Dr. Nikhil Chandra Shil presented a paper in SAFA International Conference on “Role of Professional Accountants in Economic Development and Sustainability”
South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) is the apex body of professional accountants within SAARC region comprising professional accounting organizations from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, SriLanka, and Nepal. Every year SAFA organizes conferences in member countries. This year the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN) and CPA Afghanistan (a new member of SAFA) has jointly organized the SAFA International Conference on ‘Role of Professional Accountants in Economic Development and Sustainability’ during 27th and 28th of August 2017 at Radission Hotel, Nepal.
Dr. Nikhil Chandra Shil FCMA, Associate Professor of East West University has joined the Conference as a speaker in plenary session under the theme ‘Role of Professional Accountants in Economic Development’. Other speakers in this session were the council members and high officials from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Ministry of Finance Afghanistan, and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal.
Dr. Shil has explained the role of professional accountants in economic development particularly the role that professional accountants play as mediator, protecting public interest and combating corruptions. The conference was attended by policy makers, professional accountants from SAARC and other countries, high officials from European Federation of Accountants and Auditors, World Congress of Accountants, International Accounting Standards Board, Central Banks and other Banks from SAARC countries etc.