Seminar On “Deglobalization to Decarbonization: A Comprehensive Review of Supply Chain Management”
The Department of Business Administration organized a seminar on 27 February, 2024 at the Manzur Elahi Auditorium of the East West University, centered on the transformative journey from Deglobalization to Decarbonization: A Comprehensive Review of Supply Chain Management. This transition signifies a fundamental shift in our approach to conceptualizing, designing, and overseeing supply chains.
Professor Shams Rahman, Vice Chancellor, East West University; and Mr. Naquib Khan, President, Bangladesh Supply Chain Management Society and Country Head & Ambassador, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in Bangladesh delivered a short speech. The heart of the session, Keynote Speaker Professor Alan C. McKinnon shared the history, concerns, and significance regarding supply chain management.
Professor Alan C. McKinnon shared invaluable insights, underscoring the imperative for interventions to fortify supply chains and realize overarching sustainability objectives. The seminar served as a forum for comprehensive discussions on the dynamic terrain of supply chain management, particularly within the framework of transitioning from deglobalization to decarbonization.