Publications: Department of Business Administration

Journal Publication
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Nishat Tamanna Snigdha, 2023,"Some Recent Trends and Implications of Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh." The Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 57 no. 4, 2023, p. 221-244. Tennessee State University College of Business, USA. Project MUSE [JDA is included in Excellence in Research for Australia(ERA) and ABS (British Business Schools List) - as ‘ ‘1*’ respectively and, in many other indexes of the world].
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Farhana Hoque Mahee, 2023. "Performance appraisal of selected first-generation private commercial banks in Bangladesh," International Journal of Asian Social Science, Asian Economic and Social Society, vol. 13(10), pages 305-327.[ Journal is included in Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)- ERA Journal ID- 200679, and, in many other indexes of the world].
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Tanveer Kabir and Tahiya Ahmed Chowdhury, 2022 “Performance Evaluation of Selected Islamic Banks in Bangladesh”. Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp: 397–419. 2022. DOI: 10.55493/5002.v12i6.4507. (Scopus, ERA)
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, 2021, " Covid-19 Pandemic-Challenges for Management Education in Bangladesh”Covid-19 Pandemic-Challenges for Management Education, Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA), August 2021.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, 2020,"Cement Industries at a Flourishing Point: A Comparative Analysis Between Selected Cement Companies of Bangladesh'',  Indian Journal of Economics, University of Allahbad, India, Issue No.#399, Vol.C, Part IV, , ISSN 0019-5170, pages 547-569, April 2020.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury & Sehel Somani, 2020. "Performance Evaluation and Impact of Grameen Bank on Social Development and Women Empowerment in Bangladesh," International Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, Asian Economic and Social Society, vol. 5(1). 
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury & Sunzida Haque, 2020. “Impact of Covid-19 in Bangladesh Stock Market”, Asian Finance & Banking Review Vol. 4, Issue 2. 
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Farzana Huda , 2018, "Performance Evaluation of State Owned Commercial Banks of Bangladesh ", Indian Journal of Economics, University of Allahbad, India, Issue No.#390, Part III, Vol. XCVIII, ISSN 0019-5170. 
  1. Farzana Huda and Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, 2017, “Prospect of E-banking in Bangladesh: New Way to Make Banking Electronic”. Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol.7, No. 5, pp: 509–518, DOI: 10.18488/journal.aefr/2017.7.5/102.5.509.518. (Scopus, ERA) 
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Jannatunessa, 2017, “Stock Market Investors’ Guide to Corporate Dividend Policy: Evidence from Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Industries in Bangladesh”. Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp: 166–191. 
  1. Farzana Huda and Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, 2017, “Merchant Banking Operation: A Case Study of Selected Merchant Banks in Bangladesh ”. Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp: 116–135.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, 2017, “Youth as a Driving Force for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”, Development, Sustainability and Happiness-Perspectives and Challenges for Youth 2025, Bloomsbury Publishing India Ltd..
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury & Farzana Huda  , An Appraisal of the Activities of  Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL), International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.9, No. 1, pp: 80-89,2017.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “An overview of South Asian Scenario on Networking and Collaborations”, Management Development through International Networking & Collaborations, Jointly published by AMDISA and University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Srilanka, July 2016.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Farzana Huda, “Performance Evaluation of Selected Private Life Insurance Companies in Bangladesh”, The International Journal of Business & Management, Vol.2, Issue # 6, 2014.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Enayat Kiyoum , “Performance Evaluation of Selected Pharmaceuticals Companies Enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange “, Indian Journal of Economics, University of Allahbad, India, No.#70, Part III, Vol. XIIIC, ISSN 0019-5170, 2013.
  1. Kashfia Ahmed and Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury , “Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Nationalized Commercial Banks and Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh through SERVQUAL Model “, International Review of Business and Social Sciences , 02, No.04, 11-22 , 2013.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Dr. A. A. Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury, and Md. Gazi Salah Uddin , “THE BEHAVIOR OF STOCK RETURN OF MUTUAL FUNDS IN BANGLADESH”, Journal of Finance and Banking, University of Dhaka,Vol.10, Number 1&2 , June-December 2012.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Humaira Matin, “Performance Assessment of Selected Islamic Banks in Bangladesh”, Journal of Banking & Financial Services, Department of Banking, Faculty of  Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Vol.5, Number 2, 2011.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Kashfia Ahmed, “An Appraisal of the Problems and Prospects of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Financing in Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Districts”, Research Report, Centre for Research and Training, East West University, 2011.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Kashfia Ahmed and Dr. A.A. Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury , “An Analysis on the Growth of Chittagong Stock Market”, Journal of Finance and Banking, University of Dhaka, Volume 9,Number 1, June 2011, pp.85-98, 2011.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Sarahat Salma Chowdhury, “Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Banks in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Business and Management,Canadian Center of Science and Education, Vol 6,No.4;April 2011,pp75-89, 2011.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Md.Bayzid Ali, “Effect of Dividend on Stock Price in Emerging Stock Market: A study on the Listed Private Commercial Banks in DSE”, International Journal of Economics and Finance ,Canadian Centre of Social Science and Education, vol.2,No.4;November 2010,p.p.52-64, 2010.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “Stock Market Development in Bangladesh”, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, 2010.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Gazi Salah Uddin, “The Role of ICB in the Development of Mutual Funds in Bangladesh”, Global Academy of Business and Economic Research, Florida A & M University,  Fifth GABER International Conference, Florida A & M University, 2009.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Gazi Salahuddin, “The Impact of Selected Macro Economic Variables on Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange”, Finance & Banking – A Collection of Contemporary Research, Excel Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2009.
  1. Kashfia Ahmed and Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury , “Performance Evaluation of SMEs of Bangladesh”, International Journal of Business and Management, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Toronto, Vol. 4, No. 7, July 2009.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Kashfia Ahmed, “Performance Evaluation of Selected Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh”, International Journal of Business and Management, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Toronto, Vol. 4, No. 4, April 2009.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Wahidul Habib, “Stock Returns Volatility in an Emerging Market: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange”, Finance & Banking – An Anthology of Contemporary Research, Saintgits Institute of Management – Excel IndiaPublishers,India,2008.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed chowdhury, “Stock Market Behavior in Bangladesh”, Journal of Business Studies, ISSN: 1811-1556, Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh, Volume 3, and Number 1& 2, 2007.
  1. A.A. Mahboob Uddin chowdhury and Dr.Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “The Role of Agency and Bankruptcy Costs for the Determination of Capital Structure: A Survey of Theory and Evidence”, Journal of Business Studies,ISSN-2682-2498, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Volume XXVI, No. 2, December,2007.
  1. Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “An Appraisal of the Activities of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh”, Journal of Business Studies, ISSN1681-9748, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Volume 8, June, 2006.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “An Insight into the Corporate Governance Structure in Japan and Bangladesh”, Management Forum 2006 on Innovation and Business Management, Association of Management Development Institutions of Bangladesh (AMDIB), 2006.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “An Overview of Bangladesh Stock Markets “Portfolio, Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd., Bangladesh, October, 2005.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “An Evaluation of the Role of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) in the Development of Bangladesh Capital Market”, Journal of Business Studies, ISSN-2682-2498, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. XX, No. 2,December, 1998.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Dr. A.A. Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury, “Capital Market Regulatory Institutions in Bangladesh”, Journal of Islamic University Studies, Islamic University, Bangladesh, Vol. 1, No. 2, December, 1998.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury and A.A. Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury, “Role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in the Development of Indian Capital Market: Lessons for Bangladesh”, Journal of Business Studies, ISSN1681-9748, University of Dhaka , Bangladesh , Vol. XVIII, No. 2, December, 1997.
  1. A.A.Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury and Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “Trends of Bangladesh Share Market”, Shilplayan-O-Uinnayan, Edited by Dr. Azizur Rahman Khan, Panaroma Publication, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (In vernacular language), 1997.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “A Critical Review of Capital Markets in India & Bangladesh”, University of Pune, India, 1996.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “Development and Growth of Capital Market in Bangladesh During the Last Decade”, The Indian Journal of Economics, University of Allahabad, India, Vol. LXXVI, No. 301, October , 1995.
  1. A. Mahboob Uddin and Tanbir Ahmed chowdhury, “Dividend Policy for the Capital Structure Decision”, Journal of the Department of Finance and Banking, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 4, January, 1995.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Reviewed Paper entitled- “Development & Growth of Bangladesh Stock Market in the Last Decade”, Presented in Research Student Conference – University of Pune, Poona, India, 1995.
  1. A. Mahboob Uddin Chowdhury and Chowdhury and Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “Impact of Taxation and Bankruptcy Cost for the Capital Structure Decision”, Journal of the Department of Finance and Banking, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 2, July, 1992.
  1. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, “Capital Market Development in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects”, Journal of Islamic University Studies, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, Vol. 2, No. 2, December, 1991.
Conference & Seminars
  1. As Speaker of the session Professor Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury , presented a paper entitled “Youth as a Driving Force for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” , International Conference “Harnessing Youth for Development, Sustainability and Happiness: Imperatives and Challenges for SAARC and Emerging Asian Countries” from February 17 to February 18, 2017 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, India. 
  1. As speaker of the session Professor Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury presented a paper on, “An overview of South Asian Scenario on Networking and Collaborations”, Management Development through International Networking & Collaborations, Jointly published by AMDISA and University of Sri Jayewardenepura, July 2016. International Conference on Management Development through International Networking & Collaborations, AMDISA Regional Management Conference – July 2016, Colombo, Srilanka.
  1. A reviewed paper entitled “Role of ICB in the Development of Mutual Funds in Bangladesh ” presented in the Conference of  Global Academy of Business and Economic Research (GABER), organized by School of Business and Industry, Florida A & M University & Faculty of Economics & Business, University Kebangsaan Malaysian , December 2009.
  1. A reviewed paper entitled “Performance Evaluation of Nationalized Commercial Banks of Bangladesh”, presented in the Conference of South Asian Association of Management Forum, Bhutan, April 2009. 
  1. Presented a reviewed paper entitled “Stock Returns Volatility in Emerging Market: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange”, in National Conference in Finance and Banking Saintgits Institute of Management, India, 2008. 
  1. Presented a reviewed paper entitled “Problems and Prospects of Private Universities in Bangladesh”, presented in The Pennsylvania State University, USA. 2006.
  1. A reviewed paper entitled “An Insight into the Corporate Governance Structure in Japan and Bangladesh”, presented in the Management Forum 2006 on Innovation and Business Management, Association of Management Development Institutions of Bangladesh(AMDIB).
  1. Presented the key note paper entitled “Bangladesh Capital Markets: Suggestions for   Reform” in a workshop jointly organized by Faculty of Law & Faculty of Business Administration, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladeh in March  24, 1996. 
  1. Presented a reviewed paper entitled “Development & Growth of Bangladesh Capital Market in the Last Decade” at University of Pune, Poona, India at the research student Conference, 1995.
Conferences / Workshop
  1. Participated in two-days International Workshop on “Corporate Governance in   Bangladesh” Jointly Organized by University of Dhaka, Dhaka Stock Exchange, OCED & the Asia Foundation from July 30 to 31, 2005. 
  1. Participated in a two-day Workshop on “Faculty Development, Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Business Schools” organized by North South University with support from Commonwealth Secretariat, London from April 30 to May 01, 2005. 
  1. Participated in a three-day’s Workshop on “L/C and Maritime Fraud, Counterfeiting, and Its Prevention” organized by International Chamber of Commerce – Bangladesh in    September 2001. 
  1. Participated in a six-day’s Workshop on “Case Writing and Teaching in Management Education and training” organized by IBA, University of Dhaka & Association of     Management Development Institutions of Bangladesh (AMDIB) from June 20 to 25, 1998.
Selected Publications


Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2024), Pathways to Consolidate Corporate Governance by Incorporating Gaps in Management Accounting Practices: An Integrative Literature Review Research Approach, IIMS Journal of Management Science, Volume 15, No.1, pp. 67-88, Indian Institute of Management Shillong, India.

Shil, N. C.  and Chowdhury, A. (2023), Public Administration Agendas in the Light of New Public Management: A Written Testimony of Reform Initiatives of an Asian Country, Journal of Public Administration and Government, Vol 5, Issue 2, pp.143-160, University of Tadulako,, Faculty of Public Administration Social Sciences and political sciences, Indonesia.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2023), A Qualitative Narrative on the Practices of Transparency and Accountability at Local Government Institutions: The Case of a Union Parishad in Bangladesh, Local Administration Journal, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 151-176, College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Chowdhury, A and Shil, N. C. (2023), Public Policy Issues in the Context of Public Sector Reforms: A Qualitative Storytelling of a Former Government Department in the Asia-Pacific Region, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 74-91, Department of Public Administration, National School of public Administration, Aceh, Indonesia.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N.C. (2023), Management Control Systems in the Business Sector: Understanding Trends from Selected Literature in an International Setting, Indonesian Journal of Economics and ManagementVol. 3, No. 2, March, pp. 214-230, Department of Accounting, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Indonesia.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N.C.  (2022), Management Control Systems as the Protagonist in Public Sector Reforms: Observations from Worldwide Selected Literature, RUDN Journal of Public Administration, Vol 9, Issue 3, pp.302–316, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation.

Chowdhury, A, and Shil, N. C. (2022), Understanding Change Management in Organizational Context: Revisiting Literature, Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of DevelopmentVol.19, Issue 1, pp. 28-43, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Chowdhury, A, and Shil, N. C. (2022), New Public Management as a Reform Initiative in the Australian Public Sector: Demonstrated Evidences from Literature, Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 104-112, Public Administration Department, Social and Political Science Faculty, Tidar University, Indonesia.

Chowdhury, A, and Shil, N.C. (2021), Private Sector Management Tools in the Public Sector: Illustrative Evidence of Literature from Australian Public Sector, Business ManagementIssue 3/21pp. 5-28, Dimitar Apostolov Tsenov Academy of Economics, Uni Svishtov, Bulgaria.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021), Thinking ‘Qualitative’ Through a Case Study: Homework for a Researcher, American Journal of Qualitative Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 190-210, Center for Ethnic and Cultural Studies in Fort Myers, Florida, United States.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021), Epitomes of New Public Management: Insights from Illustrative Literature on Worldwide Public Sector Reform Agendas, International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 3-25, Faculty of Administration and Economic Studies in Uherské Hradiště, Jagiellonian College in Toruń, Města Mayen, Czech Republic.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021),  Performance Management System in Public Sector under New Public Management Regime: An Australian Case, Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, Issue 20, pp. 40-60,  Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Boulevard,, România.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, Z., and Chowdhury, A. (2021), Public Budgeting in Bangladesh: An Earnest Quest for Transparency and Accountability, in Hoque, Z. (ed.), Public Sector Reform and Performance Management in Emerging Economies: Outcomes-Based Approaches in Practice, Routledge: London and New York.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020), Cultural Control Systems in the Context of New Public Management: An In-depth Case study of An Australian Public Sector Organization, International Journal of Governance and Public Policy Analysis , Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-31, Research Center for Governance and Public Policy, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2020), Public Financial Management Systems in Bangladesh: An Ideological Review, Journal of Management & Public Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1, December, pp, 17-37, Management Development Research Foundation, New Delhi, India.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020), Conceptualizing Management Control Systems: Illustrative Evidence from Literature on the Australian Business Sector, Budapest Management Review, Vol. 51. No.11, pp. 51-63, Corvinus Business School, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020), Exploratory Evidence on Accounting System, Annual Report Review and New Public Management, International Journal of Finance and Managerial Accounting, Vol.4, No.16, Winter, pp. 27-37, Iranian Financial Engineering Associations, Tehran, Iran and Islamic Azad University UAE Branch.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Influence of New Public Management Philosophy on Risk Management, Fraud and Corruption Control and Internal Audit: Evidence from an Australian Public Sector Organization, Journal of Accounting & Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 486-508, Faculty of Accounting & Management Information Systems, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Action control system and new public management: An in-depth case study, Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 31-56, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trinava, Slovakia and Slovak Society for Public Administration at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Financial Delegation system in the Context of New Public Management: Evidence from an Australian Public Sector, Strategic Public Management Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 10, pp.1-11, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey and Turkish Journal Park Academic, Turkey. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Managing Human Resources in light of New Public Management Ideals:  Corroboration from an Australian Public Sector Organization, Thai Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 17 No.2 pp. 67-93, Graduate School of Public Administration, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2018), Contextualizing Planning and Budgeting Systems: Public Sector Experience, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Vol. 13, No.2, August, pp. 27-53, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association, Japan, Accounting Research Institute, UiTM Press and Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Performance Measurement Systems in the Context of New Public Management: Evidence from Australian Public Sector and Policy Implications for Developing Countries, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 7-19, Scientia Socialis & SMC,, Scientia Educologica, Lithuania. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Public Sector Reforms and New Public Management: Exploratory Evidence from Australian Public Sector, Asian Development Policy Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-16, AESS publications, USA. 

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2016), Innovation in Public Sector Management Control Systems in the Context of New Public Management: A Case of an Australian Public Sector Organization, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 99-125, National Louis University, Poland. 

Chowdhury, A. Shil, N. C. (2016), Systems of Accountability in Public Sector Organization Using NPM: An Exploratory Evidence, American Journal of Business, Economics and Management,  Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 163-169, Open Science, New York. 

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2016), Enterprise Agility on Consumption Value: Bringing Satisfaction in New Product, European Business and Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2016, pp. 8-16, Science Publishing Group, New York.   



Chowdhury, A. and Hoque, M. (2019), Structuration Theory in Qualitative Accounting and Management Control Research: A Review, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XL No.1, April, pp. 61-84, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2019), Budget as an Artifact for Deficit Reduction under New Public Management: Appraisal of National  Budget of Bangladesh Drawing from Theoretical insights of societal ontology of Theodore Schatzki, The Cost & Management, Vol. 47, No.3, May-June, pp. 25-35, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), A Journey Towards Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: An Analysis Through Theoretical Lens of Pierre Bourdieu in a Developing Country Perspective, The Cost & Management, Vol. 46, No.4, July- August, pp. 11-24, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), Program Budgeting might be an untold story of innovation for public Financial Management in Bangladesh: A Habermasian Critical Theory Perspective, The Cost & Management, Vol. 46, No.3, May- June, pp. 40-51, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), Is Sustainability Reporting in Public Sector a Fashion or Legitimation? An Isomorphic Interpretation, The Cost & Management, Vol. 46, No.2, March- April, pp. 14-26, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh, Bangladesh. 

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2017), Social Construction of Budgeting and New Public Management: An Interpretive Sociology Approach, The Cost & Management, Vol. 45, No.3, May-June, pp. 25-31,The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh. 

Chowdhury, A. and Hoque. M. (2016), Results Control Systems and the New Public Management: An Australian Case and Lessons for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XXXVII No. 2, August, pp. 149-170, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2016), Journey towards Growth and Prosperity: A Critical Review on Budget 2016-17, The Cost & Management, Vol. 44, No. 3, May-June, pp. 20-29, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.

Bala, S. K., Yusuf, M. A., and Chowdhury, A. (2005), Corporate Social and Environmental Accountability in Bangladesh: Practices of Selected Public Limited Companies, Social Science Review ,The Dhaka University Studies, Part- D , Vol.22, No.2, , pp 235-251, Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ahmed, M.U., Bala, S.K., and Chowdhury, A. (2004), Financial Reporting in Compliance With International Accounting Standards: A Study in Bangladesh with reference to IAS 1, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Volume XXV No. 2, pp.17-52, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Bala, S. K., Yusuf, M. A., and Chowdhury, A. (2004), Use of credit cards in Bangladesh: Enabling smart business in the digital age, Dhaka University Journal of Marketing, Vol. No. 7, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Bala, S. K., Chowdhury, A., and Mallick, D. (2001), Integration of Rice Markets in Bangladesh: A Study in Three Districts, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part- D , Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 17-30, Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Karim, W., and Chowdhury, A. (1998), A study of the Association Between Corporate Disclosure and Selected Corporate Attributes, Journal of Finance and BankingVol. 4, No. 1 & 2, June, 1998 pp. 53-79. Department of Finance and Banking, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

Karim, W., Islam, A., and Chowdhury, A,(1998), Financial Reporting in Bangladesh: The Regulatory Framework, Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 24,No. 1& 2, January & April, 1998, pp.  57- 88, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Karim, W., Islam, A., and Chowdhury, A. (1996),Users’ Perception of Published Accounts in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study, Dhaka  University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XVII, No. 1, pp. 211- 233, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Mahmood, R. A. and Chowdhury, A. (1994), Emerging pattern of Bangladesh’s Economic Relations with Japan, biiss journal, Vol.15, No.1, pp.1-36, Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Bangladesh.

Journal Publication

1) Uddin, J., Elliott, G. & Parvin, S. (2021). Impact of company and country antecedents on B2B buyer perceived supplier performance. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. [ABDC Rank A; 2020 Impact Factor: 3.46 (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus CiteScore Tracker 2021: 4.7]

2) Parvin, S., Wang, P., & Uddin, J. (2016). Using best-worst scaling method to examine consumers’ value preferences: A multidimensional perspective. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1199110.

3) Parvin, S., Wang, P., & Uddin, J. (2017). Assessing two consumer behavioural intention models in a service environment. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(3), 653-668. [ABDC Rank B; 2017]

4) Uddin, J., Parvin, S., & Rahman, M. L. (2013). Factors Influencing Importance of Country of Brand and Country of Manufacturing in Consumer Product Evaluation. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(4), 65-74.

5) Rahman, M. L., & Uddin, J. (2012). Test of Weak Form of Efficiency in Emerging Markets: A South Asian Evidence. ABAC Journal, 32(1), 1-15.

6) Uddin, J. (2009). Time Series Behavior of Imports and Exports of Bangladesh: Evidence from Cointegration Analysis and Error Correction Model. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 1(2), 156-162.

7) Uddin, J., Rahman, M. L., & Parvin, S. (2009). Determinants of Selecting Country-of-Origin (COO) as an Ingredient of Sourcing Strategy: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. ABAC Journal, 29(2), 37-48.

8) Rahman, M. L., & Uddin, J. (2009). Dynamic Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Three South Asian Countries. International Business Research, 2(2), 167-174.

9) Rahman, M. L., & Uddin, J. (2008). Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 52-57.

10) Uddin, J., Parvin, S., & Rahman, M. L. (2008). Determinants of Purchasing Imported Products in a Regular Basis: Development of a Regression Model. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(10), 25-32.


1) Parvin, S., Rahman, Z., & Uddin. J. (2017). Influence of Webqual on E-Satisfaction: A Strategic Tool for Educational Marketing. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Marketing, 5, 43-56.    

2) Uddin, J., & Parvin, S. (2016). Impact of Overall Country Image and Product Country Image on International Supplier Performance. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, 5, 56-84.

3) Parvin, S., Yasmin, I., & Uddin, J. (2011). Customer Relationship Management: A Key to Conquest Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Finance and Banking, 9(1), 99-116.

4) Mohiuddin, M., Rahman, M. L., & Uddin, J. (2009). Test of Efficiency in Emerging Stock Markets: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Business Administration, 35(1 & 2), 1-20.

5) Parvin, S., Uddin, J., & Rahman, A. (2008). Packaging: The Unvoiced Communication Device to Revolutionize Consumers’ Intension to Acquire a Brand. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 29(1), 67-80.

6) Rahman, M. L., Uddin, J., & Salat, A. (2008). Random Walk Hypothesis and Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) General Index: An Econometric Analysis. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 29(1), 115-136.

7) Rahman, M. L., Khan, M. H., Uddin, J., & Afroz, S. (2008). Stock Market Performance of Mutual Funds: A Bangladesh Perspective. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 29(2), 201-216.

8) Uddin, J., Khan, M. H., Rahman, M. L., & Parvin, S. (2008). Time Series Behavior of Bangladesh-Japan Trade: An Econometric Analysis. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 29(1), 169-186.

9) Uddin, J., Rahman, M. L., & Parvin, S. (2008). Efficiency of Floating Exchange Rate Regime in an Emerging Economy. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research, 10, 1-12.

10) Yasmin, I., Parvin, S., & Uddin, J. (2006). Selecting the Store Format: Determinants of Consumers’ Preference for Supermarket Shopping. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 27(1), 211-231.

11) Yasmin, I., Uddin, J., & Parvin, S. (2005). Emergence of Supermarkets: The Rationale for Changes in Consumers’ Shopping Pattern for Household Requirements. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, 26(1), 239-247.

International Conferences

1) Uddin, J., Elliott, G., & Hamin, H. (2014). Influence of Country-of-Origin on Overseas Supplier Performance. In proceedings of the ANZMAC Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

2) Uddin, J., Elliott, G., & Hamin, H. (2014). The Impact of Country-of-Origin on International Supplier Performance. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Francisco, USA.

3) Uddin, J., & Elliott, G. (2013). The Relevance of B2B Buyers in Country-of Origin Research. In proceedings of the ANZMAC Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.

4) Uddin, J. (2013). The Impact of Country-of-Origin (COO) on Australian Procurement Managers. Research proposal presented at ANZMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Auckland, New Zealand.

5) Uddin, M. G. S., Rahman, M. L., & Uddin, J. (2008). Empirical Relationship between Stock Prices and Money Supply in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis. Paper accepted for presentation at the 4th International Conference on Global Research in Business and Economics, Bangkok, Thailand.

6) Uddin, J., Rahman, M. L., & Parvin, S. (2008). Determinants of Country-of-Origin (COO) as an Ingredient of Sourcing Strategy of the Entrepreneurs of an Emerging Economy. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Global Business and Management Forum, Gurgoan, India.

Research Grant

Title: Firm Level Productivity and Investment Climate in Manufacturing Sector: A Study on the firms listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange

Funding Agency: International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Role: Lead Researcher

Amount: US $7000

Workshop and Training Participation
ANZMAC 2013 Multivariate Workshop
November 27-29, 2013; Auckland
Conducted by
Dr. Barry J. Babin
Head, Department of Marketing and
Analysis, Louisiana Tech University, USA
Corporate Valuation, Governance and Control
June 01- 05 and June 08-13, 2008; Dhaka
Conducted by
Prof. M. Kabir Hassan, PhD

Professor of Finance                     University of New Orleans, USA
The WTO Negotiations: A General Overview
June 24-26, 2006; Dhaka
Conducted by
Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI)
Research Methods for Business and the
Social Sciences: The Art of Survey Research
January 16-23, 2004; Dhaka
Conducted by
Syed Saad Andaleeb, PhD
Professor & Program Chair
Sam and Irene Black School of Business, Pennsylvania State University at Erie, USA
Case Development and Teaching
November 08, 2003; Dhaka
Conducted by
Dr. A G Balasubramanian
Goa Institute of Management

Conducted Workshop and Training as Resource Person
Training on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Arranged by EWU CRT; Dhaka
October-November 2018
Offered for
Faculty Members of East West University
Workshop on Writing Research Proposal
November 2018; Dhaka
Offered for
BCS Admin Cadres
BCS Admin Academy, Shahbag
Training on Research Methodology
Arranged by SAC, Open University, Gazipur
February 2018
Offered for
Faculty Members of Open
University, Bangladesh
Training on Research Methodology
Arranged by EWU CRT; Dhaka
November 2017
Offered for
Faculty Members of Open
University, Bangladesh
Workshop on Writing Research Proposal
November 2017; Dhaka
Offered for
BCS Admin Cadres
BCS Admin Academy, Shahbag
Journal Publication
  1. Ashrafi, AM; Akhter, M; Sarker, AR; Ferdousi, F; and Shahid ,TS (2025), Investigating the Interconnected Dynamics between e-WOM and Quality Performance Dimensions in Car Dashcams through a Symmetric and Asymmetric Modelling Approach" , The TQM Journal, Emerald Group Publishing, Received minor review. ABDC Ranked B 
  2. Akter, M; Ahmed, A; Momen, MA; Sultana, N; Sultana, S. and Ferdousi, F (2024), Determinants of Online Merchants’ Satisfaction on Third Party Logistics in a Developing Nation: A Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach, Cogent Business and Management, Tailor and Francis, Vol. 11, No. 1. Q2 (Scopus)
  3. Ferdousi, F; Ahmed, F; and Momen, A (2022), Evolution of quality assurance practices in enhancing the quality of open and distance education in a developing nation: A case study, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal,2022, 17(2), pp. 147–160.   Emerald Publishing Limited. SCOPUS
  4. Working Paper: F. Ferdousi (2022), The Role of Institutional Pressures on the Use of Quality Assurance Practices in Enhancing Effectiveness: A Case Study of Higher Education Institutions of Bangladesh, Center for Research and Training.
  5. Hride, FT.,Ferdousi, F and Jasimuddin, S M. (2021) Linking Perceived price-fairness, customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty: A structural equation modelling of Facebook-based e-commerce in Bangladesh, Global Business and Organizational Excellence,  2022, 41(3), pp. 41–54.  Wiley SCOPUS
  6. Momen MA, Sultana S, Ferdousi F, Shahriar SHB (2021), Determinants of Choosing a Foreign Brand in Emerging Economy: Lessons and Implication for the Local Entrepreneurs, VILAKSHAN - XIMB Journal of Management, Emerald Publishing Limited.
  7. F. Ferdousi, (2019-2020), The Role of Institutional Pressures on the Use of Quality Assurance Practices in Enhancing Effectiveness: A Case Study of Higher Education Institution of Bangladesh, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, Vol. 8.
  8. Ahmed, A. and Ferdousi, F. (2020), TQM Components as a Source of Competitive Advantage in a Beverage Organization: A Resource Based View, International Journal of Business Strategy and Automation, Vol.1, Issue 2. pp 25-36, IGI Global.
  9. Ferdousi, F., Baird, K. Munir, R. and Su, S.(2019), “Mediating role of quality performance on the association between organizational factors and competitive advantage”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 68, No. 3. Emerald Publishing Limited. SCOPUS  (ABDC ranked B)
  10. Ferdousi, F. and Kumar, K S 2016, Investment Climate Factors with Reference to Firm Performance in Bangladesh: A Prospective Cohort Study,  Handbook of Research on Fuzzy and Rough Set Theory in Organizational Decision Making, 2016, pp. 419–433. IGI Global (Book Chapter) SCOPUS
  11. Ferdousi, F., Baird, K.., Munir, R. and Su, S. (2018), “Association Between Organisational Factor, TQM and Competitive Advantage: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol.25, No.3. Emerald Publishing Limited.  SCOPUS (ABDC ranked B)
  12. Ahmed, A; Haque, MM; Rahman, MA; Khan, MS; Rahman, A and Ferdousi, F (2018), Integration and adaptation of e-technology to deliver technical education in public and private universities of Bangladesh,  Taylor and Francis (Book Chapter)
  13. Ferdousi, F., Ahmed, A. and Kumar, K S (2016), The implementation of innovative manufacturing practices: is it a   choice or pressure?: A relative case study, International Journal of Intelligence Enterprise, 3(2), pp. 170–183, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), SCOPUS (ABDC ranked C)
  14. Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2010), How Becoming Lean Can Improve Performance: A Study on Bangladeshi Garment Industry, Indian Journal of Management, 3(9), pp. 36–42.SCOPUS
  15. Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2010), A Manufacturing Strategy: An Overview of Related Concepts, Principles and Techniques,Asian Journal of Business Management, Vol.2, No.2.pp.35-40.
  16. Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2009), An Investigation of Manufacturing Performance Improvement through Lean Production: A Study on Bangladeshi Garment Firms, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.4, No.9.pp.106-116.
  17. Ferdousi, F & Ahmed, A (2009), Lean Production Practices: The Differences and Similarities in Performance between the Companies of Bangladesh and other Countries of the world, Asian Journal of Business Management, Vol.2, No.1.pp.32-36.
  18. Ferdousi, F ; Shabnam, S & Ahmed, A (2011), Status of Corporate Social Responsibilities Practices in Business Enterprises-An Exploratory Study, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
  19. Ferdousi, F; Ahmed A & Mannan, Z (2011), An Overview of the Literature on Lean Production Practices: Benefits, Improvements and Problems, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
  20. Ferdousi, F (2011), Lean Production Philosophy- Concept and Practice, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.
  21. Ferdousi, F ; Ahmed A & Mannan, Z (2011), Existence of Supporting Elements to Practice Lean- A Study on Manufacturing Firms, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.KG.

  22. Ferdousi F and Shabnam, S. (2017-2018), “The Impact of TQM Practices in Improving Product Quality: Bangladesh Garment Organizations as a Case”, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies.
  23. Ferdousi, F (2009), Lean Production Practices in Bangladesh: An Investigation into the Extent of Practices in the Bangladeshi Garment Companies, Independent Business Review, Vol.2, No. 1.pp.65-84.
  24. Ferdousi, F (2004), Application of Computer Simulation Model in the Analysis of Queuing System: Technological and Management Perspective, Journal of Business Studies. Vol.2, No.2.pp.160-169.
  25. Ferdousi, F 2003, Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Hindrances and Prospect, Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XXIV, No.1.pp.213-219.
  26. Mannan, MA & Ferdousi, F (2002), Corporate Cultural Transformation for Total Quality Management: Perspectives and Imperatives, Journal of Business Studies. Vol.xxiii, No.1.pp.1-16.
  27. Ferdousi, F ( 2021). The role of institutional pressures on the use of quality assurance practices in enhancing the effectiveness of higher education, Funded by East West University Center for Research and Training, Submitted (2021).
  28. Ferdousi, F; Ahmed, A and Momen, A (2021). The use of Quality Assurance Practices in enhancing the  quality of Open and Distance Education: A Case at Bangladesh Open University, Open Learning Journal, Under Review.

Conference & Seminars

  1. Hride, F.T. and Ferdousi, F, (2019), “The Role Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: F-Commerce Users of a Developing Country”, 4th International GCSTMR Congress 20-22 January, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Ahmed, A and Ferdousi, F, (2019), “Effect of Contingency Factors in Adopting Lean Practices- A Case on a Beverage Organization of a Developing Economy”, 4th International GCSTMR Congress 20-22 January, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Ferdousi, F, (2017), “The Association Between Organizational Related Factors, the Adoption of TQM and Competitive Advantage”, 1st GCSTMR Congress, 4-5 February, Dhaka University Senate Bhaban.
  4. Sharmin, A. and Ferdousi, F, (2017), “Downfall of Unipolar World: A Transitional Phase of World System”, 1st GCSTMR Congress, 4-5 February, Dhaka University Senate Bhaban.
  5.  InSPIRE Conference, 4-6 July, 2016, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Attended as a participant.
  6. Ahmed, A; Ferdousi, F and Mannan, Z (2015), Is Investment Climate Matters for Firms’ Performance? An Empirical Study, Melbourne International Business and Social Science Research Conference 2015, 2-4 October, Melbourne Australia.
  7. Mannan, Z; Ahmed, A and Ferdousi, F(2015), Managerial Attitudes towards Participative Management: A Study in a Developing Country, Sydney International Business Research Conference, 17-19 April, Sydney, Australia.
  8. Ferdousi, F (2015), The Influence of Institutional Pressures on the adoption of QM in Developing Economy, The First Biennial Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration Conference, Vol.1, presented January 12-14.
  9. Ferdousi, F & Shabnam, S (2010), Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Private Garment Manufacturer Units of Bangladesh: Study on Perception and Performance, GBMF, Presented 23rd December.
  10. Ferdousi, F (2009), An Empirical Investigation of Lean Production Philosophy-A Bangladeshi Case, International Conference on Indigenous Management, University of Annamalai, Presented July, 16-18.
Text Books
  1. Bulbul, A; Ferdousi, F and Rahman, A 2013 “Total Quality Management (Conventional and Islamic Perspectives) (Co-author)
  2. Mannan, M A 2013, “Strategic Management: A Search for excellence”, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. (Editorial Contribution)
  3. Mannan, M A & Ferdousi, F 2007, “Essence of Total Quality Management”, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. (Co-author)
Research Project

  1. Title:Outcome Based Education and Accreditation – Tools for Higher Education Institutions Effectiveness
    Position: Researcher
    Research Grant: The project will be funded by Center for Research and Training, East West University (EWUCRT), Submitted to EWUCRT on Nov 23rd ,2023
    Status: Under Review
  2. Title: The Role of Institutional Pressures on he use of quality assurance practices in enhancing the effectiveness of Higher Education.
    Position: Researcher
    Research Grant: $2500. The project is financed by Center for Research and Training, East West University.
    Status: Completed and published as a working paper( 2021).                      
  3. Title: A Comparative Study on Investment Climate in the EPZ and Non-EPZ Garment Firms of Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation.
    Position: Researcher
    Research Grant: $7000.The project was financed by IFCEWU (International Finance Corporation- East West University).
    Status: Completed and Published (2012).
  4. Title: Practices of TQM in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh-An Empirical Investigation
    Position: Team Leader and Researcher
    Research Grant: $2500. The project is financed by Center for Research and Training, East West University.
    Status: Published, March 2013.
Workshops and Training
  1. Workshop on Brainstorming Session on Learning and Teaching, January 23, 2024, Organized by East West University.
  2. Workshop on Brainstorming Session on Research & Innovation (L&T), February 19, 2024, Organized by East West University.
  3. Workshop on Outcome Based Education, University Grants Commission, November 3-4, 2021
  4. Workshop on Higher Education in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Bangladesh Accreditation Council, September 26, 2021
  5. Motivational Workshop on Quality Assurance & Accreditation in Higher Education, Bangladesh Accreditation Council, August 31, 2021.
  6. Workshop on “Outcome-based Curriculum”, IQAC, East West University, May 22, 2021.
  7. Virtual training workshop: Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework (BNQF), Bangladesh Accreditation Council, April 11-12, 2021.
  8. Training/Workshop on "How to write a Research Proposal" with BCS Cadre, March 8, 2020, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
  9. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of Bangladesh Open University, Feb.-Mar, 2020, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training in Association with Bangladesh Open University. (Resource Person)
  10. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of East West University, Jan, 2020, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training. (Resource Person)
  11. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the Government Officers (Ministry of Industries), 10 March-16 April, 2019, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training in Association with Ministry of Industries. (Resource Person)
  12. Training/Workshop on "How to write a Research Proposal" with BCS Cadre, November, 2018, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
  13. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" with BCS Cadre, February, 2018, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
  14. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of Bangladesh Open University, 21 Nov.-03 December, 2017, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training in Association with Bangladesh Open University. (Resource Person)
  15. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" with BCS Cadre, October, 2017, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
  16. Training/Workshop on "Research Methodology" for the faculty members of BCS Administration Academy, 21-22 April, 2017, Organized by BCS Administration Academy in association with Center for Research and Training, East West University. (Resource Person)
  17. Training on “How to Publish Articles in Impact Factor Enriched and Good Indexed Journals and Preparation for PhD Program”, Organized by IQAC, Daffodil International University, 26 December, 2016. (Resource Person)
  18. Workshop on "Human Resource Management for Administrative and Non-Administrative Employees", Organized by IQAC, Daffodil International University, 26 November, 2016. (Resource Person)
  19. National Consultation Workshop on "Policy for Open Educational Resources (OER) in Bangladesh". November19, 2016 at Karabi Hall, Prime Minister’s Office.
  20. Participated in a one day workshop on ‘SPSS Basic’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, November, 2016.
  21. Participated in a one day workshop on ‘NVIVO 10’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, November, 2015
  22. Participated in a one day workshop on ‘Thesis Formatting’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, November, 2015.
  23. Participated in a one day workshop on ‘SPSS Intermediary Course’ in Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (2015).
  24. Participated in a two days NVIVO 10 Workshop in Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia (2013).
  25. Participated as resource person in a Focus Group Discussion on Public Private Partnership in Higher Education with Civil Society Representatives. Commissioned by ADB, implemented by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Dated: January 30, 2013.
  26. Participated as a resource person in a Focus Group Discussion on Public Private Partnership in Higher Education with Industry Leaders. Commissioned by ADB, implemented by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Dated: October26, 2012.
  27. Participated in a Focus Group Discussion on Public Private Partnership in Higher Education with Public University Representatives. Commissioned by ADB, implemented by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. Dated: September 8, 2012.
  28. Participated in a workshop on Redesigning Curriculum and Writing Text Book from Islamic Perspective: A Special Reference to Economics and Business Studies, (WCDTB, 2012), 29 June – 3 July, 2012 at ISTAC and KENMS, IIUM, MALAYSIA
  29. Participated in training on Scientific Research in Business, organized by the Department of Business Administration. Training conducted by Professor Shuzo Abe, Waseda University of Japan, 2010.
  30. Participated in training on Research Methods for Business and Social Science: The Art of Survey Research, organized by Center for Research in Business, Economics and Technology (CERBET), East West University. Training conducted by Dr. Syed Saad Andaleed, Visiting Full Bright Scholar, EWU. Professor and Program Chair, Sam and Irene Black, School of Business, Pennsylvania State, University of Erie.

East West Journal of Business and Social Studies (Assistant Editor)

Book of Abstract; Conference Proceedings (4th International Congress by GCSTMR, 19-22 January, 2019)

  1. Thesis Examination :Mr. Noble Kennedy E , VIT Business School, Ph.D. Thesis, Thesis Title: Enablers of Digitalization of Supply Chain and its impact on Supply Chain Performance among Manufacturing SMEs.


  1. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (2025)
  2. Bangladesh journal of MIS (2025)
  3. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies
  4. Neural Computing and Applications Journal 
  5. Business Management Journal

Honour and Award

1. I have been selected as the 2024 ACBSP Teaching Excellence Award recipient for Region 10. Region 10 includes 16 countries such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Afghanistan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore.

  • 2. International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship for PhD.

3. Dean Honor-for Undergraduate result.

Conference Organizer
  1. 4th International Congress by GCSTMR, 19-22 January, 2019, First International GCSTMR Congress, February 4-5, 2017.
  2. International Conference on Knowledge Transfer, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) with financial support of UGC/World Bank Academic Innovation Fund under the HEQUEP sub-Project, February 17-18, 2017
Journal Publication


Al-Faryan, M.A.S., and Shil, N.C. (2023). Governance as an Interplay between Corruption and Polity: Conceptualizing from a National Perspective. Economies, 11(2), 65.

Chowdhury, A., and Shil, N. C. (2023). Management Control Systems in the Business Sector: Understanding Trends from Selected Literature in an International Setting. Indonesian Journal of Economics and Management, 3(2), 214-230.

Chowdhury, A., and Shil, N. C. (2023). Public Policy Issues in the Context of Public Sector Reforms: A Qualitative Storytelling of a Former Government Department in the Asia-Pacific Region. Asia-pacific Journal of Public Policy, 9(1), 74-91.

Shil, N. C., & Chowdhury, A. (2023). A Qualitative Narrative on the Practices of Transparency and Accountability at Local Government Institutions: The Case of a Union Parishad in Bangladesh. Local Administration Journal, 16(2), 151–176.

Shil, N. C., & Chowdhury, A. (2023). Public Administration Agendas in the Light of New Public Management: A Written Testimony of Reform Initiatives of an Asian Country. Journal of Public Administration and Government, 5(2), 143-160.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N.C. (2022). Management Control Systems as the Protagonist in Public Sector Reforms: Observations from Worldwide Selected Literature. RUDN Journal of Public Administration, Vol 9, Issue 3, pp. 302–316.

Al-Faryan, M.A.S., and Shil, N.C. (2022). Nexus between Governance and Economic Growth: Learning from Saudi Arabia. Cogent Business & Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 2130157.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2022). New Public Management as a Reform Initiative in the Australian Public Sector: Demonstrated Evidences from Literature. Journal of Public Administration and Local Governance, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 104-112.

Chowdhury, A, and Shil, N. C. (2022). Understanding Change Management in Organizational Context: Revisiting Literature. Management and Entrepreneurship: Trends of Development, Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp. 28-43.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2021). Understanding management accountants’ satisfaction: A conceptual study. Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 221-263.

Shil, N. C., and Kotha, A. T. (2021). Exploring the impact of policy reforms on market efficiency: evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange. The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 1-23.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021). Performance management systems in public sector under new public management regime: An Australian case. Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, Issue 20, pp. 40-60.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2021). Factors Influencing the Choice of Sophisticated Management Accounting Practices - Exploratory Evidence from An Emerging Market. Emerging Markets Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-12.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021). Epitomes of New Public Management: Insights from Illustrative Literature on Worldwide Public Sector Reform Agendas. International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 3-25.

Chowdhury, A and Shil, N. C. (2021). Private Sector Management Tools in the Public Sector: Illustrative Evidence of Literature from Australian Public Sector. Business ManagementIssue 3pp. 5-21.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2021). Thinking ‘Qualitative’ Through a Case Study: Homework for a Researcher. American Journal of Qualitative Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 190-210.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2020). Public Financial Management Systems in Bangladesh: An Ideological Review. Journal of Management & Public Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 17-37.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020). Cultural control systems in the context of New Public Management: An In-depth case study of an Australian Public Sector Organization. International Journal of Governance and Public Policy Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-31.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020). Conceptualizing management control systems: Illustrative evidence from literature on the Australian business sector. Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review, Vol. 51, No. 11, pp. 51-63.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2020), Exploratory Evidence on Accounting System, Annual Report Review and New Public Management, International Journal of Finance and Managerial Accounting, Vol. 4, No. 16, Winter, pp. 27-37.

Super, S. O., Shil, N. C. (2019), Determinants of Audit Fee in the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria, IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 62-75.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2019), Revisiting Management Accounting Practice Gap: A Proposed PERAPPGAP Model, Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 135-155.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Influence of New Public Management Philosophy on Risk Management, Fraud and Corruption Control and Internal Audit: Evidence from an Australian Public Sector Organization, Journal of Accounting & Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 486-508.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Action control system and new public management: an in-depth case study, Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 31-56.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Financial Delegation system in the Context of New Public Management: Evidence from an Australian Public Sector, Strategic Public Management Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 10, pp. 1-11.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Managing Human Resources in light of New Public Management Ideals: Corroboration from an Australian Public Sector Organization, Thai Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 17 No.2 pp. 67-93.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2019), Exploratory Evidence on Accounting System, Annual Report Review and New Public Management, International Journal of Finance and Managerial Accounting, Vol. 4, No. 16, Winter, pp. 27-37.

Shil, N. C., Hossain, M. N. and Ullah, M. N. (2019), Exploring the Underlying Factors Affecting Capital Structure Decision: A Quantitative Analysis, The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Vol. 30, Issue 4, pp. 69-84.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2018), Contextualizing Planning and Budgeting Systems: Public Sector Experience, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 27-53.

Shil, N. C. (2017), An Unheard Call for Bridging Ethics and Governance: Save the Planet, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 4-6.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Performance Measurement Systems in the Context of New Public Management: Evidence from Australian Public Sector and Policy Implications for Developing Countries, Problems of Management in the 21st Century, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 7-19.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Public Sector Reforms and New Public Management: Exploratory Evidence from Australian Public Sector, Asian Development Policy Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-16.

Super, S. O. and Shil, N. C. (2017), Determinants of Quality Accounting Information Disclosure, Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 79-86.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2016), Innovation in Public Sector Management Control Systems in the Context of New Public Management: A Case of an Australian Public Sector Organization, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 99-125.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2016), Enterprise Agility on Consumption Value: Bringing Satisfaction in New Product, European Business & Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 8-16.

Chowdhury, A. and Shil, N. C. (2016), Systems of Accountability in Public Sector Organization Using NPM: An Exploratory Evidence, American Journal of Business, Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 163-169.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2015), Researching the Level of Diffusion of Selective Management Accounting Techniques by Bangladeshi Firms, Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, Bucharest University of Economics Studies, Romania, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 704-731.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2014), Management Accounting Today: A Perspective for Tomorrow, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi Mara, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 37-68.

Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2012), Right Product Pricing: Application of Activity Based Costing and Economic Value Added as an Integration Tool, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 44, Nov. 2012, pp. 10826-10833.

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2012), Application of Activity Based Costing in Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh: A Survey Based Study, The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, University of Suceava, Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2012, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 170-182.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, S. S. (2012), An Assessment of Firm Characteristics on Financial Disclosure: Insurance Industry in Bangladesh, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting (IJMFA), Inderscience Publications, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 215-237.

Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2012), Satisfaction management in retail financial services: an analysis of the gap in perceived quality, International Journal of Financial Services Management, Inderscience Publications, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 256-271.

Shil, N. C., Ali, M. A. and Rahman, A. (2012), A Survey on Existing Vendor Selection Techniques, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Inderscience Publications, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 56-92.

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2011), Employability Management: Is Higher Education in Crisis? The Annals of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. Fascicle of The Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2011, Vol. 11, issue 2(14), pp. 149-165.

Alam, M. F. and Shil, N. C. (2011), Fiscal Measures in the Bangladesh National Budget of 2009-10: An Appraisal of Income Tax, The IUP Journal of Public Finance, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 7-24.

Mishra, D. P., Jena, A. B. and Shil, N. C. (2011), India’s Foreign Trade during Liberalization Era: an Assessment, Journal of International Economic Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 39-50.

Shil, N. C. and Huda, M. M. (2011), Explicating Customer Satisfaction: A Survey on Private Commercial Banks, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 41, Issue 4, April 2011, pp. 46-55.

Shil, N. C. (2011), Accounting Standards to Reform Reporting Environment, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 2011.

Shil, N. C. (2011), A conceptual and critical review of Accounting Standards in Bangladesh, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, April 2011, pp. 25-33.

Shil, N. C. (2011), A Study on Customer Delight in selected Commercial Banks in India, International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Feb 2011, pp. 40-53.

Shil, N. C. and Das, B.n (2010), Product Planning through HOQ, The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 61-75.

Ali, M. A., Shil, N. C., Nine, M. S. Q. Z., Khan, M. A. K. and Hoque, M. H. (2010), Vendor Selection Using Fuzzy Integration, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Taylor and Francis Online, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 376-382.

Shil, N. C.  (2010), Customized Supplier Selection Methodology: An Application of Multiple Regression Analysis, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Taylor and Francis Online, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 58-70.

Shil, N. C., Alam, M. F. and Naznin, M. (2010), Cost and Management Accounting Practices in Bangladesh: A Survey, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting (IJMFA), Inderscience Publications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 364-382.

Shil, N. C., Ali, M. A., and Paiker, N. R. (2010), Robust Customer Satisfaction Model using QFD, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM), Inderscience Publications,  Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 112-136.

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2009), A Look into the Disclosure Improvements on CSR Reporting in Bangladesh, Malaysian Accounting Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 67-83.

Shil, N. C. (2009), A Case on Vendor Selection Methodology: An Integrated Approach, Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM), University of Johannesburg, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 80-95.

Shil, N. C., Debasish, S. S., and Alam, M. F. (2009), Impact of Global Financial Crisis in South Asian Economy: With Special Emphasis to India, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 3, Issue. 3/4, August 2009.

Alam, M. F. and Shil, N. C. (2009), An Assessment of Non-Tax Revenue Sources in Bangladesh, The Icfai University Journal of Public Finance, Vol. 7, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 65-82.

Das, B., Pramanik, A. K. and Shil, N. C. (2009), Implications and Applications of IFRS 4: Insurance Contracts – A Review of Asian Countries, Journal of Accounting and Finance, The Research Development Association Jaipur (India), Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009, pp. 90-108.

Shil, N. C. (2009), Management of Optimum Supplier Selection Process, Indian Management Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009, pp. 4-18.

Shil, N. C. (2009), Explicating 5S: Make you Productive, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 33-47.

Debasish, S. S., Shil, N. C. (2009), Key Discriminators of Bank Profitability, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 98-110.

Shil, N. C. (2009), Extended Fuzzy Front End in New Product Development Process, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, pp. 79-97,.

Alam, M. F. and Shil, N. C. (2009), VAT in Bangladesh, International VAT Monitor, 2009, pp. 124-130.

Shil, N. C. and Alam, M. F. (2009), Corporate Governance Reporting Style and Status by the Listed Companies in Dhaka Stock Exchange, AIMA Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 3, Issue 1/4, 2009.

Shil, N. C. (2009), Performance Measures: An Application of Economic Value Added, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 169-177.

Shil, N. C. (2009), Micro Finance for Poverty Alleviation: A Commercialize View, International Journal of Economics and Finance (IJEF), Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, pp. 191-205.

Shil, N. C., Das, B. and Pramanik, A. K. (2009), Harmonization of Accounting Standards through Internationalization, International Business Research (IBR), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2009, pp. 194-201.

Shil, N. C., and Das, B. (2009), Analysis of Gap in Service Quality through SERVQUAL: A Case of Deposit Service Provided by a Bank in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, No. 6, 2009, pp. 3-11.

Das, B., Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2009) Convergence of Accounting Standards: Internationalization of Accounting, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 78-84, January 2009.

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2008), Corporate Environmental Accounting and Reporting in Bangladesh,  Indian Journal of Accounting, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2008, pp. 22-30

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2008), Accounting for Good Corporate Governance, Indian Journal of Public Enterprise, Vol. 23, No. 44, 2008, pp. 93-103.

Shil, N. C. (2008), Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Arsenic Water Supply Project in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 175-185, November 2008.

Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2008), A Study of Customer Satisfaction with Regard to Banking: An Application of QFD, The ICFAIAN Journal of Management Research, Vol. 7, No. 8, 2008, pp. 7-26.

Das, B., Mohanty, S. and Shil, N. C. (2008), Mutual Fund vs. Life Insurance: Behavioral Analysis of Retail Investors, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 89-103.

Pramanik, A. K., Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2008), Corporate Environmental Reporting: An Emerging Issue in the Corporate World, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 146-154.

Das, B., Mohanty, S. and Shil, N. C. (2008), Categorizing Consumers’ Buying Behavior: A Factor Analysis in Consumer Durable Market, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 147-156.

Shil, N. C. (2008), Accounting for Good Corporate Governance, Journal of Administration and Governance (JOAAG), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 22-31.

Shil, N. C. (2008), Interim Reporting Practices in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange, International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences (IJNSS), Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 26-31.


Shil, Nikhil Chandra, Hoque, Mahfuzul and Akter, Mahmuda (2020), ‘Sophistication in Product Costing System: A Proposed Contingency Framework’, Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 47-69.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2019), Budget as an Artifact for Deficit Reduction under New Public Management: Appraisal of National Budget of Bangladesh Drawing from Theoretical insights of societal ontology of Theodore Schatzki, The Cost & Management, Vol. 47, No.3, May-June, pp. 25-35.

Shil, Nikhil Chandra, Hoque, Mahfuzul and Akter, Mahmuda (2018), ‘Understanding Gaps in Management Accounting Practices: Exploratory Evidence in an Emerging Economy’, Journal of Business Studies (Special International Edition), Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 59-89.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), Is Sustainability Reporting in Public Sector a Fashion or Legitimation? An Isomorphic Interpretation, The Cost and Management, Vol. 46, No. 2, March-April, pp. 14-26.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), Program Budgeting might be an Untold Story of Innovation for Public Financial Management in Bangladesh: A Habermasian Critical Theory Perspective, The Cost and Management, Vol. 46, No. 3, May-June, pp. 22-33.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2018), A Journey Towards Sustainable Development Agenda 2030: An Analysis through Theoretical Lens of Pierre Bourdieu in a Developing Country Perspective, The Cost and Management, Vol. 46, No. 4, July-August, pp. 14-27.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2017), Social Construction of Budgeting and New Public Management: An Interpretive Sociology Approach, The Cost and Management, Vol. 45, No. 3, May-June, pp. 25-31.

Shil, N. C. and Chowdhury, A. (2016), Journey towards Growth and Prosperity: A Critical Review on Budget on 2016-17, The Cost and Management, Vol. 44, No. 3, May-June, pp. 20-29.

Shil, N. C. (2015), Expectation Gap and Pre-Financial Reporting Act Regime, The Cost and Management, Vol. 43, No. 3, May-June, pp. 45-52.

Shil, N. C. (2015), Cost and Management Accounting Profession in Bangladesh in Retrospect: Beyond the Imagination, The Cost and Management, Vol. 43, No. 4, July-August, pp. 5-11.

Shil, N. C. (2015), Stewardship, Transparency, Accountability and Reporting (STAR) Framework: A Journey of Enlightening, The Cost and Management, Vol. 43, No. 6, November-December,  pp. 5-12.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2014), Critical observations on Management Accounting Practice Gap in Bangladesh: An Outcome of Selective Interviews, The Cost and Management, Vol. 42, No. 5, September-October 2014, pp. 19-25.

Shil, N. C. and Shil, S. (2013), Income Tax Measures under Finance Act 2013: An Assessment and Expectation, The Cost and Management, Vol. 41, No. 4, July-August 2013, pp. 19-22.

Dhar, T. T. and Shil, N. C. (2012), Human Resource Accounting – A Look into the Theory, Presidency University Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 2012, pp. 121-140.

Shil, N. C.; Das, B. and Pramanik, A. K. (2010), Implications of IFRS 4 (Insurance Contracts) in Asian Countries: A Critical Review, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 31, No. 2, June 2010, pp. 205-227.

Debasish, S. S., Das, B. and Shil, N. C. (2010), Impact of Index Future Trading on Spot Market in India, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Volume 31, No. 1, 2010, pp. 137-153.

Shil, N. C. and Alam, M. F. (2009), Trade-off between Waiting Cost and Service Cost through Waiting Time Analysis: An Application of Single Server Single Phase Single Line Model, The Cost and Management, Volume 37, Number 3, May-June 2009, pp. 21-24.

Shil, N. C. and Osman, A. R. (2007), Quality Function Deployment for Customer Satisfaction in Banking Services, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 2, No 2, July 2007, pp. 105-118.

Das, B. and Shil, N. C. (2007), Strengthening SMEs to Make Export Competitive, Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), Volume 02, Issue 01-02, January-December 2007, pp. 54-64.

Pramanik, A. K., Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2007), Environmental Accounting and Reporting: With Special Reference to India, The Cost and Management, Vol. 35, No. 6, Nov-Dec. 2007, pp. 16-28.

Shil, N. C. and Parvez, M. (2007), Life Cycle Costing: As An Alternative Selection Tool, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 9, June 2007, pp. 49-68.

Islam, M. S., Shil, N. C. and Mannan, M. A. (2005), Non Performing Loans – It’s Causes, Consequences and Some Learning, Stamford Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2005, pp. 100-116.

Shil, N. C. and Iqbal, M. (2005), Environmental Disclosure – A Bangladesh perspective, The Cost and Management, Vol. 33, No. 4, July-August 2005, pp. 85-93.

Hoque, M., Akter, M. and Shil, N. C. (2004), Value Based Measure: An Application of EVA in Small Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh, Journal of the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh, Vol. 51, No. 2, December 2004, pp. 135-155.


Shil, N. C., Masud, M. Z. and Alam, M. F. (2022), Bangladesh Income Tax: Theory and Practice [ISBN: 984-300-000975-5], Shams Publications, Fifteenth Edition.

Shil, N. C. and Das, B. (2017), Financial Management: A Strategic Perspective, Sage Publications, ISBN: 978-93-515-0999-8.

Das, B., Shil, N. C. and Das, S. (2017), Auditing and Corporate Governance, Kalyani Publishers, India.

Research Book

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2011), Corporate Environmental Accounting, Auditing and Reporting, Manglam Publishers & Distributors, Delhi [ISBN: 978-81-89972-30-1]

Editorial Book

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2011), Contemporary Research in Cost and Management Accounting Practices: The Twenty First Century Perspective, North American Business Press, Toronto-Miami-Seattle [ISBN: 978-0-9828434-2-0].

Research Monograph

Shil, N. C. and Pramanik, A. K. (2012), Accounting for Value Added: A Reporting and Regulatory Framework, LAP Publications, Germany, ISBN: 3659001082 (10 digit), 978-3659001086 (13 digit), 2012

Shil, N. C. (2011), Capital Management: A Story of Success and Failure, LAP Publications, Germany, ISBN: 3845432225 (10 digit), 978-3-845-43222-9 (13 digit)

Shil, N. C. and Parvez, M. (2010), Life Cycle Costing: Techniques and Applications (Choosing the Most Economic Project), VDM Publications, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-639-23430-5.

Shil, N. C. and Parvez, M. (2010), Small and Medium Enterprises: A Research Note, VDM Publications, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-639-27769-2.

Study Guide

Shil, N. C. and Masud, M. Z. (2015), Principles of Accounting, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.

Shil, N. C. (2015), Business Communications, The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.

Shil, N. C. (2014), Taxation, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh.

Book Chapters

Shil, Nikhil Chandra; Hoque, Zahirul and Chowdhury, Anup (2021), Public Budgeting in Bangladesh: An Earnest Quest for Transparency and Accountability. In Zahirul Hoque (Ed.), Public Sector Reform and Performance Management in Emerging Economies: Outcome Based Approaches in Practice, Routledge, London.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2015), Influence of Decision-Making Goal and Accurate Product-Costing Goal on the Design of Sophisticated Costing Systems: Proposal of Multi-Goal Coordination Approach, Edited by Yasuhiro Monden, Prof.-Emeritus, Tsukuba University Yoshiteru Minagawa, Prof. Nagoya Gakuin University, Lean Management of Global Supply Chain, Japanese Management and International Studies Vol. 12, 2015, pp. 251 - 280

Shil, N. C. (2012), Global Financial Crisis in South Asia: Today and Tomorrow, In Recession and Its Aftermath: Adjustments in the United States, Australia, and the Emerging Asia, edited by NMP Verma, Springler India, 2012.

Hoque, M.; Shil, N. C., and Akter, M. (2011), Application of QFD in Budgetary Planning in Educational Facility: A Proposal Contemporary Research in Cost and Management Accounting Practices: The 21st Century Perspective, edited by Nikhil Chandra Shil and Alok Kumar Pramanik, North American Business Press, 2011.

Shil, N. C. and Ali, M. A. (2011), Sophistication in Management Accounting Practices using Neural Networks in Contemporary Research in Cost and Management Accounting Practices: The 21st Century Perspective, edited by Nikhil Chandra Shil and Alok Kumar Pramanik, North American Business Press, 2011.

Shil, N. C. (2011), ‘Accounting Standards in Bangladesh: A Conceptual and Critical Review’  in Accounting Standards and Convergence Scenario edited by Prof. Alok Kumar Pramanik, Head, Department of Commerce, Bhatter College, Dantan.

Shil, N. C. (2009), ‘EVA Basics’ in Economic Value Added edited by Bhagaban Das and Alok Kumar Pramanik, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2009, pp 175-193.

Shil, N. C. (2008), ‘Corporate Environmental Accounting and Reporting’ in Contemporary Environmental Accounting: Issues, Concepts and Practices edited by Alok Kumar Pramanik, Kanishka Publications, New Delhi, pp. 102-126.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2019), Sophistication in Product Costing System: A Proposed Contingency Framework, Fourth International Conference on Business and Economics under the theme Spectrum of Opportunities through Innovation and Technology organized by Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka held on October 29-30.

Shil, N. C., Hoque, M. and Akter, M. (2018), Revisiting Management Accounting Practice Gap: A Proposed PERAPPGAP Model, Third International Conference on Business and Economics under the theme Shaping the Future through Inclusive Development organized by Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka held on October 9-10. This paper has received Best Paper Award.

Nine, M. S. Q. Z., Khan, M. A. K., Hoque, M. H., Ali, M. A.; Shil, N. C. and Sorwar, G. (2009), Vendor Selection using Fuzzy C Mean Algorithm and Analytic Hierarchy Process, 2009 IEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, August 20-24, 2009, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Korea.

Uddin, M. R., Shil, N. C., Ali, M. A. and Ali, M. S. (2010), Fuzzy Clustering in Corporate Governance, 2010 IEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, June 28-30, 2010, Grand Capthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore.

Sharmeen, S., Ali, M. A., Ripon, S. H., Kabir, M. H., Shil, N. C. (2012), Vendor selection using genetic algorithm, in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2012 Joint 6th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1877-1881, 20-24 Nov. 2012.


Shil, N.C. and Chowdhury, A. (submitted), Management Accounting Practices in Emerging Economy: Evidence from a Field Study, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting Under Review

Shil, N.C.; Hoque, Z. and Kamal, T. (submitted), The reality of auditor independence in crisis: A phenomenological inquiry, Auditing: An International Journal Under Review

Journal Publication

Ashrafi, D. M., Chowdhury, S. M. M., Habiba, W., Chowdhury, S. H., Alam, M. S., Zabeen, M., & Sarker, Md. A. (2024). Rigidity or fluidity? does variety-seeking vary based on perceived threat during the covid-19 pandemic? Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 46(02), 197–211.

Shahriar, S. H., Arafat, S., Islam, I., Nur, J. M., Rahman, S., Khan, S. I., & Alam, M. S. (2022). The emergence of e-learning and online-based training during the COVID-19 crisis: An exploratory investigation from Bangladesh. Management Matters. Emerald Publishing, 

Shahriar, S. H., Alam, M. S., Arafat, S., Khan, M. M., Nur, J. M., & Khan, S. I. (2022). Remote work and changes in organizational HR practices during Corona pandemic: A study from Bangladesh. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 097226292211152. Sage Journals

 Kabir, T., Popy, N.N. and Alam, M.S. (2022) ‘What factors influence consumer overconsumption of Food? An investigation from Dhaka during the COVID-19 pandemic’, Int. J. Behavioural and Healthcare Research, Vol. 8, Nos. 3/4, pp.234–253.

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K., & Sulphey, M. M. (2021). A case study on the entrepreneurial process of push and pull women entrepreneurs. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 10(2), 207–217.

Shahriar, S. H. B., Arafat, S., & Alam, M. S. (2019). Branding in Informal Sector: Qualitative Analysis from a Developing Country Perspective. SEDME (Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal), 46(3), 161–170.

Shahriar, S. H. B., Alam, M. S &  Arafat, S., (2019). Transformation from Traditional to Digital Marketing: A Case on Facebook Marketing for Micro Foodservice Brands. (2020). Journal of Business & Economic Analysis, 2(2), 166–187. doi: 10.36924/sbe.2019.2201

Biswas, K., Alam, M. S, Sulphey MM. (2015). Work- Family Conflict and Non Sharing Jobs: The Link Explored for Dhaka. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies , Vol-4, pp.53-65 ,ISSN – 2074-5443

Faruq O., Alam, M. S and Sharmin S., ( 2014). Incorporating Small Farmers in the Agricultural Supply Chain: A Pastoral View of Bangladesh. International Journal of Management and Development Studies Volume 2, No. 3, July 2014, pp.36- 43 ISSN (Online): 2320-0685. ISSN (Print): 2321-1423.

Biswas, K., Alam, M. S, Faruqui F (2013), “Challenges for roadside food vendors be Turned into brands: a case from Dhaka” International Journal in Management and Social Science, IJMSS Vol.01 Issue-01, ISSN: 2321–1784

Alam, M. S, Faruqui F , Sulphey M.M. (2013), “A Study about the Phenomenon of Glass Ceiling among Women Managers In Bangladesh Management Researcher  Volume XIX, No-3, Jan- March 

Biswas, K., & Alam, M. S. (2011). Penetrating The Middle Class of The Saarc Region: A Gateway to Competitiveness of Emerging India. Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research, 10(1), 5–17. doi: 10.1177/0972622520110103

Alam, M. S., Sattar, A., & Chaudhury, S. N. (2011). Work Family Conflict of Women Managers in Dhaka. Asian Social Science, 7(7). doi: 10.5539/ass.v7n7p108

Biswas, K., & Alam, M. S. ( 2011) “ A Nexus between BOP Entrepreneurs and BOP Consumers: A Snap Shot from Bangladesh” International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume no 2, Issue 3 ( March), ISSN 0976-2183

Islam, M. A., Khan, M. A., Obaidullah, A. Z. M., & Alam, M. S. (2011). Effect of Entrepreneur and Firm Characteristics on the Business Success of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(3). doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v6n3p289

Masud, A., Khaled, A. A., Abedin, F., Uddin, A. N., & Alam, M. S. (2009). Quality control by information technology in RMG industry in Bangladesh. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 1(1), 53. doi: 10.1504/ijqi.2009.026463

Islam, M. A., & Alam, M. S. (2009). The effect of management styles and employee behaviour on customer satisfaction in the electronic manufacturing industry in Malaysia. Indian Journal of Marketing, 39(11), 19-24.

Alam, M. S. , Biswas, K., & Hassan, K. (2009). A Test of Association between Working Hour and Work Family Conflict: A Glimpse on Dhaka’s Female White Collar Professionals. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5). doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v4n5p27

  • 2022: Second Prize for The Case Centre Best Cases Award for case “Face Book-Based Entrepreneurship: Does It Transform Success in Small Business: A Case Study of a Watch Business”, Organized by ICMC, Birla Institute of Management Technology, Noida, India

  • Best paper award in Marketing Track for the paper titled ” A Case Approach to Test The Potentials of Transformation from Informal into Formal Sector – A Snapshot from Dhaka Metropolis” in the International Conference on Business and Social Science Research, ICBSSR, Bangladesh, September 2015

  • Certificate of Excellence in recognition of outstanding contribution to academic research, East West University , Bangladesh 2009, on the occasion of 14th Foundation day of East West University 2009

  • Awarded 2nd prize for the paper titled” Challenges in Women Owned Small and Medium Sized Retail Business; A Perspective of Globalization” in the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Management Research, organized by Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Trichy, India 2009
Edited Book

Alam, M. S, Ahmed, S. S, Anwar, K.A.F.M. (2023), “Rahmania Hotel: Keep on tradition or invite innovation?”. In Shreya Mishra, Leading and Strategizing for Organizations across Contexts (pp.71-82). Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9789356406-84-1)

 Biswas, K., Alam, M. S., Esha, B.H (2023). “Unmad: Can Leadership Help Survive the Satirical Magazine? A Case from Bangladesh”. In Shreya Mishra, Leading and Strategizing for Organizations across Contexts (pp.35-45). Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9789356406-84-1)

 Alam, M. S., Anwar A.F.M. Kabir, (2022) “Facebook-based Entrepreneurship: Does It Transform Success in Small Business: A Case Study of a Watch Business” In Mishra S., Dey A.K, (Ed.) Case Studies on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Sustainable Business and Stakeholder Dynamics. ISBN: 978-93-56402-17-1, pp. 95–102). Bloomsbury publication

Alam, M. S., Islam S.I, Biswas, K., (2021). Rethinking or remaining the same: the dilemma of a young foodpreneur. In Piispanen V.V, Dey A.K, Mishra S. (Ed.) Case Studies on Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, ISBN: 978-93-54352-69-0, pp. 185–200). Bloomsbury publication.

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K., (2021). Entrepreneurial Marketing for Growth: A Case of Relevance during Pandemic from the Street Food Business in Dhaka. In Jain, D. R. K., Dikkatwar, D. R., Prasad, D. V. K. S., De, D. T., & Gonela, D. S. K. (Ed.) An Anthology of Multi-Functional Perspectives in Business and Management Research (Symbiosis International Conference on Rigor, Relevance and Resilience in Business & Management Research {SICBM-2021}, Vol. 2, Ser. ISBN: 978-93-91260-12-5, pp. 190–206). essay, Eureka Publications.

 Alam M S, Shahriar, S. H. B and Biswas, K. (2020), “Deriving Some Marketing Insights from the Kachhi Biryani Market in New Dhaka”. In Developing Resilience in Disruptive Times -Insights from Strategic Management (pp.316-324). Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9789390358588

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K.(2019). Apon Coffee House: A Brand from Dhaka- What lies Ahead. In  H Lehtimäki & A.K Dey, Sustainable Business and Competitive Strategies Retail Industry and E-Marketing(pp.173-182).Bloomsbury India.

Alam, M. S. & Rahman M. (2019).Haji Nanna Biriyani: A case of transformation through brand from the streets of Dhaka. In A.K Dey & H Lehtimäki, Responsible Human Strategies for gender, Equity, Empowerment, and Leadership, (pp. 241-246).Bloomsbury India.

Rahman M. & Alam, M. S. (2018). Does Branding Matter for Transformation from Informal to Formal Sector: Exploratory Cases from Dhaka. In Management Research and Innovation, (pp. 232-236). Bharti Publications new Delhi India.

Alam, M. S., Rab N .B,& Esha B.H.(2018). Revisiting Indian Green Marketing. In Management Research and Innovation,(pp.225-231) Bharti Publications new Delhi India.

Alam, M. S, & Biswas, K.(2015). Market Orientation and Informal Street Food Business: A Snapshot from Dhaka. In  Retailing Trends in the New Millennium, (pp-59-63) MJP Publishers India.

Biswas, K. &  Alam, M. S.(2015). A case approach to test the potentials of transformation from informal into formal sector- a snapshot from Dhaka Metropolis. In Contemporary  Issues in Business Research  Published by East West University, Department of Business  Administration, Under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (CP-3289), ( pp.61-72).

Biswas, K. &  Alam, M. S.(2011). Cooperative Finance: A New Product for Women In Business. In Women and Development, Novel Corporation, Chennai, India,(pp. 978-81).

Biswas, K., Alam, M. S. & Ahmed  I.(2011). Marketing Practices in the Informal   Enterprises: An Excerpt from Dhaka. In Marketing Management,  APH Publishing Corporation  New Delhi, India,( pp. 1-9).

Alam, M. S. & Sulphey M.M.(2010). Small Business in the Informal Sector: Evidence from the Single Person Organization in the metropolis of DhakaIn P. D. Jawahar Ideas, Insights and Innovations on Management Research, an International Perspective (pp. 17-25). Macmillan publishers India ltd.

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K.,& Faruqui F.(2009) Challenges in Women-Owned Small and Medium-Sized Retail Business: A Perspective of Globalization. In P. D. Jawahar Contemporary Issues in Management Research,(pp. 169-79)Excel Books, Trichi, India.


Workshop and Training Participation
  • 1st BIMTECH Case Master Development Workshop, December 07, 2019, Conducted by Prof. Trevor Williamson, Prof. Matthew T. Mullarkey, and Dr. A K Dey,

  • Training on Qualitative Research, Center of Research and Training, East West University,8-30 January 2016 conducted by Professor S. M. Nurul Alam

  • Training on Educational Psychology, Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (CP-3289)

  • Basic Course on Photography by Chanchal Mahmood, February 1999

Alam, M. S. & Akter S., (2023), “Family business and longevity: Does Singara house survive its long sixty years journey through family succession?  2nd Edition of International Conference on Management of MSMEs, Organized by Indian Institute of Management Amritsar, 20-22 January 2023. Page 28

.Alam, S., & Mim, T. A. (2023). “The Role of Marketing and Innovation in Small Family Enterprises: A Case Study of Casio Metal” In Dr. Rahul Singh and Dr. Ruchi Arora (Eds) Reimagining the Future of Business: The Challenges of Leadership, Digitalisation and Sustainability:3rd Pritam Singh Memorial (PRISM) Conference - 2023. Organized by Dr. Pritam Singh Foundation,17 - 19 November 2023, Hosted by Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) E-ISBN: 978-81-935730-8-2. pp. 185–185)

Alam, M. S, Moushumi, S.A, Sarwar, S.A(2023) “Move with tradition or embrace change? A case study of Dhaka's 60-year-old Abul Hotel” 1st International Conference on Business and Management (ICCBM-2023) Organized by BRAC Business School, July 27, 2023, pp.46-46

Alam, M. S., Tasnim N., (2023), “Graduate Entrepreneurs' Pathway to Establishing a Sustainable and Formalized Food Business: A Case Study of Chillox and Khana’s” 4th International Case Study Conference (ICSC), Organized by IBS Business School, India, December 14-15.

 Alam, M. S. & Akter S. (2022), ‘Planning for future expansion or maintaining the status quo: The 22-year odyssey of Spondon Diagnostic. 3rd International Conference on the role of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management for Sustainable development, Organized by School of Management OP Jindal University, Raigarh, India 25-26 November 2022, page 34

 Akter S. & Alam, M. S. (2022), ‘United IT Solutions ltd.: How to Revive Business in the New Business Challenges? Second Pritam Singh Memorial Conference (PRISM)

Hosted by Indian Institute of Management Nagpur (IIMN) India 17-19 November 2022, page 85 First Impression: 2023, ISBN: 9788195954605

 Biswas, K., Shahriar, S. H. B and Alam M S (2021), A Case of Resilience amid COVID19: Dhopa Dako (An online laundry start-up) from Dhaka Metropolis.21st International Business Horizon INBUSH ERA WORLD SUMMIT (virtual mode) organized by Amity University, India, 17-19 February

 Biswas, K., Shahriar, S. H. B and Alam M S (2021), “Jasmin’s Home-Made Food- a 12-year-old HBB from Dhaka: What lies ahead?” 2"d International Case Conference Katastasi-2021(virtual mode) Fortune Institute of International Business, New Delhi, 03rd April 2021

 Alam, M. S. & Rahman M. (2019),‘Grounded theory approach (GTA) to develop a theory of branding for street food: A Marketing and Human Resource interface’. International Conference on HR Trends 2030, Indian Institute of Social welfare and Business Management, Kolkata,1-2 March 2019, pp.70-71.

Alam, M. S. & Rahman M. (2019), ‘Building Theories for Transforming Street food Vendors in Dhaka: An empirical Approach from Case Study Research (CSR) to Grounded Theory Approach (GTA)’. Driving Marketing Excellence through Experiences in Emerging  Economics, EMCB 2019, Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad, Delhi, 6-8 January 2019, pp.159-165.

Shahriar, S. H. B., & Alam, M. S. (2018),‘Customer retention for small brands, where recovery paradox is a strategic issue: a study from Dhaka, Bangladesh’. International Conference on Business and Sustainable Development(ICBSD) University of Rajshahi, 8-9 March 2018, pp.57.

Kabir, T., Arafat, S., & Alam, M. S. (2017). ‘Study on “Ek Cup Cha” ‘(A Cup of Tea): A Triumphant Case from Dhaka on Street Food Branding’. Atlantic Marketing Association Proceedings. Williamsburg, VA. Retrieved from 27-30 September 2017.

Shahriar, S. H. B., Jahan N, & MS Alam (2017). ‘A Transformation from Informal to Formal, Where Customer Value is Core Concern: Qualitative Case Evidence’. IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference. Indian Institute of Management Indore, 27-29 July 2017, p.255.

Rab. N.B, MS Alam, & Shams S, (2017). ‘ Street food vendors’ identity crisis: can branding be a solution? A case study from Dhaka’.IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference. Indian Institute of Management Indore, 27-29 July 2017,p.257.

Islam, T., Shahriar, S. H. B.,& Alam, M. S. (2017). ‘A transformation from informal to formal, where customer engagement is an issue:  case study on Rise of Mr. Burger’. In Customer Engagement & Experience issues, Reflections and Future Strategies Proceedings of the 2nd International Marketing Conference, ICFAI Business School, Mumbai, India14-15 April 2017,pp.216-223. 

Alam, M. S., & Biswas, K. (2017). ‘Is informal economy pro or against of green economy? A literature review on the debate’, International Conference on Knowledge Transfer, Center for Research and Training. (EWUCRT).East West University, Dhaka 17-18 February 2017, pp. 26-27.      

Hosen, M. J., Biswas, K., & Alam, M. S. (2017).’ A Case of Success Story from the Street Market in Dhaka’Reaching consumers of emerging markets, 2017 Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference. IIM Lucknow (Noida Campus) Noida.5–7 January 2017, pp. 791-794.

M.S Alam, K Biswas, Islam S.M.A (2016).‘Vision with Passion Creates a Brand of Restaurant: A Case from Dhaka Bangladesh’. Conference on Brand Management Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 16-17 April 2016, pp.2.

M.S Alam & Faruqui F.,(2014).’ Do Street Food Businesses Have to Practice Branding for Organizational Identity to Transform into Formal Sector An Overview from Dhaka’. 2014 Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference Board. Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Noida Campus, 9–11 January 2014

K Biswas, & M.S Alam., & Faruqui F. (2012).‘An Roadside Food Vendors Turnout as Brands? A Case Study from Dhaka’. International Marketing Conference. Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, 28-30 December 2012

M.S Alam., & K Biswas., (2011).’ Branding for Retail Informal Market: A Road to the Formal Economy’ .4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 5-7 January 2011,pp.332-334

M.S Alam Biswas K.,(2010) Marketability of ‘Made in SAARC’ – An Explorative Study on Nominal and Extended Decision Making Situations’ First International Marketing Conference (MARCON 2010) .Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, December 27-29 December 2010

M.S Alam Islam M (2010), ‘Can women-owned small business avail branding opportunity for market development’?. Second International Conference on the role of Social Sciences and Humanities in Engineering" Penang, 12-14 November 2010

Biswas K., &M.S Alam (2009) Cooperative Finance; an innovative financing plan for women in business an experimental study on Dhaka City’. International Finance Conference. Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India, 3-5 December  2009   

M.S Alam, & Faruqui, (2008).’ Women managers and glass ceiling in Dhaka: an

empirical investigation’. Fifteenth Annual South Dakota International Business Conference in Rapid    City, South Dakota, 9-11 October.

M.S Alam & Biswas K.,(2009) ‘Capitalizing on the regional potential: a guide to increase competitiveness on Indian Inc’. Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate. Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India, May 21-23 2009,pp.212-215


Journal Publication

Eva, T.P., Afroze, Rumana., & Sarker, A.R. (2024)  The Impact of Leadership, communication and teamwork practices on Employee Trust in the workplace  Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 241-261, 2024

Rumana Afroze,  Shafi S. (2023) “The Impact of Technological and Social Factors on Student’s Engagement in Online Learning: Evidence Based in Self-Determination Theory” International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship (IJBT). Volume 13, No 1, February 2023 [1-22]

Sardana Islam Khan, Rumana Afroze, & Laila Zaman. (2022). Inclusive climate and the performance of employees from Muslim diaspora in the Western organisations. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 27(2), 135–161.

Eva, T. P. & Afroze, R. (2021)“Perceived awareness and practiced level of soft skills among personnel in the telecom industry of Bangladesh”. Int. J. Business Excellence, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021. DOI:10.1504/IJBEX.2021.111910   (Scopus)

Rumana Afroze,  Shafi S. (2021) Adoption of Digital Marketing in E- Recruitment Success: A Quantitative Study on Bangladesh Perspective , Journal of Management Research 13(4):20 DOI: 10.5296/jmr.v13i4.18988

Afroze, R., Eva, T.P., & Sarker, A.R. (2019). Do Soft Skills matter? A Study on Employability of Engineering Graduates in Bangladesh. Journal of Intercultural Management, 11(3), 21-44.

Tamanna Parvin Eva,  Rumana Afroze, and Dr. Nargis Akhter, “An Integrated Approach towards Compensation Model” Business Research , Edited book, Volume 2, December, 2016

Rumana Afroze, “Does Recruitment Develop a Corporate Image to Attract Talented Candidates for Hiring in Bangladesh?” Asian Business Review (ABR), Vol 6, No 1, 13th Issue, (2016). ISSN: 2304-2613

Atiqur Rahman Sarkerand Rumana Afroze, “Employees Perception about HRM Practices in the Selected Retail Shops in Bangladesh”, British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 9(4): 1-9, 2015, Article no.BJEMT.19389 ISSN: 2278-098X,2015

Rumana Afroze, “Type A Behavior Pattern and Occupational Stress of Employees of private commercial Banks and Mobile Telecommunications in Bangladesh”, International Journal in Management and Social Science, 2 Issue-12,(December2014)ISSN:2321-1784,2014

Atiqur Rahman Sarker &Rumana Afroze, “Can HRM Practices Improve Job Satisfaction of Ready Made Garment (RMG) Workers in Banglade sh? An Alternative Solution to Recent Unrest “, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9, No. 10; 2014 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119, 2014

Chowdhury Golam Hossan, Md. Atiqur Rahman Sarker and Rumana Afroze, “An Assessment of Managerial Skills in the Labour Intensive Industry: A Case Study of a Garments Manufacturing Firm”, Journal of Accounting – Business & Management, 19no.2(2012)1-14,2012

Hossan, C.G, Sarker, A.R., & Afroze, Rumana (2012), “Recent un-rest in RMG sector of Bangladesh: Is this an outcome of Poor Labour Practices?”,
International Journal of Business and Management, 7 (3), February, ISSN 1833-3850,Canada.

Conference & Seminars

Afroze, R; Eva, T.P, and Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘Employability of engineering graduates in Bangladesh through soft skills acquisition’’. IIUM International Conference on Business and Management. 10-11th July, 2019. Organized by Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Afroze, R. and Eva, T. P. (2019, March 1-2). E-recruitment as a source of Employer Branding: from Job Seekers’ and Employers’ Perspective. Paper Presented at the International Conference on HR trends 2030, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM).

Afroze, R. & Eva, T. P. (2018), Can Online recruitment be the best strategic solutions for talent acquisition? A study based on Jobseekers’ and employers’ perceptionInternational Conference on Business, Economics, Education and social Science (ICBEESS), 25-26 January 2018, pp.50 Organized by East West University.

Eva, T. P. & Afroze, R. (2018), Key soft skills practice among managers and support staffs: evidence from Telecom industry of BangladeshInternational Conference on Business, Economics, Education and social Science (ICBEESS), 25-26 January 2018, pp.28 Organized by East West University.

Rumana Afroze, “Good fit between policies and practices in case of employees’ recruitment and selection”, Second International Conference on Business Research (ICBR), 27-28 May, 2016 Tamanna Parvin

Eva,  Rumana Afroze, and Dr. Nargis Akhter, “An Integrated Approach towards Compensation Model” Second International Conference on Business Research (ICBR), 27-28 May, 2016

Sardana Islam Khan, Laila Zaman, Rumana Afroze“Muslim Diaspora in West: A Multi-Dimensional Strategic Opportunity for Global Expansion and Diversity Management Dhaka International Business and Social Science Research Conference2016,20-22January2016,

Sardana Islam Khan and Rumana Afroze, “Affective Commitment in the Bangladeshi Banking Industry Revisited”International Conference on “Business and Social Science Research”4-5 September, 2015

Md. Atiqur Rahman and Rumana Afroze, “Psychological contract and its impact on job performance: Evidence from private commercial banks in Bangladesh” International Conference on “Business and Social Science Research”, 4-5 September, 2015

Conference Papers

Conference Papers 

Afroze, R; Eva, T.P, and Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘Employability of engineering graduates in Bangladesh through soft skills acquisition’’. IIUM International Conference on Business and Management. 10-11th July, 2019. Organized by Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Afroze, R. and Eva, T. P. (2019, March 1-2). E-recruitment as a source of Employer Branding: from Job Seekers’ and Employers’ Perspective. Paper Presented at the International Conference on HR trends 2030, Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM).

Afroze, R. & Eva, T. P. (2018), Can Online recruitment be the best strategic solutions for talent acquisition? A study based on Jobseekers’ and employers’ perception. International Conference on Business, Economics, Education and social Science (ICBEESS), 25-26 January 2018, pp.50 Organized by East West University.

Eva, T. P. & Afroze, R. (2018), Key soft skills practice among managers and support staffs: evidence from Telecom industry of Bangladesh. International Conference on Business, Economics, Education and social Science (ICBEESS), 25-26 January 2018, pp.28 Organized by East West University.

Rumana Afroze, “Good fit between policies and practices in case of employees’ recruitment and selection”, Second International Conference on Business Research (ICBR), 27-28 May, 2016

Tamanna Parvin Eva,  Rumana Afroze, and Dr. Nargis Akhter, “An Integrated Approach towards Compensation ModelSecond International Conference on Business Research (ICBR), 27-28 May, 2016

Sardana Islam Khan, Laila Zaman, Rumana Afroze, "Muslim Diaspora in West: A Multi-Dimensional Strategic Opportunity for Global Expansion and Diversity Management ", Dhaka International Business and Social Science Research Conference2016,20-22January2016,

Sardana Islam Khan and Rumana Afroze, "Affective Commitment in the Bangladeshi Banking Industry Revisited", International Conference on “Business and Social Science Research”, 4-5 September, 2015

Md. Atiqur Rahman and Rumana Afroze, “Psychological contract and its impact on job performance: Evidence from private commercial banks in Bangladesh” International Conference on “Business and Social Science Research”, 4-5 September, 2015

Journal Publication

Islam, M.R., 2023. “How to Achieve Financial Flexibility: the Role of Corporate Governance” Journal of the Knowledge Economy, ( Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science (SSCI).

Ghafoor,S., Zulfiqar, M., Wang, M.,Wang, C., Islam, M.R (2023 “Behavioural Phenomena of Family Firm Control Diversity and R&D Investment with Moderating Role CEO Compensation” Psychology Research and Behavior Management (Scopus, WOS- SSCI), Vol.16, p.397-417.

Islam, M.R., Haque, M.Z,. and Moutushi, R.H  (2022) Earnings quality and financial flexibility: A moderating role of corporate governance”  Cogent Business and Management, Vol.9, Issue No.1

Islam, M.R., Dewi, L.V., Fatematuzhora., and Rahman, M.M., (corresponding author and contributions are equal) (2021) “ Measuring Firms’ Intrinsic Value.” Asian Economic and Financial Review. Vol. 11, No. 6, p.429-445. (Scopus). DOI: 10.18488/journal.aefr.2021.116.429.445.

Islam, M.R., Wang, M., Zulfiqar, M., Ghafoor, S ., and Bikanyi, K.J.(2020) Does Earnings Quality Instigate Financial Flexibility in the emerging economy?” Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (SSCI,Q2,IF 2.229, Scopus), VOL. 33, NO. 1, 1647–1666.

Chi, G. Uddin, M.S., Islam, M.R., Habib, T., Zhou, Y. (Contributions are equal) (2020). A Comprehensive Study on Hybrid Classifiers for Credit Risk Assessment: Empirical Evidence from Real-World Credit Data. Journal of Risk Model Validation (SSCI, IF-0.485, ABS–1, ABDC– C, Scopus). Vol.14, No.4, pp.1-39. DOI: 10.21314/JRMV.2020.228

Bahta, D., Yun, J., Islam, M.R., and Bikanyi, K.J.( Contributions are equal) (2020) How Does CSR Enhance SMEs Financial Performance? The Mediating Role of Firm Reputation.” Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (SSCI,Q2,IF 2.229,Scopus),

Bahta, D., Yun, J., Islam, M.R., and Ashfaq, M. (Contributions are equal) (2020) " Corporate Social Responsibility, innovation capability, and firm performance: Evidence from SME" Social Responsibility Journal (ESCI, Scopus),

Zulfiqar, M., Yousaf, M.U., Islam, M.R., and Ghafoor, S . (Corresponding author) (2020) “Family Firms Propensity to Lean Innovation: A Moderating Role of CEO compensation” Journal of Family Business Management (ESCI, Scopus), Vol.11, No.1, pp 32-50.

Islam, M.R., Wang, M., Zulfiqar, M., (2019) “Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms’ Financial Flexibility-Evidence from Bangladesh. “International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. Vol.9 (4) pp.183-204 (ABDC).

Islam, M.R., Wang, M., & Dewri, L.V. (2019) “Financial Flexibility-A Synthesis of Literature Review” International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. Vol.9, No.1(ABDC).

Md.R.Islam., Man. Wang. & Muhammad Zulfiqar (2019) “Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms’ Financial Flexibility-Evidence from Bangladesh. “International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. Vol.9 (4) pp.183-204 [ABDC].

Md. R. Islam & L.V. Dewri.(2016), “Performance of Public Mutual Funds (PMFs) in Emerging Economies: A Case of Bangladesh” International Journal of Business and Management(IJBM); Vol. 11, No. 6, pp.296-301; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. [ABDC]

N. K.Saha, Md.R. Islam &A.U. Hoque (2016), “Factors Affecting Customers’ Satisfaction of Mobile Phone Subscribers: An Empirical Study on Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh” International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM); Vol. 11, No. 6. pp.252-261; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.  [ABDC]

L. V. Dewri, Md. R. Islam & N.K. Saha (2016) “Behavioral analysis of credit card users in a Developing Country- A Case of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Volume: 11, Issue: 04, PP -.299-313; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. [ABDC]

L.V.Dewri, Md. R. Islam & S. M. Arifuzzaman (2015) “Behavioral analysis of investors’ attitude towards dividend declaration in developing country – A case of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM), Volume: 10, Issue: 11, PP 185-198; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. [ABDC]

Md. R. Islam et al. (2015). “The Austrian and Keynesian business cycle theory and its effectiveness to combat recession-A case study in the construction industry in the United Kingdom” Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6, No.12.pp.124-131

Md. R.Islam (2014). “How Earning per Share (EPS) effects on Share Price and Firm Value” European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, No.17.pp 97-108.

T. T. Choudhury, Md. R. Islam & M. A Bashir((2013) "Banking sector of Bangladesh: How to go green," International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management, Vol.2, Issue No.29.

Md. R. Islam, S.S Pomi & CM A. Rhaman (2012), "Critical analysis of Strategic Environmental Management Accounting."Journal of International Business and Management, Vol.1, No.3.pp.1-8.

Md.R. Islam, Md.Salim, T. T. Choudhury (2013)"The Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and challenges of Environmental and Social Reporting in Bangladesh" European Journal of Business and Management Vol.5, No.23, pp160-169.


Md.R.Islam, M.A Bashir & T. T. Choudhury (2013)."Usefulness and Trustworthiness of Corporate Annual Reports for UK Individual Investors for Decision Making" The Jahangir Nagar Journal of Business and Finance, Vol.1.Published by Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Dhaka

Conference & Seminars
  1. Presented a research paper on “ The role of Board Leadership Structure in achieving Financial Flexibility: Evidence from Emerging Economy” at International Accounting Conference organized by Bangladesh Accouting Association,Dhaka-Bangladesh on 28-29 Januray,2023.
  2. Presented a research paper on "Effect of Corporate Governance on firm's intrinsic value: Evidence from Bangladesh" at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian China on May 30, 2018.

Choudhury,T,T.;Islam,M,R., and Bashir,M,M,A.(2013), “Banking sector of Bangladesh: How to go green”,International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management, Vol.2,Issue No.2, 2013
Islam,M,R.,Pomi,S,S.,Rhaman,C,A.,(2012), “Critical analysis of Strategic Environmental Management Accounting”, Journal of International Business and Management, Vol.1,No.3, 2012

Journal Publication
  • 1. Q.S. Samina, “Does Profitability Decide Size of Banks: A Study on Banks in Bangladesh.” Bank Parikrama, Vol. XLVII (3&4), (September & December 2022), P.30-48 (ABDC: C Ranked) (ERA & EBSCO Indexed).

  • 2. N. Hossen and Q. S. Samina, “Factors Influencing Capital Structure Decision of Small Firms in Bangladesh: An Empirical Evidence”. International Journal of Business and Data Analytics, Vol 2(2), (2022), P.155-170, Inderscience Publishers (Indexed Journal).

  • 3. Q. S. Samina and N. Hossen, “Current Position of Banks in the Practice of Green Banking in Bangladesh: An Analysis on Private Sector Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol 24 (4 - II), (April. 2022), P. 10-16 (Indexed Journal).

  • 4. M. Rashid, M.K. Hassan, N. Amin & Q.S. Samina, “Shari’ah Compliant Companies in Bangladesh”. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking & Finance, Vol. 13 (2), (April-June- 2017), P.128-143 (Indexed Journal) (ABDC: C Ranked in 2016 & 2019).

  • 5. M. Rashid and Q.S. Samina, "A Qualitative Enquiry into the Risk Management and Reporting Practices of Islamic Banks in Malaysia". International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship (IJBT), Vol. 2(1), (February 2012), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).

  • 6. Q. S. Samina, “Investment Portfolio of Insurance Companies in Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Insurance Companies of Bangladesh”. World Journal of Social Science, Vol. 2(7), (November 2012), P. 37-47.

  • 7. Q. S. Samina, “Online Information Disclosure by Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”. World Review of Business Research, Vol. 2 (5), (September, 2012), P. 97-107, ISSN: 1838:3955.

  • 8. Q. S. Samina, “Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islamic Banks of Bangladesh”. World Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2(6), (September, 2012), P.1-13, ISSN: 1838-3785.

  • 9. Q. S. Samina & R. Alam, “Promotional Activity Involvement of Commercial Banks: A Comparative Analysis among Three Generation Banks in Bangladesh”. International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol. 7 (5), (September 2011), ISSN: 1837- 5685.

  • National: 
  • 1. L. Zaman, Q.S. Samina & A.R. Sarker, “Benefits of Training Need Analysis: A Case on Local Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh.”. The Jahangirnagar Journal of Finance & Banking, Vol. 01, (June 2013), P.7-36, ISSN:2309-8449.

  • 2. R. Alam, M. Rashid & Q. S. Samina, “Relationship between Structured Financial Planning & Firm’s Growth: Study on the Small Companies in Bangladesh”. Journal of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Vol. 29 (1), (June, 2008).

  • 3. F. Ahamed, Q.S. Samina & L. Rahman, “Determinants of Dividend Policy: An Empirical Study of Listed Companies in Bangladesh”. Stamford Journal of Business Studies, Vol 1(1), (2005), ISSN No:1817-1680.

  • 4. N. Ahmed and Q. S. Samina, “Internet Advertising- A Brief Overview”. Journal of Finance & Banking, University of Dhaka, Vol 6 (1 & 2), (2004).

Conference & Seminars
  • 1. “Effect of Loan Loss Provision on Loan Growth of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”, 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research ICMCER- 2024), Bangkok, Thailand (Hybrid Conference), March 11-12, 2024.

  • 2. “Determinants of Asset Growth of Banks: A study on Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”, International Conference on Management of Innovation and Sustainability: Vision 2041, IBA, University of Dhaka, December 20, 2020.

  • 3. “Current Position of Banks in the Practice of Green Banking in Bangladesh: An Analysis on Private Sector Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”, 10th International Conference on Digital Strategies for Organizational Success, Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, India, January 5-7, 2019.

  • 4. “Online Information Disclosure by Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”, 6th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, April 8-10, 2012.

  • 5. “Investment Portfolio of Insurance Companies in Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Insurance Companies of Bangladesh”, 6th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, April 8-10, 2012.

  • 6. “Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islamic Banks in Bangladesh”, 5th Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 23-24, 2011.

  • 7. “Promotional Activity Involvement of Commercial Banks: A Comparative Analysis among Three Generation Banks in Bangladesh”, Asia Pacific Business Research Conference, Kualalampur, Malaysia, February 21-22, 2011.
Journal Publication

Refereed Journal Articles

Haque, A., Chowdhury, N., Islam, A., Sarker, M A R. (2022/ Forthcoming). ‘‘Configuring the Effect of Multidimensional Retail Service Quality and Perceived Value on Customer Loyalty towards Retailers in Malaysia: Mediated by Customer Satisfaction and Trust’’, International Journal of Services and Operations Management (Scopus).

Ashrafi, D. M., Haque, A., Sarker, M. A. R., Chowdhury, N. A. (2022). ‘‘Assessing the Impact of Internal Branding on Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Hotel Employees in Bangladesh’’, Pacific Business Review (International), 14 (8), 46-61.

Abedin, F., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2022). ‘‘Employability of Transgender in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospect’’. Journal of Research on Women and Gender, Texas State University, USA, 11, 3-16.

Sarker, M. A. R., Abedin, F., Osmani, N. & Nayan, F. K. (2022). ‘‘Status of Basic Labor Rights in Leather Goods and Footwear Manufacturing (LGFM) Sector in Bangladesh’’. Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 5 (1), 106–115. DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2022.113

Sarker, M. A. R., Abir, Z R., Mone, F.H. & Albluwi, T. S. (2022). ‘‘Work From Home during COVID-19 Outbreak: Problems and Remedies’’. International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review, 5(1), 331-342.

Mia, M.T., Sarker, A.R. & Islam, M. Z. (2022). ‘‘Labor Rights of Tannery Workers in Bangladesh: An Overview’’. Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 5 (1), 78–92. DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2022.111.

Haque, A., Tarofder, A K., Hazilah, N., Yasmin, F., Rehman, S., Sarker, M A R., Kabir, S M H. (2021). ‘‘Impact of Physical Distance and Psychological Distress on Job Turnover Intention among Front-Line Health Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic’’. Journal of Education for Business (Scopus), 96 (8), 1-15.

Haque, A., Islam, A., Chowdhury, N., Sarker, M A R. (2021). ‘‘Tracing the Route to Organizational Performance through Expatriate Leadership Effectiveness: The Role of Emotional, Cultural and Spiritual Intelligence’’. International Journal of Business Excellence (Scopus), 1(1),1-22. doi: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10041128

Sarker, A.R. & Albluwi, T.S (2021). ‘‘The Role of Soft Skills for Innovation at the SME Sector in Malaysia’’. Journal of Management Research, 13 (3), 35-45. doi:10.5296/jmr.v13i3.18839

Ali, I., Nayan, F.N., Sarker, A.R., Kadery, & M. T., Firmansah, Y. (2021). ‘‘Management Skill Development of Academic Institutional Heads in Bangladesh: A Conceptual Study on Henri Fayol’s Management Principles’’.  International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 11(3), 1-15. (ERA). doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v11i3.18428

Haque, A., Jahan, S.I., Chowdhury, N. A., & Sarker, A.R. (2021). ‘‘Facility Layout Decision Model for Small and Medium Shopping Mall’’. International Tourism and Hospitality Journal, 4(3), 1-11.

Sarker, A.R., Hashim, J. B., Haque, A., Sharif, M, S., & Juhdi, N. B. (2021). ‘‘Graduate Employability: Perception of Graduate Students on Soft Skills Towards Employability in Bangladesh’’. Journal of International Business and Management, 4(4), 1–14.

Iman, S., Mawardi, I., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2020). ‘‘Analysis of International Index on Indonesian Sharia Stock Index’’. JEBIS: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 6(1), 60-77.

Ashrafi, D. M., Sarker, A.R., Hashim, B.J., Haque, A., and Nayan, F.K. (2020). ‘‘An exploration of the youth’s perception toward social entrepreneurship development: Evidence from Bangladesh’’. JEMA: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi dan Manajemen,17(1) 2020, 88-104, ISSN (Online) 2597-4017. Published by Faculty of Economics, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia.

Haque, M., Sarker, A. R., Rahman, M.R., and Rakibuddin. (2020). ‘‘Discrimination of Women at RMG Sector in Bangladesh’’. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 3(1), 112-118. DOI: 10.31014/aior.1991.03.01.152

Nayan, F. K., Sarker, A.R., Akter, S., Rahman, M. S. (2020). ‘‘Promoting Productive Work Environment in Bangladesh’’. International Journal of Business Education and Management Studies (IJBEMS), 1(1), 61–67.

Afroze, R., Eva, T.P., & Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘Do Soft Skills matter? A Study on Employability of Engineering Graduates in Bangladesh’’. Journal of Intercultural Management, 11(3), 21-44.

Sarker, A.R., Hashim, J. B., Haque, A., Sharif, M, S., & Juhdi, N. B. (2019). ''Soft Skills Practiced by Managers for Employee Job Performance in Ready Made Garments (RMG) Sector of Bangladesh''. Journal of International Business and Management, 2(4), 1–15.

Mone, F. H, Ashrafi, D. M, and Sarker, A. R. (2019). ‘‘Work Life Balance of Female Doctors in Bangladesh: An Overview’’. Journal of Health and Medical Sciences, 2 (3), 410-421, ISSN 2622-7258 DOI: 10.31014/aior.1994.02.03.65

Haque, M. F, Sarker, M. A. R, and Rahman, M. S. (2019). ‘‘Sexual Harassment of Female Workers at Manufacturing Sectors in Bangladesh’’. Journal of Economics and Business, 2(3), 934-940, ISSN 2615-3726 DOI: 10.31014/aior.1992.02.03.140

Sarker, A.R, and Akter, S. (2018). ‘‘Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the Working Life of Tannery Workers in Bangladesh’’. Dhaka University Journal of Management, 12(1), 161-170. January-June,2018

Zaman, L., Sarker,A.R, and Akhter, N. (2018).  ‘‘Study on Practice of Soft Skill among the WorkforceA Case from Ready Made Garment (RMGIndustry of Bangladesh’’. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 8(10),808-8018, ISSN: 2226-5139, September, 2018 (ERA Journal ID- 200679).

Nayan, F, and Sarker,A.R. (2018). ‘‘The impact of rewards on task and extra task behaviors in regards to gender and job position: A case study from the UK retail industry’’. Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(7),812-821. ISSN 2415-6663. Scholars Middle East Publishers (UGC Approved), UAE, July.

Sarker, A. R, and Ashrafi, M.D. (2018). ‘‘The relationship between internal marketing and employee job satisfaction: A study from retail shops in Bangladesh’’. Journal of Business & Retail Management Research, 12 (3), 149-159.

Sarker, A.R, and Afroze, R. (2015). ‘‘Employees Perception about HRM Practices in the Selected Retail Shops in Bangladesh’’. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 9(4), ISSN: 2278-098X. Science Domain International, UK, July.

Sarker, A.R, and Afroze, R. (2014). ‘‘Can HRM practices improve job satisfaction of RMG workers in Bangladesh? An alternative solution to recent unrest’’. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(10), ISSN 1833-3850, Canada. October, (ABDC Rank  ‘C’).

Sarker, A.R. (2014). ‘‘Occupational Health and Safety (OHAS) crisis in tanneries of Bangladesh: Is this the violation of labor rights?’’ European Journal of Business and Management (EJBM), 6 (16), ISSN: 2222-1905, May.

Sarker, A.R. (2014). ‘‘Increasing employee job satisfaction as well as organisational performance through effective HRM practices in private commercial banking sector of Bangladesh’’. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development (JESD), 5 (10), ISSN: 2222-1700, May.

Zaman, L, Samina, Q.S, and Sarker, A.R. (2013). ‘‘Benefits of Training Need Analysis: A Case on Local Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh’’, The Jahangirnagar Journal of Finance & Banking, Vol.1, 27-35, June.

Sarker, A. R, and Nayan, F. K. (2012). ‘‘Child Labour and its Effective Elimination from Bangladesh Through Compulsory Primary Education’’, IST Journal on Business and Technology. 3-4 (1-2). ISSN: 2070-4135. Published by  Institute of Science & Technology, National University, Bangladesh.

Shabnam, S, and Sarker, A. R. (2012). ‘‘Impact of CSR and Internal Marketing on Employee Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment: A Case Study from Export-Oriented SMEs in Bangladesh’’, World Journal of Social Sciences, 2(7), November.

Hossan, C.G, Sarker, A.R, and Afroze, R. (2012). ‘‘An Assessment of Managerial Skills in the Labour Intensive Industry: A Case Study of a Garments Manufacturing Firm’’, Journal of Accounting, Business and Management (JABM), 19 (2), October. (ABDC Rang ‘C’).

Hossan, C.G, Sarker, A.R, and Afroze, R. (2012). ‘‘Recent unrest in RMG sector of Bangladesh: Is this an outcome of Poor Labour Practices?’’ International Journal of Business and Management, 7(3), ISSN 1833-3850, Canada. February, (ABCD Rank  ‘C’).

Conference & Seminars

Haque, A., Manaf, N. H., Sarker, M.A.R., Kabir, S. M. H. (2021). ‘‘Impact of Physical Distance on Student’s Internship and Employment Opportunity during COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia’’. UiTM International Conference on Law & Society 2021 (UiTM i-CLaS 2021), 1-2 November, 2021. Organized by Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia (UiTM),  Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Haque, A., Sarker, M.A.R., Anis, Z., Bah, A.F. (2021). ‘‘Customer Purchase Intention on Counterfeit Mobile Phone in Malaysia’’. UiTM International Conference on Law & Society 2021 (UiTM i-CLaS 2021), 1-2 November, 2021. Organized by  Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia (UiTM), Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Mia, T. M., Sarker, M. A. R., & Islam, M. Z. (2021). ‘‘Status of Basic Labor Rights at Tannery Sector in Bangladesh’’. National conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh, 17-18 September 2021. Organized by Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), University of Chittagong, Chattogram-4331, Bangladesh, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Haque, F.M., & Sarker, M. A. R. (2019). ‘‘Discriminating Women at Work: A study on RMG Sector in Bangladesh’’. International Conference on Religion, Governance and Sustainable Development (ICRGD2019). 16-17 October, 2019. Organized by International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Uddin, N.M., & Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘The Role of Micro-Finance Institutes (Mfis) For Employability and Poverty Alleviation Among Young Women in Rural Bangladesh’’. International Conference on Religion, Governance and Sustainable Development (ICRGD2019). 16-17 October, 2019. Organized by International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Haque, A., Hashim, J., Mustaffa, N. F., Sarker, A. R., & Anis, Z. (2019). ‘‘A conceptual paper on perception of society and social entrepreneurship intention among business graduates in Bangladesh’’. IIUM International Conference on Business and Management. 10-11th July, 2019. Organized by Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker

Ashrafi, M. D., Mone, F. H., & Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘An Analysis on work life balance of female doctors in Bangladesh’’. IIUM International Conference on Business and Management. 10-11th July, 2019. Organized by Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker

Afroze, R., Eva, T.P., & Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘Employability of engineering graduates in Bangladesh through soft skills acquisition’’. IIUM International Conference on Business and Management. 10-11th July, 2019. Organized by Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker

Haque, A., Nasir, Z. W., Anis, Z., Alam, M.F., & Sarker., A.R. (2019). ‘‘Factors influencing employee job satisfaction at commercial banks in Bangladesh’’. IIUM International Conference on Business and Management. 10-11th July, 2019. Organized by Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Presented by Zohurul Anis

Sarker, A. R, & Ashrafi, M. (2018). ‘‘Engaging Graduates to be Social Entrepreneur in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects’’. 24th EBES Conference-Bangkok. 10th -12th January,2018. Jointly organized by The Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Thailand and Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Turkey, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker

Sarker, A.R, & Zaman, L. (2018). ‘‘An Assessment of Soft Skill Awareness Level amongst Bangladeshi Managers: A Study from Ready Made Garments (RMG) Sector’’. 24th EBES Conference-Bangkok. 10th -12th January,2018. Jointly organized by The Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Thailand and Eurasia Business and Economics Society, Turkey, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker

Sarker, A. R, & Ashrafi, M. (2016). ‘‘Does internal marketing influence employee’s job satisfaction? A study from retail shops in Bangladesh’’. 2nd International Conference on Business Research. 27th – 28th May, 2016. Organised by Department of Business Administration, East West University, Bangladesh, Presented by Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi.

Sarker, A.R, & Afroze, R. (2015). ‘‘Psychological contract and its impact on job performance: Evidence from private commercial banks in Bangladesh’’. International Conference on Business and Social Science Research. 4th-5th September, 2015. Organised by Department of Business Administration, East West University, Bangladesh, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Hossain, M. S, & Sarker, A.R. (2015). ‘‘Life in the Tannery: From HRM Perspective’’. International Conference on Business and Social Science Research. 4th-5th September, 2015. Organised by Department of Business Administration, East West University, Bangladesh, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Afroze, R, & Sarker, A. R. (2015). ‘‘Does recruitment develop corporate image to attract talented candidates for hiring in Bangladesh?’’. International Conference on Business and Social Science Research. 4th-5th September, 2015. Organised by Department of Business Administration, East West University, Bangladesh,  Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Sarker, A.R, and  Saadat, G.M.  (2015). ‘‘Impact of formal employee training program on work place accident reduction  in RMG sector of Bangladesh’’. Global Business and Social Science Research Conference. 11th–13th May, 2015, held at Bali, Indonesia. Organized by World Business Institute, Australia, Presented by G M Saadat.

Saadat, G.M, & Sarker, A. R. (2012). ‘‘HRM Practices in Private Commercial Banking Sector of Bangladesh: An Analysis on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance’’. EBES  2012 Conference-Istanbul. 24th-26th May, 2012. Organised by Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES), Istanbul, Turkey, Presented by G M Saadat.

Hossan, C.G, Sarker, A.R., & Afroze, R. (2012). ‘‘Do the managers have the right managerial skills? An example of a garment factory’’.  4th Annual Research Symposium in Business and Economics. 19th April, 2012. Organised by Faculty of Business and Economics, United Arab Emirates University. Al Ain, UAE, Presented by Dr Chowdhury Golam Hossan.

Sarker, R. A. (2011). Impact of HRM Practices on Job Satisfaction and Organisational Performance in Private Commercial Banking Sector of Bangladesh. 5th Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 23rd-24th December, 2011. Organised by World Business Institute, Australia. ABN: 62 087 222 400. ISBN:  978-0-9808279-8-9, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Sarker, A. R & Nayan, F. K. (2011). ‘‘Effective Elimination of Child Labour and the Complexity of Expanding Primary Education as Remedy: A Case Study from Bangladesh’’. 5th Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 23rd-24th December, 2011. Organised by World Business Institute, Australia. ABN: 62 087 222 400. ISBN:  978-0-9808279-8-9, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Shabnam, S, & Sarker, A. R. (2011). ‘‘CSR and Internal Marketing in Organisations: An Analysis on Employee Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment of Export-Oriented SMEs in Bangladesh’’. 5th Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 23rd-24th December, 2011. Organised by World Business Institute, Australia. ABN: 62 087 222 400. ISBN:  978-0-9808279-8-9, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Sarker, A. R. (2010). ‘‘E-Governance in Bangladesh: Status, Potentials and Constraints.’’ The 2nd International Conference on eCommerce, ePayment and New Entrepreneurship (ICEP-2010). University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland. 14th -16th September, 2010. p. 10-12.

Sarker, A. R. (2009). ‘‘Prospect of Entrepreneurship for Human Capital Development: A Case Study from Bangladesh’’. 2009 HRM conference. University of Westminster, London, UK. 10th-13th June, 2009. p. 32-35.

Sarker, A. R. (2008). ‘‘An Overview of Restaurant Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh’’. The 1st International Conference of Global Business and Management Forum. Pearl School of Business, Delhi, India. 7th -8th November, 2008, p. 15-17.

Book Chapter

Haque, A. & Sarker, M. A.R. (2021). Humanising Education: The Guideline on Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF) for Well-Being Community, in Chapter 4, Reflections on Humanizing Education for Economics and Management Sciences, Published by Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia.

Seminar Proceeding

Rabbani, G. & Sarker, A.R. (2019). ‘‘Promoting Productive Work Environment’’. 2nd National Seminar on Decent Work Practices in Industrial Settings of Bangladesh, organised by Department of Industrial Relations & Labour Studies, Institute of Social Welfare & Research, University of Dhaka, held on 2nd February, 2019, Presented by Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker.

Resource Person

Trainer, Leadership and Management Skills for undergraduate students at International Islamic University Malaysia. Facilitated by Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD). September, 2019 – June, 2022

Trainer, Skill Development Training for employees titled ‘‘Standard Social Compliance in the industry’’ organized by Ministry of Finance, People’s Republic of Bangladesh in associated with Leather Footwear Manufacturing & Exporter’s Association Bangladesh (LFMEAB) & Skill for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2nd December, 2018 to 6th January, 2019. Venue:  POSH Footwear & Craft Ltd.

Trainer, Management Training Program titled ‘‘Social Compliance & CSR in RMG Sector’’ Organized by Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturing & Exporters Association (BKMEA) under Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), Govt. of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 15th May to 29th May, 2016.

Trainer, ‘‘Certificate course on Presentation Skill, Resume & Cover Letter Writing’’ Organized by Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), Ministry of Industries, Govt. of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 18 January, 2016.

Co-Trainer & Associate Researcher, “6-Day long Training Workshop on Management by Leadership” organized by Urmi Group and Fakruddin Textile Mills, 21-22 December, 2015 & 3-4 January, 2016, Dhaka. Module leaded by – Dr. Chowdhury Golam Hossan, Assistant Professor, Abu Dhabi University & Dr. Sengottuvelu C, Professor, Cochin School of Business, Kochi, Kerala, India.

Trainer, ‘‘Effective Workplace Cooperation’’. Conducted total 6 training sessions on Module 1 & 2 in December, 2015 at Bangladesh Garment Manufactures & Exporters Association (BGMEA) & Bangladesh Knitwear Manufactures & Exporters Association (BKMEA) funded by International Labour Organization (ILO).

Trainer, ‘‘Day long Training Workshop on Grooming Session for Internship Recruitment’’ jointly organized by East West University Career Counselling Centre & EWU Business Club on 14th June, 2012.

Co-Trainer & Associate Researcher, “6-Day long Training Workshop on Achieving Productivity through Improving Management Attitude” organized by Urmi Group and Fakruddin Textile Mills, May 28th, 2011, Dhaka. Module Leader – Dr. Chowdhury Golam Hossan, Assistant Professor, Abu Dhabi University.

Academic Development, Workshop, Seminar & Training Participation

Attended one day international webinar on ‘‘COVID-19 and its Socioeconomic Impact’’ arranged by International Social Science Research Association (ISSRA) and SETU, Bangladesh on 10 December, 2020.

Attended workshop on ‘‘Writing Skills on Proposal Writing & Editing Skills’’ organized by Centre for Post Graduate Studies (CPS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). 26 February, 2020.

Attended seminar on ‘‘Qualitative Design: Data Collection & Thematic Analysis’’ organized by Centre for Post Graduate Studies (CPS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).  04 December, 2019.

Attended workshop on ‘‘Univariate Statistical Techniques: (i) One-Way ANOVA & Kruskal Wallis H Test (ii) Two-Way ANOVA’’ organized by Centre for Post Graduate Studies (CPS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). 29 November, 2019.

Attended 7th International HR Conference 2018, organized by Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management. 28 April, 2018.

Attended one-day workshop on ‘‘Getting published in Indexed academic and scientific journals: How to do it’’, jointly organised by Academy of Business & Retail Management (UK) and Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. 19 November, 2017.

Participated Bangladesh Youth Leadership Summit-2016 as an observer, jointly organised by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre (BYLC) and DFID, UK. 18-20 August, 2016.

Attended one-day Short Training on Academic Writing under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) CP-3289, World Bank, organized by East West University. 23 July, 2016.

Participated two days training program on ‘‘Bangladesh Labour Law 2006 and Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015’’ organized by Bangladesh Employer’s Federation (BEF). 27-28 April, 2016.

Completed short course on ‘‘Qualitative Research’’ organized by Centre for Research and Training, East West University. 08-30, January, 2016.

Attended the Annual Banking Conference-2015 (Human Resource Management in Banks Track) organized by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM). 22-23 November, 2015.

Successfully completed 10 days master training program on the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Effective Workplace Cooperation (Modules: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) & certified as Master Trainer. Program jointly facilitated by International Labour Organisation (ILO), Bangladesh office & International Training Centre of ILO, Turin, Italy.  26-30 July & 11 to 15 October, 2015.

Participated workshop on Education Psychology, organised by Department of Business Administration, East West University. 4-11 June, 2015.

Participated World Marketing Summit, held at Dhaka, Bangladesh supported by the Government of People Republic of Bangladesh . March 1, 2 & 3, 2012.

Successfully completed the short course on Applied Business Research Methodology conducted by Bureau of Applied Business Research, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. December-2011-March, 2012. 

Participated in South Asian Youth Convention - LEAD 2012 (Youth in Rising South Asia: Promises and Dreams) held at Bangabandhu International Convention Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 7th January-8th January, 2012. Jointly organised by The SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAARC CCI) and The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI).

Participated in faculty development programme on ‘‘Research Methods and E-views’’ held at Presidency University, Bangladesh. 26th December-28th December, 2011.

Participated in a short course on ‘‘Public Procurement Management in Bangladesh’’. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). 25th November-30th November, 2011. Facilitated by Directorate of Continuing Eduction (DCE), BUET.

Participated in a workshop on ‘‘Writing Research Proposal’’. Faculty of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Australia. 21st October, 2011. Facilitated by Dr. Dieter Fink.

Participated in a short course on “Research Design”, by Curriculum, Center for Research and Training.  East West University, Bangladesh. 31st March-9th April, 2011.

Participated and successfully achieved the certificate in ‘‘National Vocational Qualification course (NVQ-Level-3 in Health and Social Care, specialized in Children and Young People)’’ from Universal Learning Streams. September, 2010. Facilitated by London Borough of Haringey, UK.

Participated on Helsinki Summer School - 2010, held at University of Helsinki, Finland, August, 2010.

Participated and achieved the Licensing Certificate in ‘‘Mental Health First Aid’’ course. June, 2010. Facilitated by Department of Health, UK and London Borough of Islington, UK.

Participated ‘‘The Bright Future-Entrepreneurial Skills Development Programme’’. September, 2009. Facilitated by Dr. Martha Mador, WestFocus Entrepreneurship Centre, Kingston University, UK.

Participated in a workshop programme on ‘‘Dispute Management’’. October, 2009. Organised by Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, UK. Facilitated by Ms. Angela Wright.

Participated in a workshop programme on ‘‘Employee Selection Techniques’’ May, 2009. Organised by Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, UK. Facilitated by Dr. Francessca Anderscue.


Journal Publication

21) Akter, S., Shetu, J. F., Mahbub, F. B., and Nuha, N. T., (2024) ‘Ethical Considerations in AI-Powered Content Writing: A Case Study in a Developing Country.’, Int. J. Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print  Inderscience Publishing UK.

20) Hoque, M. A., Akter, S., Hafiz, R. and Hoque, I. (2024) Food Marketing through Social Media Influencers: The Impact on Millennials Cohort Consumers’ Purchasing Intention. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (AJBA), vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print. SCOPUS Indexed

19) Akter, S., Talukder, M. A. F., Ashrafi, T., and Ahmed, F. (2024) The Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Consumer Behaviour, Demand Prediction and Chatbots in the realm of Digital Marketing.  Int. J. of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (IJBFMI), Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print  Inderscience Publishing UK.

18) Rahaman, A., and Akter. S., (2024) The Transformative Role of AI in Reshaping Employment Trends Across South Asia. Romanian Journal of Economics. Vol. 59, No. 2, pp 48-71. PublisherThe Institute of National Economy Romania.

17) Rahaman, A., Akter. S., and Ashrafi, T. (2024) THE HIDDEN KEYS TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN THE BOOMING CLOUD KITCHEN INDUSTRY OF BANGLADESH. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration. vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print. SCOPUS Indexed.

16) Akter, S., Arko, N. M. K., and Ashrafi, T. (2024) Hooked by Curiosity: The Zeigarnik Effect Amplifying Customer Loyalty and Brand Advocacy through Thumb Stopper Advertisements. Turkish Journal of Marketing, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp 66-82.

15) Akter ,S., Shetu, J. F., and Mahbub, F. B., (2024) Impact of Ukraine-Russia War on Online Business in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Book-O-Pedia. Kardan Journal of Economics and Management Sciences (KJEMS), Volume 7, Issue 1. pp 25-41.  DOI: 10.31841/KJEMS.2024.156 Publisher; Kardan University.

14) Akter, S., Ashrafi, T., and Mim, T. A., (2024) The Relationship Between Geopolitical Tensions and Global Trade: An Analysis of the Effect of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on the Bangladeshi Brand Casio Metal. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE). 11(1) Publisher; University Malaysia Sabah.

13) Akter, S. Chowdhury, Z. H. and Ashrafi, T. (2024) Factors Influencing Users’ to Adapt Shariah Mobile Financial Services in an Emerging Economy: A Case Study on Bangladesh. Int. J. of Islamic Marketing and Branding, Volume 6, Issue 2, Inderscience Publishing UK. DOI: 10.1504/IJIMB.2024.10064946 

12) Akter, S. Talukder, M. A. F., and Ashrafi, T. (2024) Investigating the Key Drivers of Bangladeshi Individuals Pursuing Medical Care Abroad. Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE). Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 279-300. 

11) Niloy, A. C., Akter, S., Sultana N., Sultana, J., and Rahman I. U., (2023) Is Chatgpt a menace for creative writing ability? An experiment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Q1). SCOPUS Indexed. Wiley UK.

10) Akter, S., Khatoon, A. and Esha, B. H. (2024) Impact of Social Media Viral Marketing on Consumer Purchase Behaviour: A Case Study on Facebook in an Emerging Economy. vol. ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print. Bangladesh Journal of MIS (BJMIS). Dhaka University. 

9) Niloy, A. C. Bari, M. A. Sultana, J. Chowdhury, R.  Raisa, F. M. Islam, A. Mahmud, S. Jahan, I. Sarkar, M. Akter, S. Nishat, N. Afroz, M. Sen, A. Islam,T.  Tareq, M. H. and Hossen, M. A. (2024) Why do students use ChatGPT? Answering through a triangulation approach. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. Volume 6, 100208, ELSEVIER.  SCOPUS (Q1)

8) Akter, S., Kabir, M. T., and Popy, N. N. (2023) Adaptation of Telemedicine during the COVID-19: Evaluating Perceived Quality and Acceptance. Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE). Volume 4, pp 187-208 DOI:

7) Hossain, N.  Kabir, I., and Akter, S. (2023) Rivalry between traditional market and social commerce market and brief study of consumer tendency: An empirical evidence.  Romanian Journal of Economics. 56 (1), pp. 63-86. ISSN-L 1220-5567. Publisher; The Institute of National Economy Romania.

6) Akter, S., Ashrafi, T., and Waligo, V. (2021), Changes in Consumer Purchasing Behavior Due to COVID- 19 Pandemic. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research. ISSN 2422-8451. Vol. 77, pp. 34-46. DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/77-04

5) Akter, S. (Winter 2017) Review of Influential Factors Driving Organic Food Consumption. Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies.  Vol. 5, Issue 2 pp 145-154. UK. 

4) Akter, S. (2017) The Role of Children in The Family Buying Process: A Comparative Analysis between The British Bangladeshi and Bangladeshi Families. School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University. Published Ph.D. Thesis. (Total Page No. 584)

3) Azad, M. and Akter, S. (2009) Spiritual Tourism Development in Bangladesh: An Overview. Journal of Business Studies. Faculty of Business Studies. Dhaka University. Vol. 30, No. 1.

2) Hossain, M. and Akter, S. (2007) Tourism Industry in Bangladesh: The present scenario and prospects. Asian Studies. Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University. Savar, Dhaka.

1) Akter, S. (2007) E-Commerce in Bangladesh Preparation and Prospect. IBS Journal. Rajshahi University. ISSN 1561-798X.

International Conferences

8) Rahaman, A. and Akter. S. (2024)  A Study of the Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Employment Trends in South Asia: A Case Analysis. Paper presented at 2ND RESILNAT-3C conference, Romanian Institute of National Economy, Romania, 13-14 June.

7) Akter, S. Sizan, T. R. and Ashrafi, T. (June 2024) Exploring the Potential of Wind Power for a Sustainable Future in Bangladesh: A Journey towards Green Energy.? The International Conference of Romanian Academy, Institute of National Economy. The International Conference "Resilience and Competitiveness of the National Economies - Under the Sign of Creativity, Crisis and Conflicts" RESILNAT-3C. Bucharest, ROMANIA.

6) Akter, S. and Rahaman, A. (2023) Mastering Cloud Kitchen Dynamics: Basabo's Path to Prominence.  3rd Pritam Singh Memorial (PRISM) Conference on Reimagining the Future of Business. BIMTECH. DOI: 10.17492/jpi.bimtech.231102. Noida, India.

5) Shetu, J. F. Akter, S. and Mahbub, F. B. (November 2023) Staying Afloat in F-commerce Platform in an Emerging Economy: A Case Study on Fashion Tunnel. 3rd Pritam Singh Memorial (PRISM) Conference on Reimagining the Future of Business. The Challenges of Leadership, Digitalization, and Sustainability. E-ISBN: 978-81-935730-8-2. BIMTECH DOI: 10.17492/jpi.bimtech.231102. Noida, India.

4) Alam, S. and Akter, S. (2023) Family business and longevity: Does Singara house survive its long sixty years journey through family succession? International Conference of Marketing on Consumer Experience in Digital Era – 2023. Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya, Amritsar. India.

3) Alam, S. and Akter, S. (2022) “Planning for Future Expansion or Maintaining the status quo: the 22-year Odyssey of Spondon diagnostic”, 3rd International Conference on “(ICRIEMSD-2022) India The Role of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Management for Sustainable Development School of Management, OP Jindal University, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India

2) Akter, S. and Alam, S. (2022) “United IT Solutions ltd.: How to revive business in the new business challenges?”, 2nd PRITAM SINGH MEMORIAL (PRISM) Conference Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur, India (IIMN) (2022).

1) Akter, S. M., Haque, and Akwetey, L. (2016), Factors Affecting the Critical Understanding of the Strategies which Children Use to Motivate their Parents in the Family Buying Process: Case of British Bangladeshi Children in the UK. World Academy of Science & Technology (WASET) International Conference (UK).

Reviewer Certificates

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Q1)

British Food Journal (Emerald) Q2

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (Emerald)

Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation (SAGE)

International Journal of Consumer Studies (SCOPUS)

Journal of Islamic Marketing (Emerald) Q2

A Test of Association between Working Hour and Work Family Conflict : A Glimpse on Dhaka's Female White Collar Professionals

M Sayeed Alam, Kohinoor Biswas, Kamrul Hassan, International Journal  of Business and Management, Centre for Science and Education, Toronto, Vol. 4, No. 4, May 2009.

Communication Skills of the Business Executives of Local Private Concerns in Bangladesh

Dr. Nargis Akhter, Sardana Islam, Kamrul Hassan, International Journal of Business and Management, Centre for Science and Education, Toronto, Vol 9, No. 2, October 2009.

The Application of Newtonian Laws of Mechanics to Marketing : A Concept Paper

International Journal of Arts & Science (IJAS) Conference for Academic Discipline organized by Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) and held at the University of Las Vegas, March 23-26, 2009.

This Paper was double blind reviewed and accepted for presentation in the Conference. However, the authors could not travel to the USA for a  physical presentation.

Communication Skills of the Business Executives of Local Private Business Concerns in Bangladesh (Conference Paper)

Dr. Nargis Akhter, Sardana Islam, Kamrul Hassan, First International Conference of Global Business and Management Forum (GBMF), November 7-8, 2008, New Delhi, India.

 This Paper won the GBMF-UN OMAHA Best Paper Award.

A Study of the Corporate L abour Market at Dhaka : Categorizing the Barriers Faced by Women Executives

M Sayeed Alam, Kamrul Hassan, Chowdhury Iftekhar Amin, First International Conference of Global Business and Management Forum (GBMF), November 7-8, 2008, New Delhi, India. 

Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Private Garments Sector : Study on Perception and Performance

Saadia Shabnam, Farhana Ferdousi, Kamrul Hassan, 3rd International Conference of Global Business and Management (GBMF) , December 23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Evaluation of Brand Extension : How Parent Brand Quality Matters for Extension Success

M Sayeed Alam, Kamrul Hassan, 3rd International Conference of Global Business and Management (GBMF) , December 23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Lean Enabling Factors : A Study of Bangladeshi Firms

Farhana Ferdousi, Amir Ahmed, Kamrul Hassan, 3rd International Conference of Global Business and Management (GBMF) , December 23, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Possible Strategies for Managing Discontinuous Change : The Role of Leaders in Change Management

Dr. Soleman Mozammel, Kamrul Hassan, Fazlus Zaman, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-6, Issue-7, July 2017.

Optimal Site Selection Strategy for inspection Under the Chemical Weapons Convention

Debasis Sengupta, Kamrul Hassan, Statistics and Applications, New Delhi, India.

The Paper was accepted for publication (Acceptance SA 10(7)2017)

Factors Influencing the Choice of Mobile Banking Services in Bangladesh : An Exploratory Analysis

Mahmud Zubayer, Omar Faruq, Md. Kamrul Hassan, Journal of Green Business School, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Is Marketing Practice Applicable to Small Business Growth? A Literature Review Based Study

Md. Kamrul Hassan, International Journal of Management and Development Studies 9(1) : 01-10-(2020), ISSN (Online) 2320-0685.

Tradeoff Between Business Profitability and Sustainability Initiative - A Case of Bangladesh Garment Industry Under Pandemic Situation

Md. Kamrul Hassan, International Journal of Economics , Commerce and Management, Vol. VIII, Issue 8, November 2020, United Kingdom.

Determinants of Using Social Networking Sites Toward Entrepreneurial Success: Experience from a Developing Nation

Md. Abdul Momen, Shamsul Huq Bin Shahriar, Md. kamrul Hassan, Seyama Sultana, Emerging Economy Studies, International Management Institute, 6(2) 191-200, 2020.

Advertisement Practices in Bangladesh: Agency Perspectives

SSM Sadrul Huda, Afsana Akhtar, Md Humayun Kabir, Omar Faruq. Handbook of Research on New Media Applications in Public Relations and Advertising, IGI Global. 2021, Pg. 63-100.

Mobile Financial Services in the Context of Bangladesh

Md Humayun Kabir, SSM Sadrul Huda, Omar Faruq. Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pg 83-98, 2020. e-ISSN 2300-3065, p-ISSN 2300-1240.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Mobile Banking Services in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Analysis

Mahmud Zubayer, Omar Faruq, MK Hasan. Journal of Green Business School, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pg. 1-14, 2019.

What makes women executives resourceful? The case of Dhaka city executives

S. S. M. Sadrul Huda, Afsana Akhtar, Mahmud Zubayer, Omar Faruq. Sky Journal of Business Administration and Management Vol. 3(7), pp. 094 - 100 December, 2015. ISSN 2315-8778 © 2015.

Incorporating Small Farmers in the Agricultural Supply Chain: A Pastoral View of Bangladesh

Omar Faruq, M Sayeed Alam & Sabina Sharmin. International Journal of Management and Development Studies (IJMDS, ISSN Online 2320-0685, ISSN Print 2321-1423); Published by Grabs Educational Charitable Trust, Chennai, India; Pg. 36-43; Volume 2, Issue 3, July 2014.

Do Family and Experience Matter to Access Finance?: A Test on Women Entrepreneurs of Dhaka

M Sayeed Alam, Sabina Sharmin, Omar Faruq, (2012); in Dr. Imran Saleem & Ashraf Imam (eds.), Education and Social Sector: Issues and Challenges, Regal Publishers, New Delhi, India. (ISBN: 978-81-8484-181-7); 2012.

Marketing Strategies of Retail Stores: An Evaluation of Grocery Shops of Dhaka City

S. S. M Sadrul Huda, Mahmud Zubayer, Omar Faruq. Global Journal of Management and Business Research (GJMBR); Published by Global Journals Inc. (USA); Volume 11 Issue 7: Pg. 81-87; July 2011.

Evaluation of Brand Extension (similar and distance product category) with respect to Degree of Fit and Quality of the Core Brand

Sayeed Alam, Omar Faruq, Sabina Sharmin. International Journal of Marketing and Management Research (ISSN: 2229-6883); Published by Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium, India; Volume 1, Issue 1: Pg. 27- 36; December 2010.

The Influence of Food Store Environment on Customer Satisfaction

SSM Sadrul Huda, Omar Faruq & Sabina Sharmin. Journal of Marketing, University of Dhaka, Issue Vol. No. 10; June 2007.

Amusement Parks in Bangladesh: Visitors’ Evaluation

Kazi Khaled Shams Chisty, Mohammad Behroz Jalil and Omar Faruq. Journal of Business Studies (ISBN: 1815-3267); Published by Centre for Business Research, Southeast University; Vol. II No. 2: Pg. 257-267; July-Dec. 2006.

Journal Publication (Total 7)

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K., & Sulphey, M. M. (2021). A case study on the entrepreneurial process of push and pull women entrepreneurs. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 10(2), 207–217.

K Biswas, Alam S and Sulphey MM (2015), Work-Family Conflict and Non-Sharing Jobs: The Link Exploredfor Dhaka, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, vol. 4, January 2015, ISSN 2974-5443

 Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam (2011) “Penetrating the Middle Class of the SAARC Region: A Gateway to Competitiveness of Emerging India” Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow.  Issue No.1, January-June, 2011, Vol. 10.

Humayun Kabir Chowdhury and Kohinoor Biswas (2011) “The Effects of Country Associations and Price on Consumer Quality Perceptions: A Cognitive Information Processing Perspective”International Journal of Management:  Vol. 28 No. 1 Part 1, March , 2011,

Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam ( 2011) “A Nexus between BOP Entrepreneurs and BOP Consumers: A Snap Shot from Bangladesh” International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management , Vol no 2, Issue 3 ( March), ISSN 0976-2183

Biswas, Kohinoor and Shabnam, Saadia (2009), “Strengths and Sustainability of Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Issues and Prospects”, Journal of Marketing , Vol. 11, June.

 Shabnam, Saadia and Biswas, Kohinoor (2009), “Export Potential of Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Situation Analysis Using TOWS Matrix” Business Review, Khulna University, July.

Conference & Seminars

Farhan Faruqui, Lecturer M. Sayeed Alam, Assistant Professor Kohinoor Biswas, Senior Lecturer, East West University,“Gender and Small Business : Entrepreneurship Experiences from Women Entrepreneurs of Dhaka “2nd International Conference on Statistical Sciences, December 26-27, Carlton University of Canada and North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008


Kohinoor Biswas, Senior Lecturer, East West Saadia Shabnam, Lecturer, East West , “Strengths and Sustainability of Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: “Journal of Marketing, University of Dhakavol no. 11, 2008

Awards (Total 2)

Best paper award in Marketing Track for the paper titled ” A Case Approach to Test The Potentials of Transformation from Informal in to Formal Sector – A Snapshot from Dhaka Metropolis” in the International Conference on Business and Social Science Research, ICBSSR, Bangladesh, September 2015

Awarded 2nd prize for the paper titled” Challenges in Women Owned Small and Medium Sized Retail Business; A Perspective of Globalization” in the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Management Research, organized by Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Trichy, India 2009


Chapters in Edited Book (Total 13)

Alam, M S., Biswas, K., Esha H B, (2024). “Shajgoj” In Pandey, A., Bandyopadhyay, C., Debnath, R., Innovation for a Sustainable Future- selected cases, ISBN: 978-93-56408-64-7, pp. 87-92. Bloomsbury, New Delhi India

Biswas, K., Alam, M. S., Esha, B.H. (2023). Unmad: Can Leadership Help Survive the Satirical Magazine- A Case from Bangladesh. In Shreya Mishra. Case Studies on Leading and Strategizing for Organizations across Context. ISBN 978-93-56406-84-1. Bloomsbury India

Biswas, K., Alam, M. S., Muralidhara, G.V. (2023). Readymade Garment Industry in Bangladesh: Can It Retain the Lead in the Global Market? In G. V. Muralidhara. Doing Business in South Asia: A Case Study Collection. ISBN: 978-1-032-19851-4 (hbk), 978-1-032-19846-0 (pbk). 978-1-003-26115-5 (ebk),pp 73-82,  DOI: 10.4324/9781003261155-14. Routledge

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K., (2021). Entrepreneurial Marketing for Growth: A Case of Relevance during Pandemic from the Street Food Business in Dhaka. In Jain, D. R. K., Dikkatwar, D. R., Prasad, D. V. K. S., De, D. T., & Gonela, D. S. K. (Ed.) An Anthology of Multi-Functional Perspectives in Business and Management Research (Symbiosis International Conference on Rigor, Relevance and Resilience in Business & Management Research {SICBM-2021}, Vol. 2, Ser. ISBN: 978-93-91260-12-5, pp. 190–206). essay, Eureka Publications.

Alam M S, Shahriar, S. H. B and Biswas, K. (2020), “Deriving Some Marketing Insights from the Kachhi Biryani Market in New Dhaka”. In Developing Resilience in Disruptive Times -Insights from Strategic Management (pp.316-324). Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9789390358588

Alam, M. S., Biswas, K. (2019). Apon Coffee House: A Brand from Dhaka- What lies Ahead. In H Lehtimäki & A.K Dey, Sustainable Business and Competitive Strategies Retail Industry and E-Marketing(pp.173-182).Bloomsbury India.

Biswas, K. & M.A. Koreshi (2016) “Understanding Television Viewing Pattern: Young Bangladeshi Viewers’ Perspective”. Contemporary Issues in Business Research, pp. 160-177 ISBN 978-984-34-1057-3, vol. 2, December, 2016.

Biswas, K. and Alam, M. S. (2015), A Case Approach to Test the Potentials of Transformation from Informal in to Formal Sector- a Snapshot from Dhaka Metropolis. Dr. Tanbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Contemporary Issues in Business Research, pp. 61-72, Dhaka. Department of Business Administration, East West University. ISBN 978-984-33-9383-8

Alam S and Biswas K (2015), Market Orientation and Informal Street Food Business: A Snapshot from Dhaka, Retailing- Trends in the New Millennium, ISBN 978-81-8094-165-8, MPJ Publishers

 Ms Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam, Imtiaz Ahmed, (2011) “Marketing Practices in the Informal Enterprises: An Excerpt from Dhaka”, Marketing Management ,  APH Publishing Corporation  New Delhi, India . pp 1-9, ISBN 978-313-1217-9

Ms Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam,  (2011) “Cooperative Finance : A new Product for Women In Business ”, Women and Development, Novel Corporation, Chennai, India ,  pp 978-81, ISBN 978-81-906512-1-9

Ms Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam, (2011) “Chronic Poverty Trap- an  Etiology from Dhaka  and few recommendation “Poverty and Food Security in Rural India, Novel Corporation, Chennai, India ,  pp 273-282,

 ISBN 978-81-906529-4-6

Sayeed Alam, Kohinoor Biswas, Farhan Faruqui(2009), Challenges in Women Owned Small and Medium Sized Retail Business: Perspective of Globalization”, Contemporary Issues in Management Research, Centre for Contemporary Mangement Research, Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Bharathidasan University, Excel Books, Trichi, India. pp: 169-79, ISBN 978-81-7446-713-3.

Conference papers (total 13)

Biswas, K., Shahriar, S. H. B and Alam M S (2021), A Case of Resilience amid COVID19: Dhopa Dako (An online laundry start-up) from Dhaka Metropolis.21th International Business Horizon INBUSH ERA WORLD SUMMIT (virtual mode) organized by Amity University, India, 17-19 February

Biswas, K., Shahriar, S. H. B and Alam M S (2021), “Jasmin’s Home-Made Food- a 12-year-old HBB from Dhaka: What lies ahead?” 2"d International Case Conference Katastasi-2021(virtual mode) Fortune Institute of International Business, New Delhi, 03rd April 2021

Biswas, K., & F.E.R. Fiza (2018) “Sexual Harassment by Educator: A Glance at East West University”. National Conference on Contemporary Changes in Bangladesh Society, Department of Sociology, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. May 12, 2018.

Biswas, K. M.S. Alam & M.J. Hosen, (2017) “A Case of Success Story from the Street Market in Dhaka”. Conference Reaching consumers of emerging markets, proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference organized by Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (Noida Campus). January 5-7 (2017), pp. 791-794, ISBN: 978-81-928560-2-5. India.

Biswas, K., & M.S. Alam (2017) “Is Informal Economy Pro or Against of Green Economy? A Literature Review on the Debate”. International Conference on Knowledge Transfer, Organized by East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) with the financial support of UGC/World Bank Academic Innovation Fund, February 17-18 (2017), pp. 26-27. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Biswas, K. S H B Shahriar and M Islam ( 2016), Ups and Downs of a Brand ‘Spicy Chicken’ a Restaurant with her First-door Neighbor, East West University: a Case from Dhaka, Bangladesh Conference on Brand Management. Indian Institute of Management, Delhi, India, 16-17 April

M S Alam and K Biswas (2016) Vision with passion Creates a Brand of Restaurant: A Case from Dhaka Bangladesh. Conference on Brand Management. Indian Institute of Management, Delhi, India, 16-17 April

M Sayeed Alam, Kohinoor Biswas, (2011), “Branding for Retail Informal Market: A Road to the Formal Economy” 4th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies, organized by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad , 5-7 January, 2011

M Sayeed Alam, Kohinoor Biswas and Abdus Sattar (2010)“Impact of ‘Confidence’ on Transforming Women Entrepreneurs from Informal to Formal Sector: A Snapshot from Metropolis Dhaka” Presented to the International conference on Knowledge Globalization was organized by North South University, Bangladesh and Knowledge Globalization Institute, USA and Suffolk University, Boston, USA, May 9-10, 2010.

M Sayeed Alam and Kohinoor Biswas (2010) “Marketability of ‘Made in SAARC’ – An Explorative Study on Nominal and Extended Decision Making Situations” First International Marketing Conference (MARCON 2010), Indian Institute of Management Calcutta ,December 27-29, 2010.

Sayeed Alam, Kohinoor Biswas (2009), “Capitalizing on the Regional Potential: A Guide to Enhance Competitiveness of India Inc.”,Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate, May 21-23, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode and Indian Institute of Management, Luknow, India. pp: 212-15.

Kohinoor Biswas, M Sayeed Alam (2009) “Cooperative Finance; an innovative financing plan for women in business  an experimental study on Dhaka City”, International Finance Conference , Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta , India, 3-5 December  2009

Saadia Shabnam, Kohinoor Biswas (2009),“Export Potential of Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry: Situational Analysis Using TOWS Matrix, Market and Ethics, Association for Management Development in Bangladesh (AMDIB), March 28, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Selected Publications
  1. Alharbi, S. S., Al Mamun, M., Boubaker, S., & Rizvi, S. K. A. (2023). Green finance and renewable energy: A worldwide evidence. Energy Economics, 106499. [ABDC A* and Q1 Ranked] 
  2. Al Mamun, Md, Boubaker, S., & Nguyen, D. K. (2022). Green finance and decarbonization: Evidence from around the world. Finance Research Letters, 46, 102807. [ABDC A and Q1 Ranked] 
  3. Kazi, S., Shaiara, H., Kristina, C., & Al, Mamun Md. (2022). Policy Uncertainty, Oil Price, Stock Market and Precious Metal Markets Volatility Spillovers in the Russian Economy. Economy of Regions, 18(2), 383-397. [Q2 Ranked] 
  4. Alharbi, S., Al Mamun, Md, & Atawnah, N. (2021). Uncovering real earnings management: Pay attention to risk-taking behavior. International Journal of Financial Studies, 9(4), 53. [ABDC B and Q2 Ranked]
  5. Raza, S. A., Shah, N., Suleman, M. T., & Al Mamun, Md (2021). A multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of housing market: a role of financial crises in developed economies. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. [ABDC B and Q2 Ranked]
  6. Alharbi, S., Atawnah, N., Al Mamun, Md, & Ali, M. J. (2020). Local culture and tax avoidance: Evidence from gambling preference behavior. Global Finance Journal, 100585[ABDC A and Q2 Ranked]
  7. Al Mamun Md. Balachandran B, Doung H, Gul F. (2020). Are Corporate General Counsels in Top Management Effective Monitors? Evidence from Stock Price Crash Risk . The European Accounting Review.  [ABDC A* and Q1 Ranked]
  8. Al Mamun, Md, Balachandran, B., & Duong, H. N. (2020). Powerful CEOs and stock Price crash risk. Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, 101582. [ABDC A* and Q2 Ranked]
  9. Al Mamun, Md, Uddin, G. S., Suleman, M. T., & Kang, S. H. (2020). Geopolitical risk, uncertainty and Bitcoin investment. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 540, 123107. [WoS, Q1 Ranked]
  10. Samargandi, N., Al Mamun, Md, Sohag, K., & Alandejani, M. (2019). Women at work in Saudi Arabia: Impact of ICT diffusion and financial development. Technology in Society, 59, 101187. [WoS, Q1 Ranked]
  11. Puwanenthiren, P., Dang, M., Henry, D., Puwanenthiren, P., & Al Mamun, Md (2019). Does managerial ability matter for the choice of seasoned equity offerings?. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 47, 442-460.  [ABDC B and WoS, Q2 Ranked]
  12. Yoon, S. M., Al Mamun, Md, Uddin, G. S., & Kang, S. H. (2019). Network connectedness and net spillover between financial and commodity markets. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 48, 801-818. [ABDC B and WoS, Q2 Ranked]
  13. Malik, M., Al Mamun, Md, & Amin, A. (2018). Peer pressure, CSR spending, and long-term financial performance. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 1-20. [ABDC B and WoS, Q2 Ranked]
  14. Al Mamun, Md, Sohag, K., Shahbaz, M., & Hammoudeh, S. (2018). Financial markets, innovations and cleaner energy production in OECD countries. Energy Economics, 72, 236-254. [ABDC A* and Q1 Ranked]
  15. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2017). Resource, governance, and growth. Economic Modelling. 63: 238–261. [ABDC A and Q1 Ranked]
  16. Sohag, K., Al Mamun, Md, Uddin, G. S., & Ahmed, A. M. (2017). Sectoral output, energy use, and CO 2 emission in middle-income countries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(10), 9754-9764. [WoS, Q1 Ranked]
  17. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2016). Managing the future megacity: an appraisal of knowledge about energy challenges and energy-saving attitudes among households in Dhaka. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 35(7), 701-721. [WoS, Q2 Ranked]
  18. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2016). Does remittance fuel labor productivity in Bangladesh? The application of an asymmetric non-linear ARDL approach. Applied Economics, 1-17.  [ABDC A and Q1 Ranked]
  19. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2016). Revisiting the dynamic linkage between FDI and economic development in LDCs. International Journal of Economic Policies in Emerging Economies, 08(02): 97-118.  [WoS, Q2 Ranked]
  20. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2015). Remittance and domestic labor productivity: evidence from remittance recipient countries. Economic Modelling, 47: 207-218. [ABDC A and Q1 Ranked]
  21. Al Mamun, Md, et al. M., (2015). Are investors rational, irrational or normal? Journal of Economic & Financial Studies, 3(04): 01-15. 
  22. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2014). Dynamic linkages between diffusion of Information Communication Technology and labor productivity in South Asia.  Applied Economics, 46(26): 3246-3260. [ABDC A and Q1 Ranked] 
  23. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2014). Regional differences in the dynamic linkage between CO2 emissions, sectoral output, and economic growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 38, 1-11.  [WoS, Q1 Ranked] 
  24. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2013). The effect of macroeconomic and market specific dynamics on stock market development in global growth generator countries. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 03(09):1152-1169. [Scopus, Q3 Ranked]
  25. Al Mamun, Md. et al. (2013). A panel analysis of the financial determinants of CSR in Bangladeshi banking industry. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 03(05):560-578. [Scopus, Q3 Ranked]
  26. Al Mamun, Md. et al. (2013). Digital divide and its impact on economic growth in SAARC countries. International Journal of Applied Research in Business Administration and Economics, 02(02): 14 – 26. 
  27. Al Mamun, Md, et al. (2012). Origin of and solution to global financial meltdown: an Islamic view. International Journal of Business and Management, 07(12): 115-129. [Scopus, Q4 Ranked]
  28. Laila Zaman, Farida Yasmeen, and Al Mamun, Md (2012). An Assessment of Fashionable Management Concepts’ Awareness Level among Bangladeshi Managers Move towards Knowledge Economy. IJAR-BAE, 02(01): 40 – 50.
  29. Al Mamun, Md, (2012). Towards universal banking: a study of Bangladeshi private commercial banks. International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 02(05): 2231– 4245.

  1. Al Mamun Md, et al. (2003). Is beta the panacea for security valuation?” Journal of the Cost and Management, 40 (03): 38-44.
  2. Al Mamun Md, (1999). Critiques of democratic control as a mode of market coordination. The Horizon, 04(09): 42-45.