The Department of Economics, East West University organized its 3rd research conference, “Economic Research Conclave 2024” on March 1st and 2nd, 2024 in hybrid mode. The inaugural session was held on March 1st at the SM Nousher Ali Lecture Gallery with the inaugural speech being delivered by Professor Shams Rahman, Vice Chancellor, East West University.
Following the welcome speech by Muntasir Chaudhury Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Chairperson, Department of Economics, East West University, Professor Alan C. McKinnon, PhD. Kuehne Logistics University of Hamburg, Germany delivered the Keynote speech on the Role of Logistics in Climate Change. The inaugural session was wrapped up by the session chair: Professor Mohammed Farashuddin, Ph.D., Chief Adviser, East West University related the challenge posed by climate change with the lack of enforcement mechanisms for global accords on climate change, and he emphasized the importance of balancing between the prosperity of current generation with the sustainability of the world economy for the future generations.
The two-day conference consisted of four sessions on Climate Change and Adaptation, Economic Development and Contemporary Urban Issues, Labor and Health Economics, and Economic Vulnerability and External Sector, covering fifteen papers in total. In addition to participants from EWU, scholars and practitioners from abroad also attended in the conference. The plenary session of 1st March 2024 was held on the topic of “Geopolitical Approach to Economic Policies”, moderated by Assistant Professor Pervez Karim Abbasi.
S.M. Zulfiqar Ali, Ph.D., Research Director, BIDS, Sajjad Zohir, Ph.D., Executive Director, Economic Research Group, Air Cdre (Retd.) Ishfaq Ilahi Choudhury, Treasurer, East West University, Mehnaz Rabbani, Head of Operations, Strategic Engagement and Partnership, BIGD, BRAC University, Narayan C. Das, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, BIGD, BRAC University, Towfiqul Islam Khan, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Mohammad Yunus, Ph.D., Research Director, BIDS, Ms. Jing Song, Senior Operations Coordinator for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Ms. Kona Lasker Haque, Member, Board of Trustees, East West University and Professor Bijay P Barua, East West University graced the conclave with their presence and conducted their respective sessions as Chairs and plenary session participants.
The plenary session of 2nd March 2024 was held on “The Role of UNHCR in Bangladesh” chaired by Ms. Kona Lasker Haque, Member, Board of Trustees, East West University, and the discussion was conducted by Ms. Jing Song, Senior Operations Coordinator for UNHCR and Professor Bijay P Barua, East West University. The conclave was concluded by a session headed by Professor A.K. Enamul Haque, PhD. Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics. Former Minister of Planning, Muhammad Abdul Mannan MP, graced the session as chief guest, with Professor Mohammed Farashuddin, Ph.D., Chief Adviser, East West University as the special guest. Professor Ashik Mosaddik, PhD, Pro Vice Chancellor, East West University delivered the concluding speech. Posters by projects of graduates from the Entrepreneurship Development Centre, East West University were also highlighted in the venue.