Graduate Programs

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Enhancing the capabilities of the learner towards building an efficient and effective manager is the primary mission of the MBA program of East West University Business School. The program intends to provide students with an integrated understanding of how to manage organizations more effectively and in a socially responsible manner.

Name of Programs
Total Credit
Fee per Credit
Tuition Fees
Lab & Activities Fees
Admission Fee
Grand Total
MBA 60.0 6,000/= 360,000/= 12,060/= 20,000/= 392,060/= 

Enhancing a manager’s capabilities across functional areas is the primary mission of the Executive MBA program of East West University Business School. The program intends to provide students with an integrated understanding of how to manage organizations more effectively and in a socially responsible mannerThe Executive MBA Program of East West University is designed according to the guidelines of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The contemporary and innovative EWU curriculum of EMBA program is based upon a compelling philosophy of teaching that allows students achieve an excellence in performance. The curriculum encourages students to sharpen both their analytical and communication skills-placing a balanced emphasis on quantitative and qualitative approaches. A range of specialized and interdisciplinary courses focus on building leadership abilities and training managers to manage strategically in a growing global and technologically advanced environment.

Length of Program:
Students will normally complete the requirements for the Executive MBA degree within a maximum of two years and four months from the date of their admission. Students may complete the degree in one year and four months by enrolling in four consecutive semesters taking maximum course load. The time limit may be extended up to five years.

Name of Programs
Total Credit
Fee per Credit
Tuition Fees
Lab & Activities Fees
Admission Fee
Grand Total
EMBA 42.0 6,000/= 252,000/= 12,060/= 20,000/= 284,060/=