EWU MBA club visited Shabnam Vegetables Oil Industries
On December 15, 2022, the East West MBA club went to Shabnam Vegetables Oil Industries limited a subsidiary industry of the TK group. This industry visit took place after a long time since 2018. 36 students took part in this industrial visit. The people in charge of Shabnam Vegetable Oil greeted EWUIAN with a smile. MBA Club President Noor Muhammed introduced his panel and thanked TK Group for organizing this tour. Col. (Ret.) Almas Raisul Ghani, head of administration of the TK group welcomed students and start the visit with a presentation of the TK group. Students are split into four groups, and each group visited all the businesses in Shabnam Vegetables Oil Industries. Each team was led by a member of the top management, and they gave a detailed presentation on each plant. In this industry, there are several plants, and the products produced in this industry are lentils, flour, refined oil, pamolin, dalda, and tea in bulk quantities.
Shabnam Vegetable Oil started up in 1972. Mr. Towhid, General Manager, Mohammad Shahidul Islam, Senior Deputy General Manager, Mohammed Belal Uddin Assistant General Manager and Major (Ret.) Ashik from Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries was there during the tour and answered questions from the students. The MBA club moderator acknowledged the full cooperation and hospitality of the TK group, thanked them, and hoped to have another visit like this one in the future.