Shark Talks: Episode 2
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present" - Bill Keane. When 2020 was started, everyone built an enormous bucket of dreams and hopes for themselves. But as Bill Keane said, tomorrow is a mystery. Following the quote, 2020 really became a mystery for us. An unwanted exotic pilgrim entered into our life and turned everything into woe. Nobody was prepared for that pilgrim which is known to the world as COVID 19. But we humans can't live without hope and definitely life cycle cannot put an end due to a foreign wayfarer.
As the young generation is one of the major a portion of Business entrepreneurs, the youth should be provided with a chance to get acknowledged with more new and innovative ideas of Business motivated by COVID 19. Bearing these things in mind, East West University Business Club has organized “Shark Talks”, a learning webinar session series. The corporate world is wide as the ocean and the successful business tycoons are considered as the great sharks, “Shark Talks” series will be directed by the respective business tycoons of the corporate industry. The milestone of this webinar series is to introduce undergrad students of Bangladesh with versatile business concepts. On 20th August, the second episode of the webinar series, "How COVID-19 is motivating innovation in business” has been broadcasted live from East West University Business Club’s official page, free for all students all over the country. To enlighten up the students, East West University Business Club brought the “Tiger Sharks”. Respectively they are,
Dr. Md. Abdul Momen, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, East West University
Risalat Siddique, The Man of Steel, Analyzen
Nazim Farhan Choudhury, Managing Director, Adcomm Limited
A student not only from East West University but also from across the country got the golden opportunity to know about the four broad issues, which are- The current and post business situation of Pandemic, the new era of Business with innovations, the skills, and market analysis that students are wanting to approach for their business success and Suggestions for future entrepreneurs by experts.
COVID 19 has really changed all the old and general phenomenon of the world. Every day something new is coming regularly to make our life reliable from this unwell situation. to get used to and amazed by all the new innovations, such a lenient treat for the students from the best possible experts.