Ongoing Researches

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Faculty Members Ongoing Researches

  • Finance 
  • Capital Markets
  • Banking & Insurance
  • SME
  • Financial Institutes and Markets

Qualitative research in accounting and management control systems
Accounting issues in the public sector and not for profit organizations
Governance, accountability and performance measurement systems in the public sector
Role of accounting technologies in organizational change
Financial, administrative, and cultural aspects of management control systems.

Institute of Water Modelling – Economic Analysis of City Waste Disposal in Sylhet City Corporation, Jan-August 2016

Institute of Water Modelling – Feasibility Analysis of Eastern Bypass Project in Dhaka, March-August 2016

Adam Smith International – Economic Development and Green Growth – Diagnostic study on Green Growth Prospects in Bangladesh, August – September 2016

Institute of Water Modelling – Analyzing demand for agricultural water in selected districts – Naogaon and Khulna – 2016 Jan – 2016 March

ILO, Dhaka – Evaluation of Decent Work Country Program 2012-2015; from Nov 18, 2015 to Jan 18, 2016

Indian High Commission – Led a Pre-Feasibility study of the Sites for the Indian High Commission in order to
help the Indian High Commission to select the sites for them [a team organized by Unnayan Shamannay]

UNICEF, Understanding the quality of public expenditure in primary education in Bangladesh (with Unnayan Shamannay) 2014-15

The Planning Commission, Bangladesh – part of the team on mainstreaming climate change in plan documents through Ag Econ Association (2014-15)

Grontmij on Feasibility Study to Secure Sustainable and Cost Efficient Water Supply System (2015) – with Instiute of Water Modeling, 2015

IWM Expert on economic and financial analysis of water sector projects (2015)

MFF research grant management (2015)

IUCN ecosystem services research (2012,2014)

CREL, Dhaka for advising on ecosystem services research (Climate Resilient Ecosystem and Livelihood)

UNDP fund for developing climate and disaster vulnerability index for BD, 2013

ADB research study on energy pricing 2012

UNDP Evaluation of activities in Bangladesh

IIED research grant 2011

INM Research Grant 2009-10BIFC-IFC research fund 2008-2010

PREM research fund (2004)

SDPI research fund(2004)

BMZ-GTZ evaluation of activities in Bangladesh

BBS-UNDP fund (1998-99)

BIDS-UNDP fund (2000-2001)

SANEI-GDN fund (a (2001)

BBS-UNDP fund (2001)

SANEI-GDN fund – 2002

BBS-UNDP fund 2002

  • Finance 
  • Capital Markets
  • Banking & Insurance
  • SME
  • Financial Institutes and Markets
  • Country-of-Origin (COO) effect,
  • B2B buying behavior,
  • Consumer buying behavior,
  • Market Efficiency, Time Series Behavior of Trade.

Energy Economics, Development Macroeconomics

  • Qualitative research in accounting and management control systems
    Accounting issues in the public sector and not for profit organizations
    Governance, accountability and performance measurement systems in the public sector
    Role of accounting technologies in organizational change
    Financial, administrative, and cultural aspects of management control systems.
  • Quality Management
  • Lean Production
  • Investment Climate
  • Higher Education

  • Diffusion of Management Accounting Practices
  • Management Accounting Change and Innovation
  • Behavioral Management Accounting
  • Governance
  • Tax
  • Public Finance Management
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services; trade-offs in ecosystem services
  • Environmental valuation; valuation under risk
  • Economics of climate change
  • Street food
  • Informal enterprise 
  • Branding for micro business  
  • Street food
  • Informal enterprise 
  • Branding for micro business  

Health Economics, Labor Economics, Experimental Economics and Development Economics

  • Human Resource Management , Effective Recruitment, Soft skills, People Analytics
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)