. Organized by Presidency University, Bangladesh. December 26-28, 2011.
- Workshop on ‘Writing Research Proposal’ organized by Faculty of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Australia. October 21, 2011.
- Workshop on ‘Modern Concepts of HR’. Organized by bdjobs. December 3, 2010.
- Workshop on ‘Scientific Research’. Organized by the Department of Business Administration, East West University. August 24-27, 2010.
Book Chapter
Zaman, L., and Saifuddin, S. M. “Career Benefits: Gender Differences in Using Social Media Networking in Bangladesh.” In Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Ingenuity (DEII) in Business in South Asia, edited by Saifuddin, S. M., Haq, R., Ramani, R. and Gutiérrez-Martínez, I. Palgrave Macmillan, expected publication 2025.
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of depression, anxiety, and co-morbidity during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among public and private university students of Bangladesh
Jeenat Mehareen, Mahir A. Rahman, Tahia Anan Dhira, Abdur Razzaque Sarker, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, Volume 5, 2021, 100179, ISSN 2666-9153 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100179.
Journal Publication
- Saifuddin, S. M., Dyke, L., Hossain, M. S. (2019) “Walls all around: barriers women professionals face in high-tech careers in Bangladesh”. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-11-2017-0247Note: It’s an Emerald Publisher Journal Publication (A Ranked Journal)
- Khan, S. I, Bartram, T, Cavanagh, J, Hossain, M. S And Akter S. (2019), “Decent work” in the ready-made garment sector in Bangladesh: The role for ethical human resource management, trade unions and situated moral agency”. Personnel Review, 48 (40-55), Emerald Publishing Limited.
Note: It’s an Emerald Publisher Journal Publication (A Ranked Journal)
- Hossain, M. S., Akter, S. (2016-17) Issues, Challenges and Opportunities of Woman Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: A case Study on Online Business. Dhaka University Journal of Management, 8 & 9 (1 & 2), pp. 243-263
- Eva, T. P., Hossain, M. S. (2016-17) Compensation Strategies and Practices in the Banking sector of Bangladesh: A Comparative Study. Dhaka University Journal of Management, 8 & 9(1 & 2)
- Ahsan, R., Hossain, M. S., Akter, S. (2016) The Strategic Interplay among Work Life Balance, Age, Employee Experience and Employee Retention: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh. Independent Business Review, 9(1-2), pp. 87-103
Conference & Seminars
- Saifuddin, S. M., Dyke, L., Hossain, M. S. (2014). Doing and undoing gender: Women professionals in Bangladesh high-tech careers. In the Proceedings of 7th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) International Conference, Germany. [Best Paper Award.]
- Saifuddin, S. M., Dyke, L., Hossain, M. S. (2014). Barriers women face in high-tech careers: A Bangladesh perspective. Academy of Management (AOM), August 1 – 5, Philadelphia, PA., USA.
- Hossain, M. S., Sarker, M. A. R. (2015).Life in the Tannery: From HRM Perspective. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Social Science Research, East West University, Bangladesh
- Hossain, M. S., Maxim, M.R. (2015).University Level Teaching and Learning in Bangladesh: Inferences from the Inclusion and Exclusion of Educational Psychology. In the Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Social Science Research, East West University, Bangladesh
Journal Publication
International ( Referred Journal Articles )
- Impact of Commercial Floodplain Aquaculture on Common-pool Resource Dependent Community (with Tanzina Nazia). Journal of Fisheries Science, Vol. 03, Issue 02, September 2021.
Journal Publication
1. Eva, T.P, Akter, S,,Zabeen, M and Shahriar, S. H. "Exploring the future of learning: understanding the innovation in learning from the perspectives of developing nation." Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Emerald publishing Ltd. ISSN: 2397-7604, Vol 17, No.2. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-04-2024-0095.
2. Shahriar, S. H., Akter, S. Sultana, N., Arafat S, Khan, R. M. 2023. “MOOC-based learning for human resource organizations during the post-pandemic and war crisis: a study from a developing country perspective”, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol.16, No.1 (2023), P. 37-52. Emerald publishing Ltd. ISSN: 2397-7604, eISSN: 2397-7604. DOI 10.1108/JRIT-09-2022-0054.
[Note: SCOPUS Indexed, CiteScore 4.4, EMERALD publication]
3. Shahriar,H.S., Arafat,S., Sultana, N., Akter,S., Khan, M.R., Nur,E.H. and Khan,S.I. 2021. “The transformation of education during the corona pandemic exploring the perspective of the private university students in Bangladesh. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal. Emerald Publishing Ltd. E-ISSN 2414-6994, P-ISSN 1853-3431.
[Note: SCOPUS Indexed, Cite Score 2.1, ERIC, EMERALD publication]
4. Akter, S., Shahriar, S.H.B., Momen, A., and Sultana, N., “Expatriation after a terror attack: A Qualitative inquiry from HR perspectives.” Journal of leadership in organizations, Vol.3, No.1, Center for leadership studies, Universitas Gadja Mada, (2021), P. 58-71.
5. Khan, S. I, Bartram, T, Cavanagh, J, Hossain, M. S And Akter S. (2019), ““Decent work” in the ready-made garment sector in Bangladesh: The role for ethical human resource management, trade unions and situated moral agency”. Personnel Review, 48 (40-55)
Note: Emerald Publishing Limited.
6. Sultana, N., Shahriar, H. S., Akter, S. and Rahman, M. (2018), “Evaluating the effectiveness of Facebook as the source of job advertisements: An empirical study”. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. 22(2). ISSN: 1095-6298 (Print).
[Note: ABDC (B) indexed]
7. Akter, S, Eva, T.P and Hossain M.S (2017), “Strategic Impact of High-tech monitoring on Employee Performance: An HRM Perspective”.World Review of Business Research. 7(01), (Print)
8. Akther, S, Akter, S and Uddin, K (2017) “Factors Influencing Job Stress in Privatized Banks of Bangladesh”. Journal of Global Management Review , 11(1), ( Print)
9. Hossain, M. S, and Akter, S (2016 & 2017) “Issues, Challenges and Opportunities of Women Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Online Business”. Dhaka University Journal of Management, 8-9 (1 & 2). (Print)
10. Ahsan, R, Hossain, M. S and Akter, S (2016) “The Strategic Interplay among Work Life Balance, Age, Employee Experience and Employee Retention: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh”. Independent Business Review, 9 (1-2).(Print)
11. Akter, S and Rahman, R (2016), “Benefit Options: Employee perspectives” Scholar Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. 4(1A):40-44. ISSN: 2347-9493 (print).
12. Alam, R and Akter, S. (2016), “HR Practices in Selected RMG Factories in Dhaka” Journal of Business. 1(4):39-42. ISSN: 2380-4041(print).
13. Akter, S (2016), “Privacy and Security Issues of Mobile Phone: Perceptions of University Students”. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports. 11(01): 1-8. ISSN: 2320-0227 (print).
14. Akter, S and Akter, S. (2013), “An Exploratory Study on Attrition Rate in the Telecommunication Sector of Bangladesh” International Journal of Management Sciences.1 (5):146-151.ISSN:2310-2829 (print).
15. Akter, S. (2012), “Empowerment: Doctor vs. Nurses”, Asian Business Review, 1(1):136-139. ISSN-2304-2613 (Print).
16. Akter, S. (2012), “Employee Satisfaction of Sainsbury’s, An Exploratory Study of Human Resource Management” Academic research Society.2 (8): 316-322. ISSN: 2222-6990. (Print)
- Akter, S. Privacy and Security Issues of Mobile Phone: Perceptions of University Students. Presented at XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 13-19, 2014, Yokohama, Japan.
- Akther, S., Uddin, K and Akter, S. A Study on the Impact of Job stress in Banking Sector of Bangladesh. Presented at The 2nd International Conference on Business Research (ICBR), May 26-27, 2016, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Akther, S., Akter, S and Uddin, K. An Empirical Study on the Impact of Job Stress in Privatized Banks of Bangladesh. Presented at International Conference for Bankers and Academics (in association with the journal of Developing Areas, TSU, USA), September 25-26, 2016, BIBM Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Akter, S and Eva, T. Do Employees’ like their Employers’ Close Eye? Evaluation of Employers’ Electronic Surveillance: Employee Perspective. Presented at International Conference for Bankers and Academics (in association with the journal of Developing Areas, TSU, USA), September 25-26, 2016, BIBM Bhaban, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- S. Nayeema, S. Shamsul, S. Akter and R. Maria, “Evaluating the effectiveness of Facebook as the source of job advertisements in Bangladesh: An empirical study”. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Business and economics, October 30-31, 2017, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- N. Sultana, F.K., Islam, S. Akter 2023. “An Analysis on E-Consultation Platform’s Role to Overcome First-Time Parenting Challenges:From A Developing Country Perspective.” Presented at 12th International Conference on the Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE)-2023-Towards Sustainability. August 7-8, 2023; Organized by Centre for Business & Economic Research (CBER), held at Said Business School, University of Oxford.
- S. Akter and S. Nayeema. "AI-Enhanced Online-Based Talent Development in Transforming Workforce Development." presented at International Conference on Human Support Technologies and Human Machine Interaction (ICHSTHMI-24). Geneva, Switzerland, 2024.
Journal Publication
(International Peer Reviewed Article)
- Mubin, N., Bin Abdul Baten, R., Jahan, S. et al. (2021). “Cancer related knowledge, attitude, and practice among community health care providers and health assistants in rural Bangladesh.” BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 21, Article number: 191. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06202-z
- Jahan, S. and Serletis, A. (2019). “Business Cycles and Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids Prices.” Journal of Economic Asymmetries- Elsevier. Vol. 19, Article# e00115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeca.2019.e00115.
- Ahmed, Z.U., Zabin, N. and Jahan, S. (2013). “Primary Education in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of Metropolitan City, Suburb, and Rural Areas in Sylhet.” Journal of Social Science; 2(1). P 177.
Book Chapter
- Bhattacharya, D. and Jahan, S. (2020). “Initial Challenges of SDG implementation: regional trends and country experiences”. Global State of the SDGs: Three layers of critical action (Report 2019). Southern Voice. P 29. http://southernvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Initial-challenges-SDGs-Chapter-2-Bhattacharya-and-Jahan-2019.pdf.
- Bhattacharya, D. and Jahan, S. (2020). “Understanding the second-generation challenges of SDG implementation”. Global State of the SDGs: Three layers of critical action (Report 2019). Southern Voice. P 55. http://southernvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Second-generation-challenges-Chapter-3-Bhattacharya-and-Jahan-2019.pdf.
Journal Publication
- 1. Rahman, M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2023). The Impact of Crowdsourcing in Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and Future Research Directions. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 18(2), 81–90. (Scopus Index) Retrieved from https://www.jotmi.org/index.php/GT/article/view/409
- 2. Rahman, M. M., & Ahmed, M.N. (2022). A Conceptual Model for Cloud Computing Adoption by Bangladeshi SMEs Focused on Small Electronic Home Appliance. BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE), ISSN 2664-9942 (Print), Vol-3, page: 205-218.
- 3. M. M. Rahman, M. Adam Suhaimi and N. H. Abdul Rahim, "Exploring the Perceptions of Faculty members and Students on Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Educational Institutions of Bangladesh," 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS51660.2020.9484174. (Scopus Index) https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9484174
- 4. Rahman, M.M., and Rahman, M.A. (2019). Cloud Computing in Bangladeshi Higher Educational Institutions: Influential Factors and Adoption Model. AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 16 (1), 44-55. https://ajbe.aiub.edu/index.php/ajbe/article/view/41
- 5. Rahman, M. M., Suhaimi, A., & Shah, A. (2018). A Model of Factors Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption Among Faculty Members and Students of Higher Educational Institutions of Bangladesh. 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS) (Scopus Index) https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8629132
- 6. Hussin, H., Salleh, N. A., Suhaimi, M. A., Rahman, M. M., & Ali, A. M. (2018). A Model to Assess the Impacts of Cloud Computing Use on SME Performance: A Resource-Based View. Advanced Science Letters,24(3), 1800-1804. doi:10.1166/asl.2018.11164 (Scopus Index) https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/asp/asl/2018/00000024/00000003/art00058
- 7. Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. A., Fahmed. M. N. (2017). “An Analysis of Customer Perceptions on Services of Electronic Banking in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol-12, No-1; pp.169-177. https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/view/63198
- 8. Rahman, M. A, Rahman, M. M. (2017). “Factors, Impacts, Problems and Solutions of Freelance Earning in the context of Bangladesh”, Business & Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol-6, Issue-1; pp 2-13, 2017 https://ideas.repec.org/a/spt/busent/v6y2017i1f6_1_1.html
- 9. Rahman, M. A., Rahman, M. M. (2014). "Improvements of Cloud Computing: Scenario of MDCs and LDCs", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol- 5, Issue-2, Page-2, 2014 https://www.ijser.org/paper/Improvements-of-Cloud-Computing-Scenario-of-MDCs-and-LDCs.html
- 10. Rahman, M. M., Islam, N. S. (2014). "VoIP Implementation Using Asterisk PBX", IOSR Journal in Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol. 15, Issue 6, pp. 47-53, 2014, 2014 https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/pages/v15i6.html
- 11. Rahman, M. M. (2013)."Performance Analysis of Active Network Service Composition", International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 3, Issue 7, pp. 34-42. https://www.iosrjen.org/Papers/vol3_issue7%20(part-2)/F03723442.pdf
Conference & Seminars
- 1. Rahman, M. M., Ahmed, S., & Rahman, M. A (2023). Factors Influencing Users’ Perspective on Adopting Cloud Computing Framework in Higher Educational Institutions of Bangladesh. 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS 2023)
- 2. M. M. Rahman, M. Adam Suhaimi and N. H. Abdul Rahim (2020), "Exploring the Perceptions of Faculty members and Students on Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Educational Institutions of Bangladesh," 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICETAS51660.2020.9484174 (Scopus Index)
3. Rahman, M. M., Suhaimi, A., & Shah, A. (2018). A Model of Factors Influencing Cloud Computing Adoption Among Faculty Members and Students of Higher Educational Institutions of Bangladesh. 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). doi: 10.1109/icetas.2018.8629132 (Scopus Index)
4. Rahman, M.M., Ahmed, N. M. (2018). A Conceptual Model for Cloud Computing Adoption by Bangladeshi SMEs Focused on Small Electronic Home Appliance", The 3rd International Conference on Business and Economics, October 09-10, Dhaka, Bangladesh
5. Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. A. (2016). Embracing the use of ICT and e-business technologies by SMEs for entrepreneur in Bangladesh, Second International Conference on Business Research, HEQEP, CP-3289, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Rahman, M.A., Rahman, M. M. (2016). Solving unemployment problem through freelancing: in the perspective of Bangladesh, Second International Conference on Business Research, HEQEP, CP-3289, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
7. Choudhury, T. T., Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. A. (2012). The Impact of Information Technology Systems on the commercial banking sector of the least developed countries: In the perspective of Bangladesh, Bangladesh institute of Bank Management, Dhaka Bangladesh.
Journal Publication
- Mahnoor Sattar; Rafayat Jalal. "Impact of Covid-19 on Firm Performance: A Systematic Literature Review Using PRISMA Framework", Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, (2024). Vol. 14, Issue 4. (SCOPUS Indexed Q3)
- Mahnoor Sattar; Pallab Kumar Biswas; Helen Roberts. “Board gender diversity and firm risk in UK private firms”, Global Finance Journal, Elsevier Publishing, (2022), Vol. 54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfj.2022.100766; (ABDC-A, SCOPUS indexed Q2)
- Mahnoor Sattar; Pallab Kumar Biswas; Helen Roberts. “Private firm performance: do women directors matter?”, Meditari Accountancy Research, Emerald Publishing, (2021), Vol. 31, Issue 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/MEDAR-
03-2021-1233 ; (ABDC-A, SCOPUS indexed Q1) - Wei Huang; Mahnoor Sattar. “Corporate finance policies, subsidies and R&D: Evidence from China.” International Journal of Finance & Economics. ISSN:1099-1158, Wiley Library, Vol. 26, Issue. 3, (2021) Pg. 3875-3891, https://doi.org/10.1002/ijfe.
1992 ; (ABDC-B, SCOPUS indexed Q2) -
Mahnoor Sattar, “CAPM Vs Fama-French Three-Factor Model: An Evaluation of Effectiveness in Explaining Excess Return in Dhaka Stock Exchange”. International Journal of Business and Management, ISSN 1833-3850, Vol. 12, Issue. 5, (2017) Pg.119-129; https://doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v12n5p119
1. Mahnoor Sattar (Presenting author), “Covid-19 Crosswinds and Financial Performance of Listed Firms: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”, 14th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG), Monash University, Malaysia, (2024)
2. Mahnoor Sattar (Presenting author), Pallab Kumar Biswas, Helen Roberts, “Board Gender Diversity and Capital Structure in Private Firms: Evidence from the UK”, 12th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference (FMCG), Monash University, Australia, (2022)
3. Mahnoor Sattar (Presenting author), Pallab Kumar Biswas, Helen Roberts, “Board Gender Diversity and Firm Risk in UK Private Firms”, New Zealand Finance Meeting (NZFM), Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, (2021)
4. Mahnoor Sattar (Presenting author), Pallab Kumar Biswas, Helen Roberts, “Private Firms, Female Directors and Firm Performance: Evidence from the UK”, 25th New Zealand Finance Colloquium (NZFC), University of Waikato, Tauranga, New Zealand, (2021)
5. Mahnoor Sattar (could not present due to Covid-19), Pallab Kumar Biswas, Helen Roberts, “Private Firms, Female Directors and Firm Performance: Evidence from the UK”, Financial Markets and Corporate Governance (FMCG) Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, (2020)
1. Mahnoor Sattar, “CAPM Vs Fama-French Three-Factor Model: A Comparative Study on Return of Cement Industry of Bangladesh”, International Conference on Business and Social Science Research (ICBSSR), (2015)
Journal Articles
- Why do microfinance institutions charge higher interest rates than banks? The role of operating costs. Finance Research Letters. Vol. 70. [Indexed in WoS (Q1), ABDC (A), ABS (2), SCOPUS (Q1)]. Doi: 10.1016/j.frl.2024.106319.
- The influence of board size and board independence on triple bottom line reporting. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. [Indexed in SCOPUS (Q4)]. Vol. ahead-of-print. Doi: 10.1108/AGJSR-02-2023-0061.
- The trade-off between outreach and sustainability of microfinance institutions: does loan delinquency play a mediating role? International Journal of Business Excellence. Vol. 30, Issue. 3, 2023 [Indexed SCOPUS (Q3)].
- Differences in bank and microfinance business models: An analysis of the loan monitoring systems and funding sources. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. Vol. 80, 2022 p. 101644 418 [Indexed in WoS (Q1), ABDC (A), ABS (3), SCOPUS (Q1)].
- Knowledge mapping of microfinance performance research: a bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Social Economics. Vol. 48 Issue. 3, 2021 pp. 399-418 [Indexed in WoS (ESCI), ABDC (B), ABS (1), SCOPUS (Q2), ERA].
- The role of national culture in the relationship between microfinance outreach and sustainability: a correlated random effects approach. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. Vol. 27 Issue. 3, pp. 447-472 [Indexed in WoS (SSCI-Q2), ABDC (B), ABS (2), SCOPUS (Q1)].
- An Analysis of COVID-19 and WHO Global Research Roadmap: Knowledge Mapping and Future Research Agenda. Eurasian Economic Review. [Indexed in WoS (ESCI), ABDC (C), ABS (1), SCOPUS (Q2)].
- A bibliometric analysis of pandemic and epidemic studies in economics: future agenda for COVID-19 research. Social Sciences & Humanities Open. Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2021, p. 100165 [Peer-reviewed journal by Elsevier].
Book Chapter
- Depth of outreach and financial sustainability of microfinance institutions: an empirical revisit. In Hernández-Sánchez, B. R., Sánchez-García, J.C., & Moreira, A. C., (Eds.), Building an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Society [Published by IGI Global: Pennsylvania, USA].
Journal Publication
- Chowdhury, P. P. (2020). Does Bad News Affect Trade? MSc. Thesis. Lund University. Available at https://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/search/publication/9031549
An Assessment of the Competitiveness of Bangladesh’s RMG Sector Using Porter’s Diamond
Chowdhury S.H. and Zabeen M. (2020),Theoretical Economics Letters, 10(4), 875-890. ISSN Online: 2162-2086, ISSN Print: 2162-2078.
Ensuring Effective Customer Participation: A Case Study on Mobile SIM Re-registration in Bangladesh
Zabeen M. and Huda S.S.M.S (2019) SAGE Business Cases Originals. ISBN Online: 9781526473493. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526473493
Mass Customization through Manufacturing Postponement Strategy: The Case of Build-A-Bear Workshop
Zabeen M, and Chowdhury S.H. (2017) American Journal of Business, Economics and Management 2017, 5(4), 25-29. ISSN Online: 2381-4470, ISSN Print: 2381-4462.
Growing Popularity of Muslim Attire: Faith or Fashion
Zabeen M., Shams S. and Sultana N. (2017) International Journal of Asian Social Science, 7(9), 728-737. ISSN Online: 2224-4441, ISSN Print: 2226-5139.
Mobile Banking through the Eyes of Generation Z-An Empirical Study on Technology Acceptance Model
Zabeen M. and Ahmed N. (2016) The Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 6(1), 87-100. ISSN Print: 2227-3484
Growth of the RMG sector in Bangladesh: A Paradox to Porter’s Diamond Model
Chowdhury S.H. and Zabeen M.(2015), 2nd International Conference on Business Research organized by East West University, 2(1), 45. ISSN Print: 2412-5962. (Conference Proceedings)
An Insight into Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh: The Role of Institutions and Financing
Chowdhury S.H. and Zabeen M.(2015), International Conference on Business and Social Science Research organized by East West University, 1(1), 4. ISSN Print: 2412-5962. (Conference Proceedings)
Community Based Tourism for Socio-Economic Development: Role of Public and Private Sector
Mashruha Zabeen, Mohammad Sayeeduzzaman and Ashfat Bin Islam (2023).
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 7(2), 70-77. DOI: 10.11648/j.ijhtm.20230702.13
Rigidity or fluidity? Does variety-seeking vary based on perceived threat during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Ashrafi, D. M., Chowdhury, S. M., Habiba, W., Chowdhury, S. H., Alam, M. S., Zabeen, M., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2024). Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 46(2), 197-211 (Indexed by Scopus)
Exploring the future of learning: understanding the innovation in learning from the perspectives of developing nation.
Eva, T.P, Akter, S, Zabeen, M and Shahriar, S. H. " Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Emerald publishing Ltd. ISSN: 2397-7604, Vol 17, No.2. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-04-2024-0095. (Indexed by Scopus)
Journal Publication
- Rahman, M. M., Ahmed, S., & Rahman, M. A. (2023). Factors Influencing Users’ Perspective on Adopting Cloud Computing Framework in Higher Educational Institutions of Bangladesh. 2023 IEEE 8th International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS). https://doi.org/10.1109/icetas59148.2023.10346255
- Rahman, M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2023). The Impact of Crowdsourcing in Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and Future Research Directions. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 18(2), 81–90. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242023000200081
- Rahman, M. M., & Rahman, M. A. (2019). Cloud Computing in Bangladeshi Higher Educational Institutions: Influential Factors and Adoption Model. AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, 16 (1), 44-55.
- Rahman, M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2017). Factors, Impacts, Problems and Solutions of Freelance Earning in the context of Bangladesh. Business & Entrepreneurship Journal, 6(1), 2–13.
- Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. A., & Fahmed, M. N. (2016). An Analysis of Customer Perceptions on Services of Electronic Banking in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management, 12(1), 169. doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v12n1p169
- Rahman M. A., & Rahman, M. M. (2014) “Improvements of Cloud Computing: Scenario of MDCs and LDCs”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research , 5(2), 2
- Md. Asaduzzaman, Muhammad Ataur Rahman and Mohammad Rezaul Karim, "Status of Internet in Bangladesh: A Comparison with other Countries", An International Research Journal, Banglavision Foundation, ISSN: 2079-567X, Volume-6, Number-1, December-2011
Conferences & Seminars
- Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. A. (2016). Embracing the use of ICT and e-business technologies by SMEs for entrepreneur in Bangladesh, Second International Conference on Business Research, HEQEP, CP-3289, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rahman, M.A., Rahman, M. M. (2016). Solving unemployment problem through freelancing: in the perspective of Bangladesh, Second International Conference on Business Research, HEQEP, CP-3289, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Choudhury, T. T., Rahman, M. M., Rahman, M. A. (2012). The Impact of Information Technology Systems on the commercial banking sector of the least developed countries: In the perspective of Bangladesh, Bangladesh institute of Bank Management, Dhaka Bangladesh.
Journal Publication
1. Dewri, Leo, Vashkor. (2021). Your manuscript entitled A critical assessment of interrelationship among corporate governance, financial performance, refined economic value added to measure firm value and return on stock. Journal of the Knowledge Economy. Publisher: Springer Nature. DOI. 10.1007/s13132-021-00808-8 (Journal indexed : Scopus, SCImago, Social Science Citation Index, Emerging Sources Citation Index) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13132-021-00808-8
2. Dewri, Leo, Vashkor; Islam, M. Rashid; Fatema -Tuz-Johra; Rahman, M, Mizanur. (2021). MEASURING FIRMS’ INTRINSIC VALUES IN AN EMERGING ECONOMY: EVIDENCE FROM BANGLADESH . Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 11, No. 6, 429-445. DOI: 10.18488/journal.aefr.2021.116.429.445 (Indexed: Scopus, SCImago, Crossref, ProQuest ABI/INFORM Global.......)https://archive.aessweb.com/index.php/5002/article/view/2097/3342
3. Islam, M. Wang and L. V. Dewri (2019), “Financial Flexibility-A Synthesis of Literature Review”. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 2019, Vol. 9, No.1. https://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ijafr/article/view/13195/11342
4. Abdus Sattar; Leo Vashkor Dewri and Sharmin Akhter Ananna (2016), ‘Working Environment for Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries: An Empirical Study of Bangladesh’. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Volume: 11, Issue: 12, November 2016, PP 197-206.
5. Md. Rashidul Islam and Leo Vashkor Dewri (2016), ‘Performance of Public Mutual Funds (PMFs) in Emerging Economies – A case of Bangladesh’. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Volume: 11, Issue: 6, June 2016.
6. Leo Vashkor Dewri, Md. Rashidul Islam and Netai Kumar Saha (2016), ‘Behavioural analysis of credit card users in a Developing Country- A Case of Bangladesh’. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Volume: 11, Issue: 04, April 2016, PP -.299-313.
7. Leo Vashkor Dewri, Md. Rashidul Islam and S. M. Arifuzzaman (2015), ‘Behavioral analysis of investors’ attitude towards dividend declaration in developing country – A case of Bangladesh’. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Volume: 10, Issue: 11, October 2015, PP 185-198.
8. S.M. Arifuzzaman, Leo V. Dewri et. al (2015), ‘How the Remittances from Bangladeshi Migrant Workers are being utilized by their Families at home?’. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Volume 17, Issue 4.Ver. III (Apr. 2015), PP 18-26
Industrial Publication
1.Leo Vashkor Dewri (2012), `Real estate business is an economic development driver in Bangladesh`, The Financial Express (a subsidiary of FT), vol 20 no 321.
2. Leo Vashkor Dewri, Amin, et. al. (2012), ‘A Comprehensive Study on the Real Estate Sector of Bangladesh’ REHAB, rehab-bd.org.
3. Sohail Rana & Leo Vashkor Dewri (2012), ‘An Evaluation of 3% Roof Top Solar Panel Policy in Bangladesh’, REHAB, rehab-bd.org.
4. Leo Vashkor Dewri (2012), ‘To ascertain the ‘Potential Customers’ nature, affordability to buy a property and location preference’, REHAB, March 2012, Report 1, rehab-bd.org.
Conference & Seminars
. Title of the Paper: Empirical Study on Women Entrepreneurship Financing in Developing Countries – A Case of Bangladesh.
Conference: Second International Conference on “Business Research”
Organized by : Department of Business Administration, East West University
Financed by : University Grand Commission, Bangladesh and World Bank under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Program (HEQEP)
International Journal Reviewer
1."Entropy augmented Asset Pricing Model – study on Indian stock market". Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, by Springer Nature. Review date: 17th September 2021 to 26 September 2021.
2. "Factors of Audit Committee Independence: An Empirical Study from an Emerging Economy". Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Review article on: Jan 08, 2021 to Jan 10, 2021.
3. "Effects Of Corporate Social Responsibility On SMEs’ Performance In Emerging Market". Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Review article on: Nov 01, 2020 to Nov 15, 2020.
4. "Branchless Banking Agents: Business Satisfaction, Continuity, and Viability, Cogent Business & Management:. Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Review article on: Jun 25, 2020 to Jul 15, 2020.
5. "Factors Influencing the Continuation of Start-up Companies". Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Review article on: Jun 25, 2020.
6. "Proposal for Improved Financial Statements under IFRS". Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Review article on: 15 April to 2 June 2019.
7. "Predictable Returns in an Emerging Stock Market: Evidence from Qatar". Cogent Business & Management, Taylor & Francis/Routledge, Review article on: 30 April to 5 June 2018.
8. "The Relationship Between Behavioural Factors and Investors Financial Decisions: An Empirical Study on the Egyptian Stock Market", British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, Science Domain International, 2016
Follow the link to know the peer-review activities:
Journal Publication
Eva, T. P., Afroze, R., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2024) “The Impact of Leadership, Communication, and Teamwork Practices on Employee Trust in the Workplace”, Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 241-261, DOI: 10.2478/mdke-2024-0015
Eva, T. P., Akter, S., Zabeen, M., Shahriar, S. H. B. (2024) “Exploring the future of learning: understanding the innovation in learning from the perspectives of developing nation”, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp 297-309, DOI: 10.1108/JRIT-04-2024-0095
Eva, T. P. and Afroze, R. (2021) "Perceived Awareness and Practiced Level of Soft Skills among Personnel in the Telecom Industry of Bangladesh", International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp 33-70, DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2019.10023284
Afroze, R, Eva, T. P. and Sarker, A. R. (2019), "Do Soft Skills matter? A Study on Employability of Engineering Graduates in Bangladesh", Journal of Intercultural Management, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp 21-44, DOI 10.2478/joim-2019-0016.
Eva, T. P. (2018), “Recruitment and Selection Strategies and Practices in the Private Sector Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: Evidence from Human Resource Practitioners”, European Business & Management (EBM), Vol. 4, Issue 1.
Akter, S., Eva, T. P., and Hossain, M. S. (2017), “Strategic Impact of High-Tech Monitoring on Employee Performance: An HRM Perspective”, World Review of Business Research, Vol.7, No. 1, pp. 45-57.
Eva, T. P. (2015), “Talent Management: A Key to Success in Any Organization- Perspective from Bangladesh”, The International Journal Of Business & Management, Vol. 3, No-12. (ISSN 2321-8916) www.theijbm.com.
Eva, T. P., and Hossain, M. S. (2018), “Compensation Strategies and Practices in the Banking sector of Bangladesh: A Comparative Study”, Dhaka University Journal of Management, Vol-12, No.1, pp. 141-157.
Eva, T. P., Afroze, R. and Akhter, D. N. (2016), "An Integrated Approach towards Compensation Model”, Contemporary issues in Business Research, Vol 2, pp. 105-124, ISBN 978-984-34-1057-3
Eva, T. P., (2013), “Online Recruitment: A New Era of Human Resource Management Practice in Bangladesh”, Dhaka University Journal of Management, Vol. 5, No.1 & 2, pp. 235-250.
Bokhari, R. P. and Eva, T. P. (2013), “Identifying the Factors of Work Environment and Compensation- from the Perspective of Employee Motivation”, the AUST Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp. 41-58
Eva, T. P. (2013), “Status and Performance Evaluation of Power Sector in Bangladesh: A Study on Some Selected Power Generation Companies”, ‘The Cost & Management’ of ICMAB (Institute of Cost and Management Accountant of Bangladesh), Vol. XLI, No. 2, pp. 30-39.
Conference & Seminars
Afroze, R. Eva, T. P. and Sarker, A. R. (2019), “Employability of Engineering Graduates in Bangladesh through Soft Skills Acquisition”, The IIUM International Conference on Business Management (IICBM 2019), July 10-11, 2019, P. 150.
Afroz, R. and Eva, T. P. (2019), “E-recruitment as a Source of Branding: From Job seekers’ and Employees’ perspectives”. International HR Conference on ‘HR Trends 2030’, March 1st– 2nd, 2019.
Eva, T. P. (2018), “Achieving HR Excellence through Six Sigma”. International Conference on Business, Education, Economics and Social Sciences (ICBEESS), January 25-26, 2018.
Afroze, R. and Eva, T. P. (2018), “Can online recruitment be the best strategic solutions for talent acquisition? A study based on jobseekers’ and employers’ perception”. International Conference on Business, Education, Economics and Social Sciences (ICBEESS), January 25-26, 2018.
Eva, T. P. , and Afroze, R. (2018), “Key Soft Skills practice among Managers and Support Staffs: Evidence from Telecom Industry of Bangladesh”. International Conference on Business, Education, Economics and Social Sciences (ICBEESS), January 25-26, 2018.
Akter, S. and Eva, T. P. (2016), “Do Employees’ Like Their Employers’ Close Eye? Evaluation of Employers’ Electronic Surveillance: Employee Perspectives”. International Conference for Bankers and Academics 2016, September 25-26, 2016.
Eva, T. P., Afroze, R. and Akhter, D. R. (2016), “An Integrated Approach towards Compensation Model” Second International Conference on Business Research (ICBR), 27-28 May, 2016.